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In response to post #35130310. #35130710 is also a reply to the same post.

Deaddropping wrote: Has anyone else who uses the NMM started up Fallout with the recent update and gotten told by the game that their mods are no longer available?
TheAddiction wrote: No. I am getting a CTD when I reach the main menu though.

No, and all my mods are working fine as far as I can tell.
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In response to post #35130890. #35133905 is also a reply to the same post.

bben46 wrote:

Please take your political comments to the proper forum. This is NOT! a political topic. If you want to post political BS please take it to off topic forum. Politics is NOT a proper game subject and that makes it off topic. I suggest the debates section. I will be removing any political comments when I find them.

DumdogsWorld wrote: You want to keep the forum clean and organized and that's understandable. That doesn't make political comments here a form of "BS", though. It just makes them misplaced comments. :\

Name me a situation that isn't like finding a gold coin in a sewer where political discussion hasn't rapidly devolved into BS and I'll agree with you that it's not.
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In response to post #35110715. #35113825, #35129405, #35130485, #35130830, #35132900 are all replies on the same post.

Phion wrote: Nobody bought Fallout 4 for Fallout 4. They buy these shitty games because of the modding community to turn a turd into amazing rainbows. Delaying it so much is just stupid. 0 story, 0 RPG value, 0 replay value (besides the same grind-quests that make no sense), thoughtless perk system. 0/10
killer005 wrote: Man, that´s your case, I bought F4 and I did not want to instal any mod before i finish the main quest. And you know what? For me, the best game in loong time. Yeah, have some bugs, and little things, but the game is fking art, the world, the characters, everything!
Alkohol wrote: I agree with the OP. Bethesda games are unplayable unmodded.
Muffindog wrote: Unplayable? .. wow you guys are ungrateful, little, spoiled brats.
Edg3k wrote: I played the entire game through once unmodded, some textures added but other then that unmodded, then again, twice modded. Base game still stands. Just nice to have the extras. I buy the games not for the mods but for the game, then the mods add to it long after Bethesdas moved on. Skyrim the same. Fallout 4 isnt there best, has some great ideas, but no where near as immersive as the older games. Still love it and looking forward to seeing what the modders more so then the DLC bring to the game.
OriginOFPain wrote: Muffindog, paying $60 dollars for a game and expecting $60 worth of content is NOT being a spoiled brat. Bethesda executives are the ones who are ungrateful for the business we choose to conduct with them.

I have no idea how you didn't get $60 worth of content. *Every* location has a story to tell just like Skyrim did. And that's not even including the story of the main questline. Grind quests are also nothing new. They did them in Skyrim, which was also a great game on it's own, again because every. single. location had a story to tell.
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In response to post #35130310. #35130710, #35135545 are all replies on the same post.

Deaddropping wrote: Has anyone else who uses the NMM started up Fallout with the recent update and gotten told by the game that their mods are no longer available?
TheAddiction wrote: No. I am getting a CTD when I reach the main menu though.
afurryferret wrote: No, and all my mods are working fine as far as I can tell.

It seems F4SE needs to update for this update. The update is already up, so try downloading it and seeing it that fixes it. I haven't updated yet, and frankly don't want to.
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In response to post #35130310. #35130710, #35135545, #35140215 are all replies on the same post.

Deaddropping wrote: Has anyone else who uses the NMM started up Fallout with the recent update and gotten told by the game that their mods are no longer available?
TheAddiction wrote: No. I am getting a CTD when I reach the main menu though.
afurryferret wrote: No, and all my mods are working fine as far as I can tell.
AgamemnonTWC wrote: It seems F4SE needs to update for this update. The update is already up, so try downloading it and seeing it that fixes it. I haven't updated yet, and frankly don't want to.

CTD when accessing the workbench in a settlement.
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In response to post #35130310. #35130710, #35135545, #35140215, #35141660 are all replies on the same post.

