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The Legion in Skyrim


Imperial Legion Presence in Skyrim  

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  1. 1. Would you like to see the Imperial Legion faction back in Skyrim?

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I hope they are there but clinging onto small forts and a few imperial towns. I would have thought they would have difficulty controlling a province as harsh as Skyrim- dragons or not.

As for joining them i think that would be great although i prefer to immerse myself in the local culture rather than being an imperial bootlick :P


As for the armour i have to disagree. I thought in Morrowind it was too obviously derived from Hollywood Rome and seemed a bit out of place. I think in oblivion they also failed by making the footsoldiers and guards wear silly heavy armour. Not only is it inpractical on foot but the cost of equiping an army in that would be huge! No wonder the empire was falling...

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That's funny, the Morrowind armor never felt out of place for me. I did some comparisons with actual Roman legion armours though, and was actually surprised by how different they were. Morrowind's legion armor seems much more heavy. Skyrim's version seems much more like actual legion armour with some additions. It's hard to say, though, with only that one pixelated pic. Oh, and what comes to Oblivion's armor. It was, it is, and shall always be horrible and stupid.


As for other things you mentioned, I agree. There shouldn't be too much power with the Empire - after all, it's been 200 years since it's days of glory. And the local cultures are indeed more interesting. Yet I believe with my character being a Bosmer it would be a little... say, strange to be the chief of a Nordic tribe.


Seen any... elves? Hahahahahahaa!

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The legion were, for me, vermin to be exterminated in every ES game so far. Legionaires, ofcourse, being leveled, are one of the few routinely hard enemies you can find, and while they do not provide any loot, they provide challenge, and slaughtering them en masse was hugely satisfying. Why? not out of any desire to better my nonexistant criminality, but because it fit the lore background of my puritanical inquisitor PC-when you are sent to hunt down daedra worshippers, corrupt individuals, and xenos freaks, arrogant, corrupt guards are the last thing you want in the way, so it makes sense that since they fit most of the catergoires of scum to hunt down, that you would wipe them from existance the name of the blazing sun without so much as a second thought.


I want them to be here because they, of all the enemies, were the best fighting partners: a watchcaptain provided as much as five minutes of battle, and while eventualy I became unkillable, they were my absolute favorite enemy, bar none. Fast, powerful, diligent, and unlike bandits, armoured, and unlike maurauders(my second favorite) available in high enough numbers to be entertaining.


Tl:Dr: Having soaked myself in the blood of legionaires every ES game I've played, i really, really want them here, FOR SLAUGHTER!

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  • 3 months later...

I hope they take a roman look to the armor but not heavily, I liked the Imperial armor after I downloaded the WAC overhaul, had a shoulder strap for the sword and some versions looked slightly damaged, as if they had seen their share of battle. Waalx also made imperial weaponry which were awesome looking and fit right into the game. I don't want to see them running around in roman tunics or sandals or looking like Caesars legion in fallout NV. I hope they looked at Waalx's overhaul when making armor and weapons because his fit so well in I couldn't believe it was not thought of by them.


As to their presence in Skyrim, I hope either they are mostly unwelcome and disliked but a small presence, maybe at some point after a main quest you witness townspeople attacking them in mobs ending their minor presence in towns (like mythic dawn supporters in Oblivion). Legion deserters making money as bandits and marauders, or even as mercenaries and sellswords. If they aren't present, there better be armor thrown in Skyrim somewhere as a reminder, although some may hate it haha.


I at least expect to have a side quest from some guy living the honest life and after completion, him giving you an old suit of Blades or Imperial Watch armor from family generations ago, that would be pretty sick.

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Yeah, I would be totally surprised to find that the Legion isn't playable or doesn't even have a major role. It's a civil between the Nords for and against the Cyrodillic Empire, so you can assume the Imperial Legion will want to get involved to maintain peace.


Plus for anyone wanting to play as an imperial, i'm sure they wouldnt want to join the rebellion!!!!! :no:

not unless i couls sabotage it from the inside of course :mellow:

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It was already confirmed that the Imperial Legion is joinable. Go read the OP for the Skyrim Info thread. Edited by jhardingame
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I heard that the Legion is joinable in Skyrim. Though I haven't seen any official word like "You can join the Imperial Legion", Only "You can join a group of soldiers" etc

I am more excited for the rebels though! I really wish that we can join the rebels, being a rebel has a certain "freedom" feel to it.

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