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Skywind is coming to Nexus Mods


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In response to post #35671887. #35672757, #35679497, #35679607, #35682292, #35688192 are all replies on the same post.

ff7legend wrote: I assume one will need BOTH Morrowind & Skyrim installed on their machines (legal copies of both) along with each game's DLC/expansions in order to play Skywind, correct? Also, Oblivion is getting the very same treatment, though it's nowhere near as complete as Skywind is. This is great news indeed!!!
Rioplats wrote: Yup, you'll need both Skyrim and Morrowind, although none of Morrowind's actual assets are used; it's just proof of ownership that they need.
ff7legend wrote: That's what I thought & yes, I own both games along with all the expansions/DLC for both games as well. Thanks for the info Rioplats. Kudos to you.
endgameaddiction wrote: @Rioplats

Out of curiosity, how does one need Morrowind if no assets are used from that game? I thought SkyWind was built from the ground up?

I mean it makes sense, because in my mind I was actually laughing at the thought of people being able to play a replicate of Morrowind with high graphics for free. Which led me to think how Bethesda would actually go about this and have accepted it.

I just can't fit in my mind how Morrowind is required if Bethesda specifically told them they can't use assets because it's against their EULA to port over assets from one game to another.
webyan wrote: Damn, now where do I get my hands on Morrowind again xD
I remember the GOTY came as an addition to this 2.95€ magazine once in Germany, and I was too stupid not to buy it :D
jim_uk wrote: Steam or GOG.

It's pretty much because of exactly what you said. Bethesda wouldn't want people to forego the original and just get this, so the Skywind team is requiring it to be safe. Not only that, but it could be argued that, even with creating new assets, certain things could simply be too similar or identical to the original, such as place names and dialogues. It's not a huge deal, because Morrowind is like 5 bucks during a Steam sale, and we'll be getting more than a few of those before Skywind releases.
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In response to post #35676157. #35683427 is also a reply to the same post.

NumberOneAsian wrote: i played morroblivion it was pretty cool but kind of unstable. i dont think skywind or skyblivion are gonna work out. tale of two wastelands is AMAZING though. why cant they make it like that?
kjackson344 wrote: Because FO3 and FNV run on literally the exact same engine. They have to build everything from the ground up with Skywind and their other projects.

Tale of Two Wastelands was literally a copy-paste job. They run on exactly the same engine. Skywind and other projects like it have to be recreated from the ground up. If they simply copy-pasted Morrowind's landmass into Skyrim (which would be impossible anyway) it would look stupid next to the relatively high-fidelity models and textures of Skyrim. And of course Skyblivion was unstable. It's not like it's in a pre-testing stage or anything. Skywind is very robust, and the progress that's been made is more than enough to incentivize finishing it. The goal of this isn't to add the landmass of Morrowind to the world of Skyrim. The goal is to allow for Morrowind to be played in a new, non-garbage engine.
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In response to post #35683692.

Pinkis007 wrote: Guys... That looks really amazing. Almost had a tear in my eye. So far looks really professional, like Bethesda it self was making it. And it's really awesome that someone is actually doing this. I mean Bethesda is not willing to set another game in Morrowind (atleast at the moment) and to see Morrrowind on better engine is pretty much what I dream about.

I just have one question, if I understand right you no longer exchanging assets and creating brand new, so that means this will no longer need Morrowind and Skyrim both installed and merged? It's going to be just this? As any other mod for Skyrim? Or maybe even stand-alone?

EDIT: After reading comments found out that it will still be needing Morrowind and Skyrim (Together forever, baby!). Since I'm not a modder I'm not sure why, if all the assets are brand new (I'm sure there is really good reason for that) But anyway, good luck guys, keep up the good work.

Main reason is to honour Bethesda's IP content. We are using their story, setting, characters etc. which we can't make "brand new" without ruining the basic idea of re-imagining Morrowind III.
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In response to post #35668982. #35669217, #35669442, #35669712, #35670282, #35671002, #35671772, #35671817, #35672302, #35672427, #35672697, #35674332, #35674357, #35674752, #35676172, #35676512, #35676932, #35681567 are all replies on the same post.

gx240 wrote: Yet another mod that's going to be ruined by terrible amateur voice acting. There are few things that can kill immersion in an otherwise sublime RPG like finding yourself suddenly listening to stilted and overacted lines recorded by some guy in his basement. (And it's even worse when they try to do accents.)