Deaddropping wrote: Has anyone else who uses the NMM started up Fallout with the recent update and gotten told by the game that their mods are no longer available?
TheAddiction wrote: No. I am getting a CTD when I reach the main menu though.
afurryferret wrote: No, and all my mods are working fine as far as I can tell.
AgamemnonTWC wrote: It seems F4SE needs to update for this update. The update is already up, so try downloading it and seeing it that fixes it. I haven't updated yet, and frankly don't want to.
Centerman wrote: CTD when accessing the workbench in a settlement.

What is F4SE?
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In response to post #35130310. #35130710, #35135545, #35140215, #35141660, #35142005 are all replies on the same post.

Deaddropping wrote: Has anyone else who uses the NMM started up Fallout with the recent update and gotten told by the game that their mods are no longer available?
TheAddiction wrote: No. I am getting a CTD when I reach the main menu though.
afurryferret wrote: No, and all my mods are working fine as far as I can tell.
AgamemnonTWC wrote: It seems F4SE needs to update for this update. The update is already up, so try downloading it and seeing it that fixes it. I haven't updated yet, and frankly don't want to.
Centerman wrote: CTD when accessing the workbench in a settlement.
kanedog wrote: What is F4SE?

had a slight whoops on the waht is F4SE, has anyone figured out a way around the CTDT when starting the game?
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In response to post #35130310. #35130710, #35135545, #35140215, #35141660, #35142005, #35142115 are all replies on the same post.

Deaddropping wrote: Has anyone else who uses the NMM started up Fallout with the recent update and gotten told by the game that their mods are no longer available?
TheAddiction wrote: No. I am getting a CTD when I reach the main menu though.
afurryferret wrote: No, and all my mods are working fine as far as I can tell.
AgamemnonTWC wrote: It seems F4SE needs to update for this update. The update is already up, so try downloading it and seeing it that fixes it. I haven't updated yet, and frankly don't want to.
Centerman wrote: CTD when accessing the workbench in a settlement.
kanedog wrote: What is F4SE?
kanedog wrote: had a slight whoops on the waht is F4SE, has anyone figured out a way around the CTDT when starting the game?

CTD in workbench is because the update seems to screw up some modded meshes. just replace the missing meshes from the meshes folder. It will be trial and error to find which ones they are. Or you can simple open all your mod Zips and just grab every mesh you see.
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In response to post #34915140. #34917260, #34921415, #34939755, #34942980, #34951945, #34953245, #34954290, #34960740, #34970910, #34971235, #34971505, #34979975, #34993540, #35007055, #35013010, #35015885, #35021275, #35022885, #35026300, #35103575, #35133570 are all replies on the same post.

revenile wrote: Fallout 3's GECK released after the game, as did Skyrim's Creation Kit. Delayed modding tools are nothing new to Fallout 4, so why is it a big deal now? I don't feel like it's an entirely greedy move on Bethesda for bringing it out in April. I DO think it is part of the reason, wanting the automatron DLC out before the GECK, but again as someone else noted, they have to make the mods created with the GECK able to be run on consoles as well, remember, consoles won't be able to support the FO4SE for example. The GECK is coming, and so what if a piece of DLC comes out first? Just means the first mods made with the GECK will have more of a base to work from, so less mods to be required. If it WAS a freaking cash grab, don't you think that instead of releasing before the Wasteland Workshop DLC, they'd wait until AFTER? Automatron at least sounds neat from the quest angle, but WW is literally just more building stuff, which mods already can do, albeit not perfect. So yeah, if it was a real cash grab, I'd think they'd wait until after WW was released to put the GECK out since THAT would be the one that would be the most "well we wanted to sell the dlc more since modders can do this."

