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Hardest game you played...


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Daggerfall. Hands down the hardest game I have ever tried to play. And I started to play not but a year ago. So yeah, it was a pretty giant leap back in time.
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Hardest Game I can think of is Contra 1 with out the Konami code, second hardest X-men Mutant Apocalypse. At least what I could remember. Though in modern times attempting to take a Interlink Facilty in Planetside while there where 300 People defending it 300 people of another faction attacking it, and 299 other people for my team attacking the base. To sum up that fight a big cluster ____ and the only people winning are those defending.
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M&B Warband....that game is just plain Nasty, and if you don't do the first quest it gets Cold an' Nasty ...it always seemed easier if you at least accepted the first quest. Even if ya cheat IE: max stats n abilities, sooner or later ya gonna be fighting a somewhat impossible fight ....like if you're mobbed against 351 and you don't take out the ranged attackers first your gonna end up with arrows, axes and spears in your face to the point of NOT being able see anything but, and the only way to wipe em out is to use the map ....even if their a few feet away .....you can't see em....lol.....although that can be "tweaked out"......I find it amusingly interesting to cheat in different games because it's interesting to see the game scale up to the point of trying to challenge you....and M&B Warband is one of them.
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Hands down is I Wanna Be The Guy. I barely got into it and gave up; it's like Mario on steroids and then some.


Next would be Halo 2 on legendary difficulty. Halo: CE and Halo 3 are cakewalks compared to Halo 2. You die in a completely unrealistic number of shots, even the basic Grunts act like Navy SEALs in terms of their skill level, not the mention the fact that they can machine-gun-fire their PISTOLS. One burst is enough to down you. Essentially, the only way to beat Halo 2 on legendary (without co-op) is to play it like Gears of War: stay behind cover and pop your face up for 1 second at a time. Ironically, the hardest level is the very first one due to the cramped corridors.


The rest of these aren't in any particular order: I would say...hm....Guitar Hero 3 on expert would be on my list. Raining Blood, Through the Fire and Flames, and the boss battle against Lou are just ridiculous. The worst part is that said boss battle is completely luck based in true Mario Kart fashion - your powerups are random. So far, Guitar Hero 3 is the only console-based GH where I haven't 5-starred every song on expert guitar (the one song I'm missing is TTFAF, of course - stuck at a 4-star less than 5k points away from 5-star and can't get any better). To put the difficulty of this game into perspective: the game developers widened the timing window to hit notes SPECIFICALLY BECAUSE of how hard TTFAF is. Putting the Precision Mode and Performance Mode cheats on is a sure-fire way to have hair-pulling frustration (I honestly don't understand how people play in Performance Mode...and I'm a real musician who has to memorize songs). Wow, now I really feel like playing Johnny, I Hardly Knew Ya again for some reason (my favorite song in the whole game and it's a folk cover...).


Another Guitar Hero game that deserves mention is Guitar Hero: Metallica, solely because of the Expert+ drums. Now, I'm no pro drummer (I don't own a real drum kit), but I can play most songs on Expert+ (unfortunately, my drums have crapped out for the 20th time recently, so I can't continue getting better right now). A few songs on GH:M are just...ridiculous on drums. I mean, honestly, how is War Ensemble even POSSIBLE? As an interesting note, I have come close to beating Fight Fire With Fire on Expert+ several times, but the last two times I was 90%+ complete, my red drum pad stopped working and caused me to fail. Bah. Maybe I should calm down some when I play drums in the future.


On the subject of Guitar Hero, here's a funny quote:


"I've been playing the guitar for fourteen years, so it's actually less than I've been playing video games. I had a go on the Guitar Hero 3 earlier, and I don't really want to tell you the result I got."