I'm really disappointed because I was looking forward to playing this until now. For the life of me I have never been able to figure out how this happens, but for some reason a lot of modders and mod teams really can't listen to their own voice acting objectively and realize how atrocious it is.
SikSikSikki wrote: It's not easy finding professional voice actors that will work for free. Skywind does still have a certain standard for quality, though, that you seemed to have overlooked. Sure, not every single voice is going to win an award, but most of it sounds pretty damn good regardless.

Besides, it's not like the TESRenewal team woke up one day and thought to themselves "Man, we better make this perfect for gx240", and it's stupid to say this entire thing sucks because of one comparatively small aspect that isn't perfect.
Rhyme17 wrote: ruined huh

guess you couldn't possibly turn off the voices or replace the files with blanks yourself
gx240 wrote: "Besides, it's not like the TESRenewal team woke up one day and thought to themselves "Man, we better make this perfect for gx240"

Wow, SikSikSikki, you sure raised a great point there! I guess no one should ever be allowed to critique any work under any circumstances, because if anyone ever criticizes anything you can say "Hey, they didn't make it just for you."

What a genius you are! You should go write letters to everyone who reviews restaurants and tell them "They didn't create that recipe just for you, therefore you're not allowed to evaluate the quality of the food." You should demand a stop to movie reviews as well. Why don't you go over to IMDB and RottenTomatoes and tell everyone that they shouldn't be allowed to review anything. It'll keep you busy at least.

"It's not easy finding professional voice actors that will work for free."

Obviously. I never said it was.

"Skywind does still have a certain standard for quality, though, that you seemed to have overlooked."

And that is the exact same thing that every modder says right before delivering the aforementioned cringe-inducing experience. Find me a mod creator who says "I have no standard for quality."
Stiubhard wrote: I do know what you mean though...the voice for Patsy the Messenger in the Skyrim Helgen Rebuilt mod is awful...the worst Scottish accent since groundkeeper Willie, and although it is only a small part to kickstart the modit really did detract for me.
Elagabalaus wrote: I understand your point, but still, it's a great goal they set for themselves even with all the limitations set upon them. I bet some of the volunteers even donated some of their own money to see this come to life. At least give them the credit they deserve. You can't s#*! on hard work because of one fault. Anyways, I'm excited for this, looks better than TES:O tbh, lmao.
webyan wrote: Are you volunteering for some great professional voice acting? I never knew that free mods carried the expectation of paid work behind them.

Any kind of voice acting will be an upgrade to Morrowind regardless, all I remember from that game is reading through walls of text. Which you can achieve by muting voice sound.

It would be too much to ask to just wait and see how the product will actually turn out, though, so I completely understand your point...

beggarmaster2000 wrote: they turned down my offer helping out with audio quality.
reply was under qualified, not serious and demanded personal information
MotionBlurr wrote: same here. Ive been a dj for 10 years and with countless hours behind producing mixes, leveling audio, and mastering.... you think i would have enough experience.
Bleako wrote: You can critique the quality of the voice overs however you want gx240, but you should also have realistic expectations. The Skywind team do not have the necessary funding to record professional-level audio nor do they have a large selection of voice actors to choose from, and this is also the case for the vast majority of other mods out there (even in other games.)

This is a massive project entirely developed by volunteers. They have quality standards for sure, but there's a limit to what they can do, and you should manage your expectations accordingly instead of wasting time saying the obvious. Stick to retail games if you can't enjoy volunteer voice work.
Rioplats wrote: Since they're taking lines from external volunteers, the core team can objectively select and filter out acceptable voice performances. Did you watch the video? The ones they sampled, at least, for the video, have been very decent.
They can always retconn it afterwards if people don't like a certain voice. I'm sure they won't take offence.
DragomirTheSlav wrote: Which voices are you referring to, gx240? The strain to get the audio and acting quality as good as possible in a volounteer project is very big. Many of them already do a better job than many Skyrim voice actors. Just listen to Farengar.
DragomirTheSlav wrote: Skyrim voice acting:

Skywind voice acting:

AlixIsAXenomorph wrote: Idk but I thought the one guy that did the dunmer that was shown first was really good.
NumberOneAsian wrote: i LOVE bad voice acting its pretty funny. why do people care so much about immersion?
numeriku wrote: "It's not easy finding professional voice actors that will work for free."

