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Private forum for recognised mod authors


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I would love to be part of this elite and honorable group but I haven't the foggist as to how to make a mod. So I will simply enjoy the benifits of these talented people.
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I would love to be part of this elite and honorable group but I haven't the foggist as to how to make a mod. So I will simply enjoy the benifits of these talented people.


Just download gimp and do something like this and you'll be there in no time : (NSFW)


http://www.fileplanet.com/149658/140000/fileinfo/Vampire:-Bloodlines---Malkavian-Nude-Skins - 23k downloads more or less - seriously leet and talented. :woot:

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ok I'll be honest with you guys I am honored to be able to participate in this special forum, but I don't think I deserve it because I don't consider myself a modder. I am a noob at best and I'm not even a good noob I'm a bad noob. I just feel bad knowing that there are some real modders out there who can't participate in this special forum because their file hasn't reach 1000 downloads yet. I will let them take my place they deserve it more than me.
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I admire the administration's desire to facilitate the communication between the modders who bring the most to our gaming lives. At the same time, though, I worry that this will reduce the content the rest of the forum members can see to some less than compelling discussions conducted between only the less talented or less prolific members. I for one greatly admire the modders who would have access to this private forum and would be greatly saddened to no longer be privy to their dialogues. I don't mean to insult any of the folks I admire who I believe had everyone's best interests at heart with this idea, but I have to say I'm put in mind of Orwell's Animal Farm. "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others."
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How about me? Do I qualify?


"Ultimate 3rd Person Camera v151 OMOD"


I made the addon for it--1678 downloads, 1209 downloads (unique).


When I first put it up someboy commented that 'anybody could make that'.


You simply never know what people will download.


(It's on the same page as Ultimate 3rd Person.)

Edited by GingerTom
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hawkfist, the purpose is not to "hide" valuable information from the community. It is encouraged that troubleshooting information, tutorials and valuable info for the entire community remain in the public forums.


GingerTom, if you read the article, you can figure that out for yourself.

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hawkfist, the purpose is not to "hide" valuable information from the community. It is encouraged that troubleshooting information, tutorials and valuable info for the entire community remain in the public forums.


GingerTom, if you read the article, you can figure that out for yourself.

My idea is basically sour-grapes, I guess, but of a relevant sort. I imagine a very near future where modders such as yourself and other heroes of mine will be having truly fascinating discussions about what mods you're embarking upon for Skyrim (yeah, baby!!!!!) and I won't be able to read a word of it. As a writer, I imagine subscribing to a forum administered by and for my favorite writers, spending time to learn how they brainstorm, what problems they encounter, what's coming up, etc., and then having it go private so that all that would be left to me (a Premium member who paid to download content from YOU and hear what YOU think, not post my own stupid rants) would be the chance to chat with other fans. Once the writers disappear from the writers' forum, what's left? Don't shut yourselves off from your fans. Label a thread "for serious modders with valuable input only," ask the admins to disintegrate anything posted to that thread by a noob like me, and you're in business. That's my two cents. Deeply sorry if I offend anyone.

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QUOTE: "GingerTom, if you read the article, you can figure that out for yourself." LHammonds


To you, LHammonds, for your information I did read the article, and, secondly I was pointing out the nonsense of it. As Grocho Marx said: "I don't want to be a member of a club that would have me as a member."


This ia another bad idea you people have come up with. (You're getting a lot of them lately.) It's just one step from 'white people can read this part of the site' and 'gay people and blacks can go elsewhere.'


How's AlienSlof, by-the-way.



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It's been a while since I posted anywhere in the forums. I just want to say, well done NEXUS on another great idea. I stopped releasing mods, although I still make them for my self and a few good friends because the reaction of a few ill informed self promoters made it deeply unpleasant to work. The most supportive people around where those who understood the sheer volume of work involved, ie other modders.



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QUOTE: "GingerTom, if you read the article, you can figure that out for yourself." LHammonds


To you, LHammonds, for your information I did read the article, and, secondly I was pointing out the nonsense of it. As Grocho Marx said: "I don't want to be a member of a club that would have me as a member."


This ia another bad idea you people have come up with. (You're getting a lot of them lately.) It's just one step from 'white people can read this part of the site' and 'gay people and blacks can go elsewhere.'


How's AlienSlof, by-the-way.




Aren't you just a little ray of sunshine. If you think its a bad idea that is your call, but don't insinuate and compare something that is done all the time on forums and at the end of the day is of no consequence to real life racism and prejudice. You saw why it was made....and another reason I strongly suspect that the forum section was made..is so that the modders could discuss over the tea and crumpets and Lilly white tablecloths how just sweet as sugar you are, hun.

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