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Guild of Lycanthropes


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1. Maybe not guilds. Packs.


2. There should at least be a quest or two as a werewolf, not necessarily with other werewolves, maybe people find out that you're a werewolf, and you have to prove that you aren't one, etc.


Maybe even a questline with you going solo. Maybe come across another werewolf or two.

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I dunno. The quests don't sound interesting enough to have any real gameplay value. "Turn into a werewolf and kill some villagers." Repeat 40 times. It'd be like Assassin's Creed all over.
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The Dark Brotherhood also dont seems interesting if you paint them as "You are an assasin, you kill people for Sithis", but in Oblivion it has some of the most interesting quests.


The problem i see with werewolfes is that i was already done in Bloodmoon, and it not easy to think of quest for werewolfs without repeating some of the bloodmoon quests.

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That and, they're barely sentient, man eating carnivores barely capable of stringing two coherent thopughts together, let alone two coherent words-rampaging mutant beasts arent much cop for good storyllines, atleast from an insider's perspective.


I suggest "Guild Van Helsing" y'know, like a Witcher's guild, specialists, perhaps ex-fighter's guild, who recruit high-level adventurers for some serious, specialist monsterslaying. Special rules stuff. Perhaps as a followon from the fighters guild, prove yourself worthy and you can either advance and take over the guild as guildmaster, or start from the bottom here and in the end advance further but also be promoted somewhat sideways.


Afterall to kill a werewolf isnt easy, hunting hunters is best left to profesionals, and what better way to make a buck than to charge the pants off villiagers for every demon you send screaming back into hell?

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I dunno. The quests don't sound interesting enough to have any real gameplay value. "Turn into a werewolf and kill some villagers." Repeat 40 times. It'd be like Assassin's Creed all over.


Who says it would be just mindless killing?


One of the quests could be that you're accused of it, whether or not you are one, and have to prove that you're not. If you're a werewolf, place the blame on someone else, or try and feign evidence in your favor. If you're not, well, prove that you're not a werewolf.


There are a lot of quests you could do as a werewolf, even a cure quest, like the vampirism in Oblivion. You just can't think of them off the top of your head, it's something that would take a lot of patience.

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Í don´t think the quests need to be related to being a werewolf, I think it´s interesting the fact we can play as one, normal quests that we would make as a human we can do as a werewolf and if we coordinate the time ingame we can take advantage of the werewolf form bonus, all his of course if there will be werewolves.Just imagine hunting dragons as a werewolf x) Edited by scot
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1. Maybe not guilds. Packs.


2. There should at least be a quest or two as a werewolf, not necessarily with other werewolves, maybe people find out that you're a werewolf, and you have to prove that you aren't one, etc.


Maybe even a questline with you going solo. Maybe come across another werewolf or two.


Yeah i agree with you, the most certain thing is that if there´s werewolves they would use packs.

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Consider evolution through natural seleciton on a super natural scale. Werewolves were hunted to the brink of extinction and one way that would justify having more civilised werewolves around that have more control over their lycanthropic self would be that because they were exterminated, only the ones able to adapt were able to survive and multiply, and so werewolves grew more intelligent than before, the urge to survive overcoming the hardest of obstacles.
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Maybe not a guild, but some sort of quest line would be awesome. Not necessarily a guild or organization.


Maybe a quest line, in the beginning you go solo, get a lot of choices on how to go about things, and later on you meet other lycanthropes that can set you on a somewhat static path.


My thinking is opposite to this. You don't need quests as a werewolf but instead a group of people to go hunting with. So i think you should just be able to roam around at night eating people. Maybe some way to become alpha male (or female) but no other organisation- and you dont know who they are by day.

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