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DDoS attack on sites [Updated]


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Claiming to be in anonymous = not in anonymous.


Rule #1 and #2: Do NOT mention 4chan. He might be using their freeware LOIC (Low Orbit Ion Cannon, a reference to Animes and Command & Conquer RTS games, for those who haven't heard of it) botnet software, but I'm pretty sure he's not working with anon on this one, if they put up with furries on their own board they'll put up with 'RPGfags' on the web (inverted commas for obvious reasons). Anon is nothing if not ruled by 'nerd' culture. And it turns out Fallout is popular amongst that demographic. Now 2/5 of this site is dedicated to Fallout, and the rest to other popualr RPGs (Oblivion spawned a few Memes too). DDoSing like this doesn't produce enough 'lulz' to hold /b/'s attention, it's not like it's something the more moral (in the LOOSEST sense of the word) members can get behind like an attack on the RIAA or sony.


Hell the Vaultboy was a popular meme for quite a while on /b/, image macro generator and all.

Edited by Lt Albrecht
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It sounds like this douche needs to learn that you cant get what you want by just chucking a hissy fit. No Surrender! XD

I think you meant to use the term douchebag which is more befitting.


douchebag - An individual who has an over-inflated sense of self worth, compounded by a low level of intelligence, behaving ridiculously in front of colleagues with no sense of how moronic he appears.


Please let this thread die a natural death and forget the script kiddie that got his panties in a wad for being told not to do something illegal.

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