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Nakedness in Skyrim



593 members have voted

  1. 1. Nudity?

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My own opinion is that it does not belong in the game as a core feature; let modders handle this sort of thing while game developers work on the other aspects that make a game enjoyable such as game play, graphics, and story depth. For my own situation I am not a single person with the luxury of only worrying about my own tastes in what appears on my computer screen, there are other people in my house that I have to consider. Like many who play games, the people around me have grown accustomed to the violence in video games that they see me play and while some may simply walk out of the room when they see blood squirt out of a man's body that I just finished hacking apart in an epic battle to the death, the reaction to seeing a nude body of either gender on the screen would be quite different. Agree or disagree with that all you like, the fact remains that society holds different view points on the level of violence that is acceptable in a game and the level of nudity that is acceptable, and while some game developers have thrown caution aside and incorporated it in their games it does not mean that Bethesda has to or should include nudity in their game.


I also tend to hate nudity for the sake of nudity in video games, people still wear underwear you know. If ever nudity should be included in a game I would rather see underwear also included as it just doesn't seem right that a person would strip off their armor and be full nude with nothing underneath; metal chafes.


The tl;dr vote is: nay.

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bethesda could load it as an optional esp file in the data files so that children wouldn't turn it on but it could still be easily accessible to adults


Or they could make it so it had to be modded in, so that only people with some technical knowledge of the game would know how to do it.. Oh wait.

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bethesda could load it as an optional esp file in the data files so that children wouldn't turn it on but it could still be easily accessible to adults


What children? Skyrim is rated 18+, at least provisionally.


Anyway, I miss the "indifferent" option. If nudity is in, I will not frown. If it is not, I won't be fazed either.

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My vote will be for "yay", since I find underwear immersion-breaking. In my opinion, Bethsoft could put a password-protected nude option in, meaning that parents could set a password keeping underwear on for people who are concerned with that; if not, then make it a removable inventory item so that roleplayers can pantyraid. Nothing finer than the Dovahkiin slaying dragons, saving Skyrim, and secretly hoarding people's underwear. :biggrin: Seriously, though, it's an issue - particularly with the Fallout series, which I enjoyed unmodded otherwise.
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Nay because 18+ for nudity = harder to get the game. If it's only for violence, doesn't really matter. (This is of course only for people under 18) Otherwise I wouldn't care Edited by Nysba
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I think it would be good if we had a choice of underwear, that is...minimal to more coverage, maybe even a loin cloth or breech cloth and not that diaper looking thing we had in Oblivion. but not full nude. I'm more interested in having a good (realistic) body, face, hands and feet that we can change to make our character or hero. Let the modders handle the full nudity thing. There are a lot of gifted folks out there who will create mods for full nudes. 'Roberts' male and female mods are still the best I have ever seen to this day and it would be great if we could get bodies of this quality in a game. Just my thoughts on the subject. :thumbsup:
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My own opinion is that it does not belong in the game as a core feature; let modders handle this sort of thing while game developers work on the other aspects that make a game enjoyable such as game play, graphics, and story depth. For my own situation I am not a single person with the luxury of only worrying about my own tastes in what appears on my computer screen, there are other people in my house that I have to consider. Like many who play games, the people around me have grown accustomed to the violence in video games that they see me play and while some may simply walk out of the room when they see blood squirt out of a man's body that I just finished hacking apart in an epic battle to the death, the reaction to seeing a nude body of either gender on the screen would be quite different. Agree or disagree with that all you like, the fact remains that society holds different view points on the level of violence that is acceptable in a game and the level of nudity that is acceptable, and while some game developers have thrown caution aside and incorporated it in their games it does not mean that Bethesda has to or should include nudity in their game.


I also tend to hate nudity for the sake of nudity in video games, people still wear underwear you know. If ever nudity should be included in a game I would rather see underwear also included as it just doesn't seem right that a person would strip off their armor and be full nude with nothing underneath; metal chafes.


The tl;dr vote is: nay.


I completely agree. Good post!


People keep saying this is an M rated game so no children will be playing it. Well, keep in mind (As DM Veil has pointed out) that a lot of houses have other people in them besides the one playing the game. People like to watch people play games. And frankly, people's argument of immersion is rather lame...what happened to your imagination? You can't get immersed in a game because you don't see genitals? Rather strange if you ask me. Do you read a book and have problems being immersed in a story because the author didn't describe every single detail in the scene or of the person in a scene? If so, then your imagination is a bit lacking.


Nudity is not evil, or sinful. That's not the issue. Not everybody is getting upset because they think nudity is sinful...What's wrong with a little decency, discretion and privacy? We have clothes for a reason. We don't walk around nude in public for a reason. The body doesn't have to be displayed for it to be appreciated... one could argue, the more its displayed the less appreciation there is. It's a known fact, the more stimulation you have from something the more you need to get the same effect; as was described with the example of the violence in games and entertainment. Same goes for nudity and other things. The point being, by applying discretion one preserves the importance of something or in other words, discretion shows honor. Think of a good joke...to keep the joke funny and to keep it interesting...don't say it all the time.


And to address the opinion that the US is messed up and we in Europe are far better... Yes, the whole Puritan issue in the US is rather annoying and some people need to relax, but at the same time, Europe isn't perfect and could use a bit of discretion. So in my opinion both could use help.


Anyway, I rambled on. Skyrim doesn't need nudity from Bethesda. But if you want it in your game, then go for it...it's your game.

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