A few from 3DNPCs that had great quality mics and voice acting were turned down.

*shrugs* Their loss.

Regardless, as long as Bethesda does not randomly decide to turn on this project and obliterate it, it will be one of the greatest achievements in modding ever.
Good luck to all those involved!
Torchfield wrote: 'Atrocious'? As though I would let atrocious voice acting through. Is this a direct insult to my team and myself? I'm taking it that way.

Listen Gary (or whoever you are) - our voice acting is of a remarkably high calibre. With very few exceptions, the ones who make it through our gantlet of sound quality checks have superb audio quality, and if there's issues with the delivery it's the lines themselves - not our actors. On that point, if we'd have had the resources I would have loved to have rewritten the lines to sound more 'natural' when spoken. Alas, we were limited in that regard.

I'm really disappointed in you, gx240, because I like showing off our talented team's efforts - seeing them get recognition for their hard work. And it is work. For the life of me, I have never been able to understand how people like you exist, but for some reason it seems a lot of 'fans' can't look at their behavior objectively and see how petulant they are.
LonesomeRenn wrote: I have no idea what you're basing this on, just from the small clips in the video posted here i'd say the voice acting is already better than half of that in skyrim's.


Hi, I didnt see your application post but feel free to PM me on tesrenewal with it and we may be able to get you hooked up with SFX if you'd be interested. In terms of music however, we already have a very well known composer within the modding community doing our mastering and helping with mixing individual tracks. In short, the position is already filled for music and it is best if a single individual does that sort of thing due to how mastering works, but don't think we don't appreciate your application. Let me know, take care!
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This could not have come sooner.

I hope this post gets enough attention to attract more talented people to help finish Skywind.

I've been following the project since its early steps and still itching to see it done after all this time.

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In response to post #35672577. #35675047, #35677432, #35682487 are all replies on the same post.

Sonja wrote: This looks truly incredible, and I'm in complete awe of the creators, so I'm very interesting in giving this a try when it comes out.

The only thing is that there are certain Morrowind mods that I just can't see myself playing without... such as the LGNPC series, Tamriel Rebuilt and Julan, and I suspect it's a given that mods made expressly for the MW engine will not be compatible. Therefore, in the end, I'll likely return to Morrowind Graphics and Sound Overhaul (MGSO), or Open MW when it comes out. Also, I far prefer Morrowind's more complex levelling and attribute systems over those of Skyrim...
Still, though, it will be really exciting to take a look at this once it's released. Honestly, the Elderscrolls Modding Community is just amazing!
tx12001 wrote: "The only thing is that there are certain Morrowind mods that I just can't see myself playing without... "

You do realize Skywind is not Morrowind, it will have countless features that Morrowind doesn't have like random encounters, Crafting, all several thousand NPCs will have Full (high Quality) Voice Acting, Mounts, Jail System most likely and much more.

"Also, I far prefer Morrowind's more complex levelling and attribute systems over those of Skyrim... "

Who says Skywind isn't going to have them? Skywind will pretty much do what Nehrim does to Oblivion, It replaces the entire vanilla game so theirfor will require that you use it on its own install as the vanilla game will be completely unplayable when it is installed.
Sonja wrote: I've been playing and modding Elderscrolls games for years.. so yes, strangely enough, I am in fact aware they are two different titles. However, despite being quite capable at installing mods, I'm not technically inclined, so although I strongly suspected mods would be incompatible, I was not 101% certain. Thank you for confirming my guess, though.

In terms of the additional features... While I know a lot of people will enjoy them, I am not, personally, interested in the introduction of crafting in Morrowind. Instead, I like being able to find really unique, powerful items that are not exceeded by anything I can make. While I certainly appreciate high quality voice acting, I'm perfectly content with text, as long as it is at least reasonably well written. I never use mounts in Skyrim as it is, so I wouldn't use them in an adapted Morrowind, and jails are not something I spend time in (the only exception being when I go to meet up with Inigo). What can I say, I'm basically an old school gamer. :D

If you are indeed creating a new levelling and attribute system, I would be interested to see it.

