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The Thread of Computers (aka will my computer run Skyrim)


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Hey all! I'm buying a new laptop for college, and I was wondering if it will be ablle to run Skyrim, and if so, what settings do you estimate it will run at? (I know it'si mpossible to give exact settings since it isn't out yet, but an estimate is more than enough for me:) ) The laptop in question is http://www.onyougo.com/asus-g53sw-sx105v-g53sw-sx105v-notebookslaptops-features_pi361785e2 .


Any feedback is apreciated!

Laptops are tricky. I'm not sure what the specs are for the M versions of the CPU and GPU, but I'm assuming those should be okay. The only thing that troubles me is the hard drive: at 5400 RPM, you may be looking at much longer load times; however, the rig as a whole seems like it should be more than capable.

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Kinda hard to say with their new reworked engine, compared to their recent gamebryo-powered games. So it's all just speculations. But I dont think it will be very demanding on gfx-cards, as it's not exactly Metro 2033 graphics, and the PC-version wont be too far away from the blurry console-version. Hopefully they have greatly improved the caching-system this time, but I still expect it to be quite heavy on mechanic harddrives because of the massive environments and stone age LOD-system. Also not expecting it to be a 64-bit application, so more RAM than 4GB probably wont do any difference unless you plan on installing it on RAM-disk.


If I already had a medium PC by todays standards, not older than 2 years or so, I'd put my money on an SSD-drive rather than a gfx-card or cpu+mb. If I already had an SSD, next priority would be cpu+mobo since that will give your gfx-card a boost as well ;)

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Does anyone expect tes v to be far beyond fallout nv??? I can run that on max despite what some sites rate my ATI6650 as capable of,,though the game is a glitch fest,,but not as bad as the ps3 version i have without 50 mods.

skyrim is confirmed to be a DX9 game


so expect about the same-ol same-ol

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The 6870 should be a Dx11 card. If it is then yes.

My 4870 only supports Dx10, but I'll still be satisfied wih the very beautiful game I get even without Dx11 features.

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Hopefully Bethesda will throw all of us a bone and give us a 1080p PC version trailer or better yet 10 min of actual gameplay sometime soon. I'm really hoping the textures and depth of field are better on PC, even if they don't fully implement DX11 options. It looks amazing even on the Xbox trailers, but there is definite room for improvement; perhaps a mere increase in resolution (since xbox is terribly limited there) will do wonders. ??? :D Edited by Elder III
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