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Corrections to file stats


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In response to post #35413840.

disi30 wrote: I usually keep exactly one version up and always only saw the 1:1 translation :)

Why would someone need to download an old version of a mod anyway...

I kind of agree. Sometimes I change a feature a few people don't like so I give them an option, but generally, yeah, I like to replace files with the new versions.
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Can I ask for something else ? On the Files in the mod files list

It shows Unique D/Ls which shows how many people have downloaded that individual file. Is there anyway we can get a "New D/Ls" display there ? What I mean is that it will tell me how many new people are d/ling my mod, or is it the same people d/ling it over and over. So if they've never downloaded my mod before, it tells me they are a "new" visitor almost by this stat. So it allows me to see how many new people are coming in.

Edited by Karel2015
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"I understand that it can be disheartening to log on to your file pages today to find your unique download counts revised down..."


Actually, it's not disheartening at all when you realize it also makes the proportional number of users who came back to endorse increase a lot!.. ;)

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In response to post #35414060.

Elianora wrote: Thank you for the extra work you put in to fix this! I don't care about endorsements at all, but the unique downloads was always something I kept my eyes on as I thought like you that it works like it should. It's also interesting to see how many users come back to redownload / update.

Much appreciated Robin!

Yes, Eli, that was interesting for me too now how many users come back to redownload or update. Much more I can see now, as before.
I appreciate the change too.

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I don't really mind either way, any files I upload are not for my satisfaction but are there so others with a similar outlook to me can use or abuse them as they like.
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In response to post #35414105. #35414370 is also a reply to the same post.

rhowington wrote: Does this hold the same for total views? Like, why would a mod be viewed two hundred thousand times with only eleven thousand unique downloads?
Eysenbeiss wrote: Maybe because there is something called: curiosity ?

Players come back to post comments, offer suggestions to help other players out who are having trouble or stuck somewhere in the mod, upload images, check to see if there are any new updates available or in the works. It's not uncommon for me to view a particular mod once or twice a day every day for years.
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