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Armor mods are overrated!


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Granted, armor protects you more, but some of us would like to see more clothing mods. If you're playing a pure mage character, there's nothing better than 100% spell effectiveness! Also, outfits should be broken up into several pieces to allow for more enchantments.
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If you want clothing instead of armor, you can easily edit armor to be clothing (or vice-versa) in about two minutes using the construction set. Also you can set the charge on that item in the construction set to have whatever charge you want, (actually I think there's a cap, but I can't recall what it is. But it's more than enough to have the same amount of charge as a bunch of separate pieces of armor.)
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I have to agree with the OP. Even though it's an easy edit in the CS, it's one we shouldn't have to do. A T-shirt and some denim shorts don't make "light armor", even if you were wearing steel-toed boots. :dance:
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Re the breaking up of outfits: There is a limit on clothing/armour as far as number of pieces is concerned. You have Footwear, Headgear, Gloves, and then either a one-piece body/leg set, or separate body and leg items. Sadly, one of the ways in which Oblivion was a downgrade from Morrowind is in the reduction of parts to outfits.


Some people manage to add extra items by using amulet, ring or tail slots, but that gets to be awkward if you are playing a character WITH a tail, or want to wear rings or amulets. There are ways to have unlimited rings and/or amulets, but you don't get to SEE the extra items if you do that.

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That makes sense. But a lot of modded clothing (at least for HGEC/Exnem/UFF/BAB) is just one piece really (some allow you to wear different shoes, but they tend to clip if the clothing has some loose pants or a skirt). Some of them have the right idea and create clothing versions distributed with the armor package (or no armor version and it's really just clothing). The clothing versions are generally made with mages in mind, so they often have enchantments that are useful for survival like Shield and resistances. No need to equip multiple pieces with those kinds of enchantments.
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Yeah, I never understood why so many mods with clothes in it make the items armor instead of clothing. I have to agree that hotpans and a shird are defenitely clothing and not even close to anything resembling armor. On the other hand, if you want to be nitpicky... the umptieth chainmail bikini doesn't really qualify as armor either...
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You mean all that fantasy-book-cover female armour doesn't work as armour? I'm... shocked! :rolleyes:


All together now... <sings> "It...was...an... itsy-bitsy-teeny-weeny shiny chain and mesh bikini..."

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You mean all that fantasy-book-cover female armour doesn't work as armour? I'm... shocked! :rolleyes:


All together now... <sings> "It...was...an... itsy-bitsy-teeny-weeny shiny chain and mesh bikini..."


Sure it works as armor, just not as you would expect. See, the idea here is, for those oh so luscious females wearing 'armor' that doesn't look like it would protect you from anything... It's a 'psychological armor value'. What is really happening is, your opponents are so distracted by the amount of flesh exposed, they aren't concentrating sufficiently on actually HITTING you..... (please note: Not affective against creatures.......)


Love your post. That's awesome.

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