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In terms of humanity, where are we headed?


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Unless we take some lessons from Friedrich Nietzsche and Ayn Rand, things will go downhill more and more.


What we need to do is permanently throw away all religions (We could start by taxing all the churches), all current notions of race (There's already one race--the human race. Suck on that, racists!), most values and morals and begin anew. Instead of politicians running things, we need a technocracy run by scientists and engineers. Abolish all censorship--make it a crime to censor anything that isn't CP or other filthy content outside the law, in fact. Institute social engineering programs to create more intellectuals, among other means to eradicate mass stupidity so we don't end up with the kind of situation shown in Idiocracy. After all these goals are accomplished, spread this to other nations.


i get the feeling that the first person to try that will get stapled to a tree.

The Übermensch is needed now more than ever before. Man is something to be surpassed.

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I think social engineering of the kind that you advocate has been tried before, and it didn't end well. A technocracy run by scientists and engineers and a load of intellectuals floating about? You DO realize that they will need ordinary folks to do their donkey work? And how would you prevent the ordinary folk from getting a piece of the governing action? It doesn't bear thinking about, AND it doesn't work, as the ruptions and peasant revolts over many centuries in Europe proved.


The sort of exclusive world you would create sure ain't Utopia.

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From the same Author who wrote about the Übermensch comes Some more Wisdom..

"My conception of freedom. — The value of a thing sometimes does not

lie in that which one attains by it, but in what one pays for it — what

it costs us. I give an example. Liberal institutions straightway cease from being liberal the moment

they are soundly established: once this is attained no more grievous and

more thorough enemies of freedom exist than liberal institutions. One

knows, indeed, what their ways bring: they undermine the will to power;

they level mountain and valley, and call that morality; they make men

small, cowardly, and hedonistic — every time it is the herd animal that triumphs with them. Liberalism: in other words, herd-animalization"


Oh and Ginfizz If you translate Utopia from Greek language from witch it originally came back to English it becomes "Nothing"..

Well i don't want to live in nothing.. and nothing can come from nothing.. see the utopia paradox ?


Now Humanity needs to face the simple truths and the worst challenges that come along with this ugly truths but time is ruining out on humanity.


like the same Author said ..

"It is the stillest words that bring on the storm. Thoughts that come on doves' feet guide the world."

It will be just like this ..

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I wouldn't be surprised to see a nuclear war.... however, I don't think it will be one of the major world powers starting it, it will be some third world country launching at one of their enemies, and it will simply escalate from there. So far, we have been lucky, but, the age of "nuclear terrorism" is soon to be upon us.


In all reality, I don't hold out a lot of hope for the human race. We are far to opinionated, and arrogant, for the world to last much longer. :D

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I wouldn't be surprised to see a nuclear war.... however, I don't think it will be one of the major world powers starting it, it will be some third world country launching at one of their enemies, and it will simply escalate from there. So far, we have been lucky, but, the age of "nuclear terrorism" is soon to be upon us.


In all reality, I don't hold out a lot of hope for the human race. We are far to opinionated, and arrogant, for the world to last much longer. :D

If a nuclear war starts between countries, it would have to do with Iran, Pakistan, or North Korea.


At least that's the way I see it.

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I wouldn't be surprised to see a nuclear war.... however, I don't think it will be one of the major world powers starting it, it will be some third world country launching at one of their enemies, and it will simply escalate from there. So far, we have been lucky, but, the age of "nuclear terrorism" is soon to be upon us.


In all reality, I don't hold out a lot of hope for the human race. We are far to opinionated, and arrogant, for the world to last much longer. :D

If a nuclear war starts between countries, it would have to do with Iran, Pakistan, or North Korea.


At least that's the way I see it.


Or, some terrorist group getting one, and setting it off someplace like one of the listed countries.... well, maybe not north korea.... not like they can do much with theirs at this point. we don't really know what iran's capabilities are, at least they haven't tested any yet..... and it's not like Iran has ever STARTED a war either..... maybe ackmydinnerjacket is telling the truth, and they do have just peaceful intentions...... Or, maybe he is lying thru his teeth, and the first one they test will be lobbed at Israel..... That would not be a good situation. At all.

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Not likely to lob it at them, more likely to drive it in. Because of a large Majority of Rocket and missile attacks with stand of range weapons Isreal has become a test bed of Missile Defence technolgy, just about ever defence systerm in the world has been in use and or is still being tested in that region. From the First Gen Patriot missile systems that where adapated for missile defence to the latest generation of Patriots to the next gen airborne lasers, to even the upgraded version of the CWIS systems which could fill the air with a wall of lead. Even the tank mounted Trophy and Iron Fist ATMs are in testing there, as well as the Airborne version of the THEL (Tatical High Energy Laser) which is currently in development and could be actually intergrated into the F-35s.


As for the topic of Humanity I see a lot left for Humanity, as a species we have come far but we are no where near what could be called adult stage yet. I would say we are over all still pre teens with a lot of learning to do, and even failing at things is a good way to learn.

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Generally(according to my source), the Iranian people are not very impressed with their government basically bigging themselves up and their weapons program. They have the same amount of :rolleyes: :wallbash: in regards to their governments actions as you probably do with your own.
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If a nuclear war starts between countries, it would have to do with Iran, Pakistan, or North Korea.

At least that's the way I see it.

Well... one out of three is actually pretty good for you. North Korea's test this last year was judged as sub par for an actual weapon's grade test. As of this moment I am reasonably sure that the Iranian weapons program is still somewhat short of a delivery platform that is capable of anything beyond short range and there has been no test detonations of any weapon as of yet, of which I'm sure does not make the residents of Israel any more sanguine about it. But Pakistan is armed and capable though they have no current wish to be the recipient of the superior nuclear deterrent that the Indians have, which has them as it's primary target.

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