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How fast can you kill Miraak at the end of Dragonborn?


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I was able to kill him in three hits.

I used the Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/69306/?) along with the Druid Essentials (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/37665/?)

I tipped my arrows with a powerful Poison of Fatigue, using any fatigue ingredient, Deathbell, and Jarrin Root. It kills anyone in a single shot, and those who do survive become unable to do much while I finish them off.


While Miraak was trying to talk to me, I ignored him and shot one of his dragons, causing him to essentially lose a "life."

With that done, he went aggro, and the other dragons flew away, preventing me from doing this to the others, then I shot him, waited for him to recover before proceeding to shoot him again. He went down after the next shot due to the overpowered poison, as I believe the game auto-equipped some Iron Arrows on me, although the 0 damage Practice Arrows would have the exact same effect. My character was level 35 with just over two-hundred health.


This character has not killed Alduin yet, so I can't wait to test this on him. :wink:


Tell me your stories of killing Miraak with little to no effort, I doubt you even view him as dangerous if you do. :D

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I thought the quest broke when Miraak had "0" health, but he just kept going like usual. Guess I was lucky, or it could be one of the numerous patch mods I had installed. :P

When it was all over, I installed this mod (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/43529/?) because it breaks the quest even more than an OP weapon can, and I kind of needed it for that current playthrough. It's also kind of hilarious that that didn't break the quest when one of my previous playthroughs broke it by spamming the Fire Breath shout with some cooldown reduction items. Also, a word of warning. Don't use the Burning Skies mod (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/25261/?) before killing Miraak, as it breaks the Bend Will dragon riding, and you have to use the moveto console command to teleport to Sahrotaar after he lands on the tower, which breaks the fight slightly.

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Why kill Miraak, when you can actually side with him against the puller of strings?



I use this mod, but it breaks the quest too much to use before or during the fight. Brought him to Sovngarde to fight Alduin with me. Alduin was a joke though, the poison, Miraak, and the tongues caused him to fall like a rock. Nahkriin was also a joke, but the mod-buffed draugr were quite difficult, even to Miraak. Also, I had to keep him away while trying to trap Odahviing, he started to go nuts, even resorting to his Call Dragons Shout.

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Miraak, I dont know what to do with are about that dude.


I ignored him in most other games and because of his cultist I investigated once, the artist formly known as dragonborn...after he sent me back and said all I did was kill a few dragons, all that for that?


I mean then why bug me in the first place buddy? That so brothered me I loaded earlier sav.


At first I thought he was part of a annoying mod thought killing aud was the end of dragonbrne. You know the mq?


Just stay with cuthlu and the necronomicon and mind your own biz buddyroo.

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How could it bother you? His cultists are CULTISTS. They're crazy/insane/cuckoo, and would kill you anyway if you didn't pay attention to them. Plus, Miraak is the strongest boss in the game, and he mocks you because you are "the noob dragonborn." Haven't you noticed that everyone in the game yells odd insults at you when in combat? I've heard an Imperial say; "You won't even live to regret this!" and a Nord say; "I will mount your head on my wall!" The Thalmor even have one towards any human race; "You are but a dog and I am your master!" or anyone else; "Elven supremacy is the only way!" Miraak saying you "have only killed a few dragons" is nothing, he says you "have done nothing with your power" if you have killed less, or even staggers with a crumb of respect when you kill hundreds of them.

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How could it bother you? His cultists are CULTISTS. They're crazy/insane/cuckoo, and would kill you anyway if you didn't pay attention to them. Plus, Miraak is the strongest boss in the game, and he mocks you because you are "the noob dragonborn." Haven't you noticed that everyone in the game yells odd insults at you when in combat? I've heard an Imperial say; "You won't even live to regret this!" and a Nord say; "I will mount your head on my wall!" The Thalmor even have one towards any human race; "You are but a dog and I am your master!" or anyone else; "Elven supremacy is the only way!" Miraak saying you "have only killed a few dragons" is nothing, he says you "have done nothing with your power" if you have killed less, or even staggers with a crumb of respect when you kill hundreds of them.

I suspected the story-line might not be that promising because of his attitude, or that I needed to do something first before going there..like I reached that point without accomplishing enough first and had to go back to skyrim before the game could let me fight him.


Otherwise he wont bother with you hence I left. I did not want to spoil by reading as eventually would and will try again.


I meant why would cultist bother when the player character is not ready to face him in the story arch?


Possibly they were triggered too early by some mod or other.

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