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"Solving" the 4-options dialogue system


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Nevertheless, different people have different writing style and favor. Some people would claim that DA2 is a good game, some people would believe that WoD's story is logical, and attempts in changing their mind don't mean anything. Arguing about this will never lead us to anywhere, because this is only a matter of opinion and thoughts.


The very fundamental problem of this system does not lie at story writing, but functionality mods that use dialogue option slots. Randomly install 10 immersion mods in Skyrim and it will become apparent.



Well, you can say that it is a difference in opinion that I choose to use a car instead of a horse and buggy to get to work... But is it really? Or is it just evolution?

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Well, you can say that it is a difference in opinion that I choose to use a car instead of a horse and buggy to get to work... But is it really? Or is it just evolution?




Evolution is the wrong word. Without limitation, you can write as many as you want, and that "many" can still be 3 or 4, as you prefer; but with limitation, you cannot truly decide the amount you write. Evolution (natural selection) enables creatures with greater ability/adaptability to survive, but this limitation of a dialogue system cannot bring about it.


You can argue that the constraint can sort writers who are unable to zip and optimize their writing amount out, but this is only the evolution of writers, not the system itself. Limitation, putting into the concept of evolution, is more like the natural environment that sorts the unables out.


Environment does not evolve, but artificial systems do, and I find it illogical to call a system that takes away freedom and ability of users as an "evolved system". Technicians and programmers have been working on their products to make them more accessible and easier to use, and the very fundamental concept is based on a wish of allowing freer use of technology. Makes no sense to me that a dialogue system that *might* disable players from doing what they want is a better system.

Edited by anbeegod
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When one door closes, another one opens.


We can now have real time dialogue, that is 10x more fun if used correctly than having 11 dialogue options. I think it is pretty obvious that things aren't getting more limited, just changing and evolving as an art form.


The only one limiting you is you.

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When one door closes, another one opens.


We can now have real time dialogue, that is 10x more fun if used correctly than having 11 dialogue options. I think it is pretty obvious that things aren't getting more limited, just changing and evolving as an art form.


The only one limiting you is you.



We don't even know if Beth is going to open doors for we PC players. Again, story writing isn't our biggest concern, functionality mods dialogues is.

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