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Aggravating Slight Stutter Issue


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OK I've had this issue now for awhile. It's been happening before as well as after the last beta update, with or without mods installed. I'll be playing ok then all of a sudden I'll start to notice that there is a slight lag or stutter to the video. Nothing major and not unplayable but it's just really aggravating. When it happens my FPS is ok generally close to 60. Now I've encountered areas where the FPS will drop to close to 30 and I do not get the lag/stutter at all. I tried to do a clear buffer via the console to see if maybe that would help but it doesn't. The only way to get rid of it is to do a save, quit game and then reload the saved game. Any ideas as to what I can do to get rid of this?


BTW when I first started playing the game I never had this issue. After quite a few hours of game play it started to show up and has been there ever since. I have also since done a complete re-install of the game and restart of a new game but the issue persists. Also other than this I never have any other issues and never have any game crash whatsoever. Game actually runs very stable.

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Well it was happening in a previous playthru. After that playthru I had to uninstall and reinstall FO4 (completely removing all FO4 files and INIs) and started a new game from scratch not using any old saves. And I still had the issue. Then the latest beta patch was released and it seemed like maybe the issue was resolved but after playing a bit it started showing up again. Again it's not really a bad stutter/lag but more of a sluggishness when moving the mouse. Just bugs me when playing.

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As others said uninstall the game, remove the folders with the ini files, back up your safe games, reinstall the game, Also it is linked to Shadow distance look at Skyrim for example its shadow distance for Ultra is way less than Fallout 4, with today's processors and the cpu based shadow renderer only using 1-2 cores, top limit for shadow distance I would Try not to even hit the lowest setting 6100-6200 is a good max for Max, for min distance with shadow boost 3900 is a good number, the more of a gab between the min and max the more hitching you will get as the cpu is being gimped only using 1-2 cores for the cpu based shadows. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/1822/?

If you are on AMD its good to use the config tool here on the nexus to disable god rays and volumetric lighting... with Shadow Boost since gameworks is slapped onto the CPU.


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Well I have already done the uninstall and reinstall cleaning out all of the FO4 files and starting completely clean. That didn't help. As far as shadows I don't think it's an issue. The game plays fine 99% of the time and I get excellent FPS. But even when the FPS does drop down occasionally into the 30s I don't get any lag/jitter at all. Also the lag/jitter will happen indoors as well as outdoors when it does occasionally happen which I would think would eliminate shadows as an issue.


Also I am running on pretty good hardware..


OS - Windows 10 64 Bit
Intel i7-5930K CPU @ 3.50GHz 6 Core
16GB Quad Channel DDR4 at 2133MHz

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Someone mentioned something about using Steam's FPS overlay on max contrast fixing it. It seems weird and arbitrary, but so is Fallout 4.



EDIT: It might not be what you were looking for at all, but...


Edited by Athanasa
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Since you said lag at the startup of the game. How many save games do you have? I do know when you first startup the game, the game scans all the save game files in the Save directory, once you start getting into the high MB close to the GB range the game will do that. Best thing to do is to go to all of your characters and make a new save for each, then exit the game, then go to your save game folder sort by date as a list, and delete all the old save games keeping the ones you just made. This should increase performance. I also know with nvidia forcing target framerate has helped with some mixed with windowed boarderless. Do not touch the steam beta patch, once you do your save games are ruined NPC's will no longer respawn in the world. Any games with the steam beta patch you will have to go back to a point you didn't play and save in the beta.

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Seriously nexus admins, you should have WARNED people that the beta updates are DESTROYING games before telling us that it's a frigging FIX for loading times.

ARGH, now my game is stuttering like crazy!

Looks like even my earlier save is contaminated and this is the earliest I'll go, i spent 24 hours building that house in sanctuary hills!

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Since you said lag at the startup of the game. How many save games do you have? I do know when you first startup the game, the game scans all the save game files in the Save directory, once you start getting into the high MB close to the GB range the game will do that. Best thing to do is to go to all of your characters and make a new save for each, then exit the game, then go to your save game folder sort by date as a list, and delete all the old save games keeping the ones you just made. This should increase performance. I also know with nvidia forcing target framerate has helped with some mixed with windowed boarderless. Do not touch the steam beta patch, once you do your save games are ruined NPC's will no longer respawn in the world. Any games with the steam beta patch you will have to go back to a point you didn't play and save in the beta.


I keep my saves at a very small volume. I pull out older saves and save them to another folder just in case I need to go back to one of them for whatever reason.

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I keep my saves at a very small volume. I pull out older saves and save them to another folder just in case I need to go back to one of them for whatever reason.


Odd because on startup, that is the only thing that will cause a stutter from the intro video to the garage shots is having too many save game files in your save game folder.

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