TL; DR DLC probably had a part, repeat PART in the GECK not being out yet, but then again delayed modding tools have been a thing for Bethesda since Fallout 3.
Dreogan wrote: The "they're greedy" conspiracies rely on the assumption that it was possible for Bethesda to have the CK ready for release at the time of game launch, which just isn't a sound assumption. All companies have limited manpower resources, and it's nothing short of crazy to think it was anything other than all-hands-on-deck just to get the game out the door on time. It's not as if CK has been sitting around at Bethesda since before then. Once the *game* was done, they could start to think about polishing in-house tools to the level required for a public CK.

Frankly, that they have DLC releasing at the pace it's supposed to over the next few months, *and* the CK, plus the regular bug-fix and content patches, I'm fairly impressed at their productivity.
yzerman19 wrote: THEY'RE GREEDY type of commenters are usually full blown socialists who are voting for Bernie. Basically, they want a free handout.
Dennisbam23 wrote: @yzerman19 lol the amount of "Free handouts" given to corporations, banks, wall street, and the rich using tax evading loopholes/havens/overseas slave labor far outweighs any help for poor people. We need democratic socialism to give power back to the people instead of perpetuating "Too big to fail/jail" corporations like Chevron, Apple, Caterpillar, Google, GE, Pfizer, Pepsico, Coca-cola, Wal-mart, Intel, Nike, American express, Qualcomm, pay little to no taxes but they use the most amount of tax payer backed infrastructure like water, electricity, roads, air, land.
MythDinoex wrote: I'm not going to start another politic war but daily reminder that SOCIALISM DOESN'T WORK. Stop going full retard. Geez
temazatl wrote: socialism doesn't work? Is that just DOGMA or do you have facts to back it up? DOGMA, I bet.
cerealkiller93 wrote: @temazatl Socialism as an ideological construct is highly dogmatic. Marx created a theory based on the pretense that it was science, but in the end its fundamentally flawed by a number of elements like Historicism, dialetical materialism, etc.
Read karl popper's Open Society and Its Enemies, Martin Malia's Soviet Tragedy, etc etc.

Bernie Sanders is not a Socialist, in the full meaning of the word. He is a Democrat, highly progressive in his views, a bit of a demagogue (though not in the same way as Trump). Democratic Socialism is an highly erroneous term as most democratic socialist are more driven by how they feel towards certain issues and not by a certain ideology and structured theory on politics and economics.
Sanders is also an idealist, he lacks an understanding of how governing really works, he lacks foreign policy vision and experience, he doesn't have any idea on how to implement many of his promises and proposals (how will he pass his laws with a republican congress?). not that i disagree with his opinions, i just think he would get nothing done.
milkowskip wrote: temazatl, if you want proof Socialism doesn't work, open a history book. If for some reason the several dozen cases of socialist catastrophes in the past don't convince you, look at Venezuela today, where inflation is skyrocketing, businesses failing en masse, and there are shortages of almost all basic goods.

And don't even try mentioning Scandinavia because they have some of the freest markets in the world, certainly much less regulation and state control than the US or UK, and tax cuts are a regular occurrence because it drives growth. Denmark's prime minister has been telling Americans repeatedly that they are NOT socialist.
shadowhacker27 wrote: temazalt, socialism doesn't work. Obama is a Socialist. Has it worked? Unemployment is almost 90% worst. The economy, individual rights and rights in general are destroyed. Privacy is destroyed. Ownership is destroyed. Many children across the world are dead thanks to the socialist in power. And, may I remind you, Hitler, Stalin and Mao were full blown socialists/communists.