- Herman Li (lead guitarist for Dragonforce) after playing Through the Fire and Flames on GH (a song he played on real guitar)


Finally, I would mention Oblivion. No, seriously. Oblivion is a hard freaking game unless you bump down the difficulty slider, use cheats/cheat mods, or perfectly optimize your character to abuse the leveling system - I currently use Realistic Leveling so I don't have to bother with getting enough attribute boosts per level. Morrowind is also pretty difficult but less so, because combat characters are so blatantly overpowered in it; try a stealth or magic character and you'll be trying to avoid combat as much as you can.


Edit: Uhg, how did I forget Baldur's Gate? I've tried both of them and never came close to finishing them. The DnD combat on the Infinity games is just...broken. Surprisingly, I found the "sequel" Dragon Age: Origins to be an easy game (on Normal, at least) despite the numerous people saying it's too difficult even on Easy.


Edit2: I also forgot 2 notoriously hard games: Ninja Gaiden (the Xbox version is the only one I've played) and Soul Calibur 3 (which I still play quite often; Xianghua FTW, and playing as her against my friend who prefers Siegfried is just hilarious - there's also that John Travolta guy we made...). I've never gotten past the 3rd boss in Ninja Gaiden. I've never met Night Terror or finished the awesome-but-sadly-poorly-implemented campaign (I'm on the mission where you first encounter a max level side boss - not sure if that's the last level or at least close) in Soul Calibur 3. Also, Xianghua's Soul Arena mode is a PAIN, because her destined battle is against Cervantes, who is BLATANTLY more powerful than the other computer players - the last time I got to him, my friend and I would trade the controller whenever we died, and we ended up racking up over 30 deaths before I finally got lucky. Abyss was a cakewalk - beat him first try after that.

Edited by rinoaff33
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M&B Warband....that game is just plain Nasty, and if you don't do the first quest it gets Cold an' Nasty ...it always seemed easier if you at least accepted the first quest. Even if ya cheat IE: max stats n abilities, sooner or later ya gonna be fighting a somewhat impossible fight ....like if you're mobbed against 351 and you don't take out the ranged attackers first your gonna end up with arrows, axes and spears in your face to the point of NOT being able see anything but, and the only way to wipe em out is to use the map ....even if their a few feet away .....you can't see em....lol.....although that can be "tweaked out"......I find it amusingly interesting to cheat in different games because it's interesting to see the game scale up to the point of trying to challenge you....and M&B Warband is one of them.


I waited a month for someone to write that :D So you are with me yea? Did you tried to play it with any mods? It's God damn good! :) Try it mods are even harder!

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Hands down is I Wanna Be The Guy. I barely got into it and gave up; it's like Mario on steroids and then some.


Next would be Halo 2 on legendary difficulty. Halo: CE and Halo 3 are cakewalks compared to Halo 2. You die in a completely unrealistic number of shots, even the basic Grunts act like Navy SEALs in terms of their skill level, not the mention the fact that they can machine-gun-fire their PISTOLS. One burst is enough to down you. Essentially, the only way to beat Halo 2 on legendary (without co-op) is to play it like Gears of War: stay behind cover and pop your face up for 1 second at a time. Ironically, the hardest level is the very first one due to the cramped corridors.


The rest of these aren't in any particular order: I would say...hm....Guitar Hero 3 on expert would be on my list. Raining Blood, Through the Fire and Flames, and the boss battle against Lou are just ridiculous. The worst part is that said boss battle is completely luck based in true Mario Kart fashion - your powerups are random. So far, Guitar Hero 3 is the only console-based GH where I haven't 5-starred every song on expert guitar (the one song I'm missing is TTFAF, of course - stuck at a 4-star less than 5k points away from 5-star and can't get any better). To put the difficulty of this game into perspective: the game developers widened the timing window to hit notes SPECIFICALLY BECAUSE of how hard TTFAF is. Putting the Precision Mode and Performance Mode cheats on is a sure-fire way to have hair-pulling frustration (I honestly don't understand how people play in Performance Mode...and I'm a real musician who has to memorize songs). Wow, now I really feel like playing Johnny, I Hardly Knew Ya again for some reason (my favorite song in the whole game and it's a folk cover...).


