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Nazi - flag


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The depiction of Nazi heraldry in a historical manner is not wrong. However, using it to promote Nazi ideology is very wrong. There are far too many in the world who still embrace this ideology and are hoping to restart what the world stamped out some 80 years ago.





Imho, you can kindof bet that the huge majority of people making and using "NaziThemed" stuff for games like this one are NOT doing it for historical reference XD .

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Because this is illegal in several countries that means it MUST be illegal everywhere? Then maybe we should look at every other country and remove anything they made illegal as well? That would remove probably at least 80% of the content here. Except there are a few countries that ban the games we mod - so now based on your demand that we censor based on your specifications that because something is illegal in some country that Nexus is not based in, you just became responsible for demanding we censor everything here because it is illegal in some country. :pinch:


Nexus is a UK company, and must abide by the laws of the UK. If we try to abide by the laws of every country on earth you will find a lot of contradictions where something that is required in one country is flat out illegal in some other country. So we will stick to UK law. And Nazi garbage is not illegal under UK law. Poor taste is also not regulated. :whistling:


My suggestion: If it is illegal in your country, or you object to the content of a mod - please do not use it.

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The depiction of Nazi heraldry in a historical manner is not wrong. However, using it to promote Nazi ideology is very wrong. There are far too many in the world who still embrace this ideology and are hoping to restart what the world stamped out some 80 years ago.





Imho, you can kindof bet that the huge majority of people making and using "NaziThemed" stuff for games like this one are NOT doing it for historical reference XD .


I would quite agree with you. The author claims to use it in an "historical" context while applying it to a group of 18th Century Continental Patriots. I also find his use of the word "nostalgic" somewhat disturbing when used for a murderous fascist regime. Most disturbing, indeed.




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Well... I was under the impression that we were all adults (when signing up for Nexus you DID check that age box). This having been said, if you don't like the flag, then don't download the mod. I've used Nazi assets before in mods of my own making and I frankly don't care for other peoples SJW whining because I've dealt with that trolling far to much to be effected by it. If I'm building an area which needs the assets to look authentic, then I'm going to use them with permissions from the author.


Most people who bring this up are merely troll baiting. They find the flag offensive. They find the Nazi ideaology offensive. They can't believe that the evil holocaust happened and therefore everything Nazi related is offensive, and must be buried for all time to appease a sense of justice.


I honestly don't care. It's part of history. Deal with it. Learn from it. Be better from it having happened. If you don't like it, then don't upvote, don't download, and move along. If the mod promotes the ideology it violates Article 3:2 of the Nexus ToS, and should be flagged.

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Would have phrased it less offensive, but: ^this!

Yeah... I pretty much worded it the way I did because I've been embittered from the troll baiting before while releasing one of my mods. I've learned that it's wise to preempt a lot of the witty retorts even if you come off as rude. There only a handful of counter arguments people like to use to justify the 'ban it all' stance thus while taking my own stance on something like this I have learned to favor making it Ironclad.

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To be quite honest, I think the author may have been trying to stir the pot, tho. Just between the description, the no commenting, and after the long discussion just had. I think they knew it would cause more nonsense, but, I cannot prove that, so I wont outright accuse them, just my suspicion.

Best thing to do if it offends you, is just avoid it. Not like you will see it in the top mods any time soon.

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