Need you know more, let me know... although no possitive effect is expected to be caused given that most idiots who can see reality do not even read so they cannot be affected by others' opinions/reality checks.
Dennisbam23 wrote: i hope they criminalize idiocy soon, these Obstructionists are getting annoying...
Crimson260 wrote: lol not that its the place to get into a political conversation but its no wonder most of you Americans are and have been in such a huge mess politically. You can't even understand basic concepts like socialism or democracy and still are going to vote against the working people by supporting corporations. There's a reason other economies are way better than yours not to mention living situations. America hasn't even been in the top 10 let alone top 30 places to live for over 35 years now. I'd suggest looking into other countries politics and "socialist" views and see how things really work and how they can benefit your country. It's amazing to me how you even have Bernie running in the first place, blows my mind how such an honest "for the people" politican could make it so far in a country like yours. Would really love to see your country FINALLY get back on its feet. Right now its a joke of a country worldwide for good reason lol So do yourself a favor and educate yourselfs how your country is and has been running and look at all the great things other places have accomplished by being "Socialist" (dirty word for the uneducated American I know lol)
Dennisbam23 wrote: @Crimson260 finally somebody who gets it ^^
MythDinoex wrote: @Crimson260 Tell that to almost all south american countries that are infested by socialist governments. Tell that to the socialist s#*! hole I live in. Tell that to the f*#@ing cubans. You f*#@ing spoiled brats, don't know s#*! about living on a economy that only knows how to share poverty, talking s#*! from their capitalist gadgets because someone brainwashed them on school. You people f*#@ing disgusts me.
HadToRegister wrote:
I'm not going to start another politic war but daily reminder that SOCIALISM DOESN'T WORK. Stop going full retard. Geez

But you did anyway, especially by throwing around the "R" word.

I suggest you learn what Democratic Socialism is before you go foaming at the mouth without understand what you're actually foaming.

Socialism is a hell of a lot better than the current Oligarchy we Americans have today.
Fox News has half of our less intelligent population convinced that if we give MORE money to the rich while the working class and middle class keep paying all the taxes, that eventually it will start raining money.

That's NEVER going to happen, Reagan signed America's death warrant by implementing "Trickle Down Economics"

Who contributes to the economy?

Give $100 to a rich man and he'll hoard it because he can
Give $100 to a poor man and he'll spend it because he HAS to.

Dennisbam23 wrote: @HadToRegister thank you for being a voice of reason ^^
WickedNauxas wrote: @hadtoregister,
Here is the explicative of the US Democratic Socialist Platform, "Won't socialism be impractical because people will lose their incentive to work?"
This is their answer, "We don’t agree with the capitalist assumption that starvation or greed are the only reasons people work. People enjoy their work if it is meaningful and enhances their lives. They work out of a sense of responsibility to their community and society. Although a long-term goal of socialism is to eliminate all but the most enjoyable kinds of labor, we recognize that unappealing jobs will long remain. These tasks would be spread among as many people as possible rather than distributed on the basis of class, race, ethnicity, or gender, as they are under capitalism. And this undesirable work should be among the best, not the least, rewarded work within the economy. For now, the burden should be placed on the employer to make work desirable by raising wages, offering benefits and improving the work environment. In short, we believe that a combination of social, economic, and moral incentives will motivate people to work."