Look... no need to get so defensive with me.. I was not, in fact, attacking you. Hopefully you read that I appreciate the work that you and the rest of the modding community have done for these games.

However, I tend to agree with Apoapse.. there are several people here (certain of those representing the Skywind team included) who dearly need to learn some manners. Moreover, like DrBactrian, I think at this stage I might be somewhat reluctant to install Skywind... based on some of what I have seen here today.
Yes, this is a volunteer project, but nonetheless, some cool-headed professionalism would not go amiss.
webyan wrote: "I think at this stage I might be somewhat reluctant to install Skywind... based on some of what I have seen here today. "
What have you seen specifically? What kind of manners have been ignored?

Skywind Dev here,

I want to apologize on behalf of the team for TX12001s curt/rude response. I think he may have been triggered by a previous conversion, but regardless..

Morrowind mods will not be compatible with Skywind unfortunately. Morrowind is indeed something truly special that Skywind isn't aiming to replace, but to give a new take on. Similar to a reboot in some ways. For that reason I agree with you that there will always be a reason to play morrowind. I do think you'll enjoy Skywind when it is released though, the ash storms and updated mechanics really make it an interesting new experience. We also in the works of bringing back attributes and a general overhaul of all perks/skill trees to try to encapsulate the best aspects of morrowind within the new engine. What you'll end up seeing is something akin to a mashup of the best elements from III IV and V to try to create in-depth rpg friendly gameplay.

However I do expect a lot of skyrim mods will be able to carry over with minimal/no patching and we hope a modding community will build around it.

It's too bad that Tamriel rebuilt's graphics are very dated as technically it would be possible to port the mod's cells into the skywind gameworld. For now we just have some distant LOD terrain as a tribute to the mainland. It always makes me think of that mod :)
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As a completely talentless old gaffer who loves Skyrim, guys and gals: I wish you the very best in this endeavour. It's a fabulous project and I hope you get the talent you need! What little bits I have seen and heard on your video look fantastic. Good luck!
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In response to post #35671887. #35672757, #35679497, #35679607, #35682292, #35688192, #35691732 are all replies on the same post.

ff7legend wrote: I assume one will need BOTH Morrowind & Skyrim installed on their machines (legal copies of both) along with each game's DLC/expansions in order to play Skywind, correct? Also, Oblivion is getting the very same treatment, though it's nowhere near as complete as Skywind is. This is great news indeed!!!
Rioplats wrote: Yup, you'll need both Skyrim and Morrowind, although none of Morrowind's actual assets are used; it's just proof of ownership that they need.
ff7legend wrote: That's what I thought & yes, I own both games along with all the expansions/DLC for both games as well. Thanks for the info Rioplats. Kudos to you.
endgameaddiction wrote: @Rioplats

Out of curiosity, how does one need Morrowind if no assets are used from that game? I thought SkyWind was built from the ground up?

I mean it makes sense, because in my mind I was actually laughing at the thought of people being able to play a replicate of Morrowind with high graphics for free. Which led me to think how Bethesda would actually go about this and have accepted it.

I just can't fit in my mind how Morrowind is required if Bethesda specifically told them they can't use assets because it's against their EULA to port over assets from one game to another.
webyan wrote: Damn, now where do I get my hands on Morrowind again xD
I remember the GOTY came as an addition to this 2.95€ magazine once in Germany, and I was too stupid not to buy it :D
jim_uk wrote: Steam or GOG.
lued123 wrote: It's pretty much because of exactly what you said. Bethesda wouldn't want people to forego the original and just get this, so the Skywind team is requiring it to be safe. Not only that, but it could be argued that, even with creating new assets, certain things could simply be too similar or identical to the original, such as place names and dialogues. It's not a huge deal, because Morrowind is like 5 bucks during a Steam sale, and we'll be getting more than a few of those before Skywind releases.

@endgameaddiction I believe it's to honour the intellectual property. Skywind will not use Morrowind in-game assets, but will recreate Morrowind assets, story, and characters. It's something the team at TesRenewal has deemed necessary for the mod, not out of necessity, but out of respect for the title and possibly to prevent legal issues. You ARE, after all, playing a complete recreation and improvement of Morrowind.
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