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Armor mods are overrated!


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Haha yeah. Personally, though I use HGEC, which has a lot of those kinds of "armor" mods, I really prefer the stuff that actually covers you up. Don't get me wrong, I like the way HGEC looks. Shape, texture, everything. It's just, for me, a girl who can really fight in armor is really attractive too.




Bottom line is, maybe if we're loud enough (without breaking the rules), maybe future modders will start working on separating them properly.

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Pshh, don't you guys know the formula for female "armor" in these kind of games?

ax2 * bx + c = power level

Where a is square inches of skin showing, x is cup size, b is the percentage of transparency, and c is inches in high heels. The higher your power level, better. ;D




Seriously though, I need armor that at least looks like armor, especially on a warrior character. Pretty much I govern what I find ok and not ok for armor based on if I'd be embarrassed if one of my friends looked over my shoulder while playing.

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TDA Armoury has great-looking armor that shows no skin whatsoever. It even comes with weapons and shields, which many armor mods don't. It is, however, ever so slightly overpowered. (That can easily be remedied in the CS, though.)
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Speaking of armour, I just finished watching a demo of how effective Roman plate armour was. They took a roman overlapping plate chest piece (one of those ones that's built like a millipede body) and fired a bolt at it from a (Roman) portable ballistra with a projectile velocity of about 100 miles per hour. The overlapping plates actually absorbed the blow and the bolt fell away without penetration, apart from when it was angled to enter between joints. That's more or less the equivalent of stopping a .45 dum-dum bullet - higher mass but lower velovity, giving much the same kinetic energy on impact, in a projectile designed to cause the same type of damage to the victiom.


I'm beginning to appreciate more and more just how good ancient technology was. In China, quilted silk was used to stop penetration of arrows, with the layers acting like Kevlar fibres to snag the tips and stop them penetrating. There were also sites around the world known for producing vastly superior steel - for example the wootz steel used in Damascene weaponry - possibly sites where a meteor had impacted and spread a mix of alloying metals such as manganese and chromium into the iron ore.


However, back to something closer to the original thread comments.


If you wanted to make suitable multi-part outfits, to allow layered clothing effects, you'd probably have to create some ompressively complex "combined" clothing items, covering all possible combinations of the items you wanted to layer. A bit of clever scripting could then look at what you had chosen to equip, and select the correct clothing combination mesh and textures to display that combination. For example, if you had three tunics, each with a different elemental resitance (red=fire, green = poison, white = ice), you would need six different item models to display all of the different combinations of those tunics (fire, poison, ice, fire & poison, Poison & ice, ice & fire, All three). If you could assign a different material to each layer "on the fly" that would reduce to three models (single layer, two layer, three layer). However, the practicalities of doing that is beyond me - I just use mods, I don't create them.

Edited by MarkInMKUK
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Yeah that's too complex. I say just make the regular clothing set (a robe, a shirt and some pants or maybe a blouse + skirt if you're a girl). Make them look good, like how people make clothes look good IRL (straps, shape, patterns, etc.), then use those. Add variants like some with a vest, or multiple layers, or something. You could easily make a scarf out of a necklace slot, of course, which is really good if your character is the type. I know some mods already have those in fact.


But yeah, no need to turn such things into pseudo-armor.

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  • 9 months later...

Re: breaking up armour: I understand the OP's desire (to create more points of enchantment), and I agree there are too many "one piece" armours. In addition to limiting enchantment, these also prevent using vanilla enchanted clothing/armour in combo with the mod armour. Example: I'm wearing a mod one piece, and want to use my Gauntlets of Life Detection or Boots of Jument, or w/e. Now I'm wearing shoes (or gloves) and nothing else. "Psychological armour" aside, I'm practically naked, and if I get ambushed I'm in big trouble. I understand that it's difficult to work out the clipping issues involved in multiple pieces, but it all makes you just want to stick to vanilla armours and leave the mods alone.


Re: HelloStranger's claim that switching armour to clothing and vice versa is a "two minute" edit: I'd like to hear more about this. Everything I've ever read suggests that it isn't easy or quick to transform one to the other, and that it involves creating a new object of the desired type and importing all the nifs and textures to it. Sounds like more than a couple minutes' work to me, and not that easy. It's not like unchecking a box or selecting a menu item. Is it?


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