The American Socialist is a different kind of animal in the same way that the American Liberal is. Their goals and intentions aren't necessarily what you believe they are, and honestly Americans aren't as stupid as many claim, a large number of votes (those that actually vote) are considered independent, which brings up a major issue with the US electoral college system (as this system is beginning to not reflect the voting habits of the people), but I digress. As for these 'American Socialists,' the key here is economic control. Constitutionally any organization having economic control is unsound, ethically it is immoral, but isn't that what they're fighting against; no. American Socialists want to create a comprehensive system that places all control of incomes, wages, and other monies in the hands of a select group. This group ideally would be democratically elected, except many of these socialists that are running the party and the synthesis of policy are rich elitists and any rich elitist suffers from complacency and inevitably fear which is to say they won't allow a 1:1 vote in this collective system, as they believe Americans are stupid and will ruin it.
This specific response to the question of whether people will work that I have previously quoted indicates one of the fundamental desires of the socialist party. Firstly, to "eliminate all but the most enjoyable kinds of labor," is in essence an absolute and absolutes cannot exist in tandem with entropy, we have proven entropy to exist; we have never proven an absolute. Not only is it an absolute, but it would leave an economy barren and lets be honest undesirable work is generally some of the most necessary. After dissolving the previous statement in saying that undesirable work will "long remain," this author attempts to qualify themselves in asserting that their REAL intention is to equally spread the undesirable work around to all, however this statement is rather facetious as it really just alludes to the idea that only specific minorities are doing only one type of work, and it is a general fact that this undesirable work is already spread among a diversity. Beyond that the author makes the claim that this undesirable work should be the "best...rewarded." This is probably the greatest of the goals of the Socialist Party in the US, to equalize the lower-class and the middle-class. Why equalize? perhaps it is assumed that everybody is equally intelligent, or perhaps it is believed that all jobs are the same job and anybody can do any job. Whatever the reasoning is, no economy could support an army of grocery baggers earning 50+ dollars an hour.
In a nutshell, the US Socialist party isn't realistic and I honestly see them more as satirists than anything else. I do believe, as any arguer would argue against my, I'll admit vehement statements, that a solution to economic and other problems are more important than politicization. It is easy to point out a solution that sounds nice, I mean wouldn't it be nice to stand with a group of 500,000 all come together to march with the crown jewels of the Holy Roman Empire to declare a new 1,000 year era of prosperity and glory? That isn't a solution, it just elates a population. Getting people excited and making people happy has never been a solution to such dire issues.

I know exactly what Socialism is and where it has been. I know what an oligarchy is and you're just abusing the word. I know what reaganomics is and what it isn't and I don't even understand why you brought it up by just referring to the "trickle down" policy. The US economy suffers from heavy government regulation and I would agree in that trickle down policies are rubbish as the government shouldn't have any say in the matter. As for death warrant, maybe do some research on the social security system, and the fact that social security monies are in a common resource pool, which means it can be borrowed and not returned (it's funny who is doing the borrowing too).
I do not agree with anything that advertises itself as something it is not, not everybody is able or has the time to realize such misrepresentation, and frankly it is morally bankrupt, the American Socialist party is one of the worst offenders.
Archie2nd wrote: USA is in this situation right now mostly because nearly all "education" comes from the social media and opinionated news reports instead of a classroom.
Well, maybe if things keep going this way we will live in "Fallout 5" soon enough =(
Beantins wrote: From an outsiders perspective I think the only reason Americans are so polarized on certain issues is because there are only two main political parties.
The Democrats have backed the more liberal social causes however are more centrist economically (they are definitely not socialist). The Republican supporters are more socially conservative but economically liberal in their policies.

Until America ceases to allow the presidential election to be a popularity contest with incredibly personal attacks and dirty tricks used the country can't work together in harmony.
There isn't enough cross party support, there needs to be more political representation.

In the various UK parliaments there are many different parties with a broad spectrum of policies and good cross party support on many issues. Its not perfect but it is much less divisive than what America is putting up with.
jet4571 wrote: Socialism does work. It works for small self sufficient communities, someone hunts or grows food and shares the food with everyone else because someone else cooks the food, fixes the homes, makes the clothes, etc. etc. Everyone ion the community has a skill and uses that skill to provide for everyone else while having goods and services proved to him/her from those that have those other skills. The vast majority of human history was in pure socialist societies it is just the past 3k years that socialism is replaced with other forms of government and society. Saying Socialism doesn't work is a fallacy. It doesn't work across multiple communities would be correct.

Vault 101, socialism. FO4's settlements, socialism. Diamond City, has socialized programs, the school and guards for example.

Now socialized parts of society such as schools or healthcare does work and is far superior to private companies doing those services for profit. You know because of that whole profit thing taking away funds that could instead be used to I don't know maybe teach a kid history or make sure someone that is sick gets treatment instead of the privileged who can afford it only.
trewr wrote: Lifetime registered Independant from the US here.

