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Yes, it's time for Switch's vacation! I'm off to far, distant lands... okay, Stratford. I'll be gone from tomorrow for a week, and should be back on here on the 23rd/24th. Try not to let the forums fall apart while I'm gone, and keep those reports coming so I know who's been doing what behind my back. :P
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And keep those reports coming so I know who's been doing what behind my back. :P

You know me... Always happy to spam you with reports! :P


Have a nice week!

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Is that Stratford East London, Stratford Ontario, Stratford on Shakepeare or another one altogether?


Have a good time.


If you visit my old uni town (Birmingham) say hi for me.

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Is that Stratford East London, Stratford Ontario, Stratford on Shakepeare or another one altogether?

Yes, please tell me. The question over whether I'm north or south of the Stratford you're going to is keeping me awake at night. :happy:

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