Another Guitar Hero game that deserves mention is Guitar Hero: Metallica, solely because of the Expert+ drums. Now, I'm no pro drummer (I don't own a real drum kit), but I can play most songs on Expert+ (unfortunately, my drums have crapped out for the 20th time recently, so I can't continue getting better right now). A few songs on GH:M are just...ridiculous on drums. I mean, honestly, how is War Ensemble even POSSIBLE? As an interesting note, I have come close to beating Fight Fire With Fire on Expert+ several times, but the last two times I was 90%+ complete, my red drum pad stopped working and caused me to fail. Bah. Maybe I should calm down some when I play drums in the future.


On the subject of Guitar Hero, here's a funny quote:


"I've been playing the guitar for fourteen years, so it's actually less than I've been playing video games. I had a go on the Guitar Hero 3 earlier, and I don't really want to tell you the result I got."

- Herman Li (lead guitarist for Dragonforce) after playing Through the Fire and Flames on GH (a song he played on real guitar)


Finally, I would mention Oblivion. No, seriously. Oblivion is a hard freaking game unless you bump down the difficulty slider, use cheats/cheat mods, or perfectly optimize your character to abuse the leveling system - I currently use Realistic Leveling so I don't have to bother with getting enough attribute boosts per level. Morrowind is also pretty difficult but less so, because combat characters are so blatantly overpowered in it; try a stealth or magic character and you'll be trying to avoid combat as much as you can.


Edit: Uhg, how did I forget Baldur's Gate? I've tried both of them and never came close to finishing them. The DnD combat on the Infinity games is just...broken. Surprisingly, I found the "sequel" Dragon Age: Origins to be an easy game (on Normal, at least) despite the numerous people saying it's too difficult even on Easy.


In whole of your post i must only agree with Oblivion cuz i haven't played all of that u played ;). I played oblivion for 4 years and i was like going from 5% difficulty to 100% ...And on 100% i was playing about 1 year :) I mean it was so frikkin' hard! That even if u have best armor and weps. u still die! I mean i can now tell you the whole storyline of oblivion but it will take a lot .. I mean i know every word they say in storyline...So that is it...Im with u on that one ^^

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M&B Warband....that game is just plain Nasty, and if you don't do the first quest it gets Cold an' Nasty ...it always seemed easier if you at least accepted the first quest. Even if ya cheat IE: max stats n abilities, sooner or later ya gonna be fighting a somewhat impossible fight ....like if you're mobbed against 351 and you don't take out the ranged attackers first your gonna end up with arrows, axes and spears in your face to the point of NOT being able see anything but, and the only way to wipe em out is to use the map ....even if their a few feet away .....you can't see em....lol.....although that can be "tweaked out"......I find it amusingly interesting to cheat in different games because it's interesting to see the game scale up to the point of trying to challenge you....and M&B Warband is one of them.


I waited a month for someone to write that :D So you are with me yea? Did you tried to play it with any mods? It's God damn good! :) Try it mods are even harder!


Yeah mate ...Prophecy of Pendor, it's got a lot of additions and added dialogue for quests & companions .The guy that put it together done it well except for what seems to be a memory leak or maybe it's cause he just put too much stuff in the game ...I had to increase the virtual memory on puter to stop it "locking up".IE: 32 bit system only uses 3.5 Gb ram max.


Also started Brytenwalda am about halfway through it...although it seems the A1 has been altered and enemies just seem more stupid than original warband....but I guess they didn't expect someone to attack with a bow that's got 1020 speed rating and crazy dmg.


Tried Diplomacy & Conquest but got some graphics problems with it so ...put it down after 5mins.


Have also started Fire & Sword , but it seems a bit lacking compared to Warband...but it's got guns !...no auto fire :verymad: ...The story line is meant to be based on real history....so the authors say... and that's why some content was left out .


But yeah it's M&B is a good game for it's size (about 1gb) and I can't think of many games with mounted horseback combat...elder scrolls 1V hmmm only ride , no combat.


Edited by jmalkavian
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