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Remove all my Mods from TESNexus

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He said thank you for answering, not thank you for not answering you ninny, Thandal :P - Dark

For the record.... that "Dark" isn't Me.


Silly Thandal! :biggrin:


Yeah! Trix are for kids!



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As for "losing control". Nope. You lose instant control of your work, as that's a privilege for users who can follow the rules, but if a banned member sends in an email and requests their work is taken down then it will be followed. Just because a bank doesn't cash a cheque instantly, transfer funds to someone else instantly, or let you physically move your money in the vault to someone else's vault, doesn't mean you don't have control of the money you own.

I have a personal experience that makes what you say rub me somewhat wrong.


2-3 years ago (don't remember exactly) I was wrongly banned. I followed all rules here, but was still banned because I had politely explained that Giskard's big overhaul mod was not compatible with FCOM. Giskard's friends attacked me, and evidently also sent a lot of reports to the moderators, and the moderator that banned me must have just assumed that it was right to ban me without actually looking at my posts. When something like that happens, having to contact the moderators who wronged you, and ask them to take down your mods, doesn't seem right. I understand that removing them immediately isn't good either, but they should be set to hidden while the owner is banned.


As it were, I did send a couple of messages, trying to explain what had happened in order to sort it out, but got no reply, so my mods were just hanging here with obsolete versions. That lasted for a year or so, until I pmd Buddha which when he had checked what actually happened, gave me a personal excuse and unbanned me - which is why I am here now. And I now the same happened to other users that were wrongly banned due to reports from Giskard and his friends. Still a bit sore due to the way I was treated back them, but appreciating the usefulness of this site.


Anyway, except to make sure that you really do right when banning a person (and you seem to put more effort into that now), I really think you should hide the person's mods while he is banned, so that he hasn't to go through the more or less humiliating process of contacting the ones who just banned him.

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Yes, I think that sounds like a reasonable compromise too.
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Now we have an active appeal process and speaking for myself and perhaps the rest of the staff, I do try to hide or put in review mode mods of banned members.


Do we make mistakes, yes as we are as subject to the human condition as you are....hopefully sometimes we learn from our mistakes.



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From where I sit, I see it like this... If you're a modder with a few dozen mods, many of them with several screenshots, and most with a few thousand downloads, how pissed would you be if a staff member decided to delete all of them because you were having a bad day and made a mistake somewhere or blew up on someone. Would you even bother making an appeal knowing that you would have to go back adding all those mods again (some of them you may not even have available any more) for one stupid mistake? Most wouldn't.


As far as rights go, isn't it actually a sign of your authority over the mods you if you are granted the ability to decide if you want your mods to still be available for others, or who should control your mods, even if you do get banned?


Then there is the complicated issue of mods which were dependent on your mod...



It's a lose lose situation, but the way we have it now is the most practical one we have, especially when you're talking about mods across multiple sites as well as mods you've worked on with a group.

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I don't mess with any mods / images a member has uploaded when I do a ban unless the reason for the ban was because of such content.


There are plenty of reasons why it would be a bad idea to auto-delete mods upon a ban and I don't think we need to re-iterate them. I seriously doubt it would ever become a policy here.


As far as hiding them, I am sorry, I am not going to take time out of my day to hide files and images of somebody that screwed up. If you want your stuff removed, ask and it will happen. I would assume many authors like to collect what info and notes they can from the comment logs before that happens (assuming forethought occurred) because when we (or the author) delete a mod, the discussion topics are deleted with them...never to return. With popular mods that have a LOT of comments, it could be quite a substantial loss of information.



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Imagine if you were banned LHammonds (just think about it) and that was the policy. What would you do :P


If LHammonds was banned , the world would surely end. http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/whistling.gif

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