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Non-stop galloping for horses


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Hi all, sorry if this has been asked before, I can't find anything on the subject, but is there a way to make your horse fast gallop continuously instead of running out of stamina every few hundred yards? It's really annoying.

Thanks in advance. :)

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While not a complete solution, Convenient Horses has sliders for horse stamina/health/speed that start at 0 (no bonus) and go up to a bonus stamina of 1000 (max bonus).


Drag the Stamina slider all the way up to 1000.


I'm pretty sure this will get you quite a bit farther before your horse slows down.

Edited by Bugnexus7
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Use Convenient Horses. You can set your horse to "invulnerable" which will prevent them from experiencing stamina depletion, which in turn allows them to spring indefinitely. You can also boost your horse's regular movement speed to be higher so that your horse canters as fast as a vanilla horse would gallop without the need to constantly hold the sprint key.

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I also recommend Convenient Horses. That mod is simply so (wait for it...) convenient.


As if horses couldn't defy physics enough without modding. At low level, bears used to be such a pain to deal with. Until I got my first horse that is. With CH installed, I simply galloped up the side of a mountain and left the bears snarling in frustration below.


To quote Talos (no, not the god, -I called my horse Talos): "Physics? B**** please, I'm a horse."

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Hmm, strange, are you sure Convenient Horses is a culprit? Using it for quite some time now, wide number of options and overall mod seems really light, didn't notice even smallest load in save or script run times.

Well as always you never know, but in my set-up it was the source of problems. Your mod set might be different. In any case I think Immersive Horses is the better mod in its own right.

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Just as I'm getting into "immersion" (currently settled on Hypothermia and iNeed after testing Frostfall/RND) this is what I need...for more immersion and realism. :smile:


But seriously, if one wants an invulnerable horse that never gets winded one isn't seeking immersion...at least in it's "realism" form. Having the horses a tad faster seems to me less immersion breaking: I suppose I could do that in the CK with my Whiterun horse without having to go back to something like Convenient Horses (another immersion king.) In fact, I think I did once tweak my horse in the CK.

Edited by SPH1
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