More than tired of the Republican 4G network - God, Guns, Gays and Gynecology. These obstructionist traitors do whatever they can to stop US citizens from voting, gerrymander areas they briefly control so many votes count for half or 3/5ths (*wink wink*) of other citizens votes, sign pledges to uphold their stunted dogma before the constitution, swear up and down to not do their jobs, do whatever they can to harm young girls and women, remove science from science classrooms and attack minorities, and are now being led around by Trump.

I rest easier knowing the Regressives and their aging, addled base are dying off every day, even if it is not fast enough for my tastes. Can you blame me? These animals harm people for pleasure and profit. Take a second to remind yourself of that before the next time you go making a fool of yourself by posting whatever Faux News has force-fed you through your ass.
ronin rugani wrote: Nobody reads history anymore. socialism is the path to Communism. Anyone know anybody from the communist states who want it back? Only morons living in a free society think socialism is a good idea. All those Bernie lovers should be careful what they wish for. How did socialism get into the discussion anyway?
yasha277 wrote: Wrong place for your political opinions.

MxR said it best "if they released the geck with launch no one would buy the first 2 DLC". I have to agree with this, and I cant fault a business for that decision.
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In response to post #35110715. #35113825, #35129405, #35130485, #35130830, #35132900, #35137080, #35146975 are all replies on the same post.

Phion wrote: Nobody bought Fallout 4 for Fallout 4. They buy these shitty games because of the modding community to turn a turd into amazing rainbows. Delaying it so much is just stupid. 0 story, 0 RPG value, 0 replay value (besides the same grind-quests that make no sense), thoughtless perk system. 0/10
killer005 wrote: Man, that´s your case, I bought F4 and I did not want to instal any mod before i finish the main quest. And you know what? For me, the best game in loong time. Yeah, have some bugs, and little things, but the game is fking art, the world, the characters, everything!
Alkohol wrote: I agree with the OP. Bethesda games are unplayable unmodded.
Muffindog wrote: Unplayable? .. wow you guys are ungrateful, little, spoiled brats.
Edg3k wrote: I played the entire game through once unmodded, some textures added but other then that unmodded, then again, twice modded. Base game still stands. Just nice to have the extras. I buy the games not for the mods but for the game, then the mods add to it long after Bethesdas moved on. Skyrim the same. Fallout 4 isnt there best, has some great ideas, but no where near as immersive as the older games. Still love it and looking forward to seeing what the modders more so then the DLC bring to the game.
OriginOFPain wrote: Muffindog, paying $60 dollars for a game and expecting $60 worth of content is NOT being a spoiled brat. Bethesda executives are the ones who are ungrateful for the business we choose to conduct with them.
xJadeWolfx wrote: I have no idea how you didn't get $60 worth of content. *Every* location has a story to tell just like Skyrim did. And that's not even including the story of the main questline. Grind quests are also nothing new. They did them in Skyrim, which was also a great game on it's own, again because every. single. location had a story to tell.
consummate707 wrote: I need to know, how do you quantify $60 of content? this is the most idiotic thing i've ever read on this site. you got a world that you couldn't make your life depended on it, a base for all the mods think you need, and a ton of quests and story on top of all that. you are an ungrateful turd, and If I were allowed id say much worse.
I'm not a big fan of the main quest line, but its still leaps and bounds better then what you're capable of.

Love it. Ungrateful little spoiled brats. Well said. I reflected on this a while back, about three or so weeks after launch. Yes, it is a buggy, steaming pile of need-to-be-patched AND modded. But to say it's not worth 60 dollars is sheer stupidity. The work Bethesda put into creating such an epic playpen world is substantially remarkable. This is the best Bethesda 3D world to date, with an almost unbelievable amount of exploring to embark on--that vanilla nugget alone is worth the price of admission. How much content is in this rendition of Boston is staggering. If you are too blind to see that, I suggest you get a gaming reality check.
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