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In terms of humanity, where are we headed?


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also note that the Nkoreans are only estimated to have only been currently able to produce a maximum of 3 weapons worth of Uranium. Which is the harder to obtain material(and better more efficient one ) and needs a technically more precise implosion type device to activate. So they don't have many more tests left currently to get a high yield.


They might get it with their revised detonator design. No one is stopping them.


Though they can probably just use a gun type and plutonium and get it working virtually without any hassle. They are just working on that specific tech of implosion type bombs for various reasons.

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I don't trust government estimates. Bear in mind, the same government making those claims, also claimed that Saddam was developing WMD's...... So, grain or two of salt there....


N. Korea would be the country silly enough to attempt to use a nuke...... Dear Leader is just arrogant enough to think he could get away with it.

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I don't trust government estimates. Bear in mind, the same government making those claims, also claimed that Saddam was developing WMD's...... So, grain or two of salt there....


N. Korea would be the country silly enough to attempt to use a nuke...... Dear Leader is just arrogant enough to think he could get away with it.

yeah, these are probably based on US intelligence, but also UN estimates aren't that difference, but then again they are going on that same intelligence as well. :teehee:


They probably have plutonium ones.

This is in relation to uranium. the enrichment plants size, activity and output potential can be roughly judged by the permanent satellite sitting up there watching it. So even if they are BSing figures to the public, they probably have a good idea themselves.


In this case there doesn't seem to be a reason to doubt them on it, it's not like NK is saying they don't have any. everyone is agreeing.


and even if they don't have uranium bombs working.. I, completely unfounded, think they might have some plutonium ones ready to go. apparently you might not even need to test the devices design and it has a good chance of working, that is the simplicity of the gun type bombs, most countries in history got it right first time.


As for using them. On the SK? might due, I don't think anyone would be able to do anything before it is too late, perhaps glass them. I doubt China would be happy about that situation right on its door step. and that is the major player in that region. I am going with: Possible but currently unlikely.

Edited by Ghogiel
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And China is precisely WHY N. Korea may think they can get away with it. China is just not gonna be thrilled if someone states they are going to drop a nuke on Panmunjom.... in fact, they are likely to be highly put out, and threaten to toss a few of their own, if someone does..... Sure won't be the US..... we can't afford to annoy China, they hold too much of our debt, and 90% of the products for sale here, are made there..... that would certainly be interesting, now wouldn't it?
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You could call it interesting, however the US is precisely the one to anything about it... (Besides China itself)

"1953 – Mutual Defense Treaty – Created an alliance with South Korea, and established the basis of South Korean adherence with U.S. Government consulations on North Korean policy"


Of course signing defence treaties with the US might not be what they are cracked up to be in that circumstance. I can totally imagine the US just throwing its hands up at it.

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And China is precisely WHY N. Korea may think they can get away with it. China is just not gonna be thrilled if someone states they are going to drop a nuke on Panmunjom.... in fact, they are likely to be highly put out, and threaten to toss a few of their own, if someone does..... Sure won't be the US..... we can't afford to annoy China, they hold too much of our debt, and 90% of the products for sale here, are made there..... that would certainly be interesting, now wouldn't it?

Speaking on China, if we pissed of China too much they wouldn't even need an army or bombs.


All of our products would disappear the second they put a trade embargo on us. US corporations would likely go out of businesses, and our economy would be one hundred percent ruined in a matter of days.

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In my opinion, we are heading to a dystopia (if we are not already in one). Gas is running out, food prices are skyrocketing, America is going bankrupt, corporations running the goverment and federal banks, and sadly quite a bit of the population in the states could not care less as long as it does not mess with their status quo.
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In my opinion, we are heading to a dystopia (if we are not already in one). Gas is running out, food prices are skyrocketing, America is going bankrupt, corporations running the goverment and federal banks, and sadly quite a bit of the population in the states could not care less as long as it does not mess with their status quo.


What's scary is it HAS messed with the status quo. Those with the money have more than they used to, those that didn't, have even less now. The gap between rich, and poor, grows ever wider, yet the american people keep voting the same guys back into power, because they think they will 'make it better' this time.


Doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results EACH TIME, is the very definition of insanity. America is just one great big asylum, and the inmates are in charge.


We are heading down the tubes, the water is swirling, the tank is near empty, just a short time before we finally make it past the trap, and head down the drain, never to be heard from again.

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