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Survival mode disable mods?


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Holy hell, people!

This is a BETA test of some very new and fairly drastic changes to Survival Mode. Bethesda POSTED asking you / instructing you to disable mods and start a FRESH save for testing it.

The reason being, IT'S A BETA! They need feedback on the BETA itself, not on Mods effects on the beta. I am really excited for Survival mode, but if I decide to play it, I will be backing up my saves and mods, and starting a new game to toy around with it, till the official release.

The people acting like Bethesda did anything wrong at all are absolutely nuts. They even ASKED you to do it this time, even though in reality, if you are beta testing content, you really ought to realize they want straight feedback on it, not you trying to use incompatible mods and then cussing at them because "THE BETA BROKE MY GAME!". Because that causes them to waste valuable time and resources trying to find why your game is crashing over and over, only to realize its because you are running 100 mods that are not currently working with it.

I am usually pretty polite, calm, and try to be friendly. But some of the posts in here are absolutely absurd! You make the modding community look bad, and for those worrying that Bethesda would restrict modding at all, people going off on them about a BETA update not working with mods seems to me would be more likely to make them say "Screw it" and avoid the hassle all together and disable mods period. (Not that they are going to mind you.)

Sorry, I just can't fathom some peoples sense of entitlement and inability to understand concepts... some of these posts are just absolutely absurd. Come on people.

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Survival mode is free... If you paid for it, you got ripped off...


If you don't want to beta test it, then wait till other people beta test it and they release the final version, for free.

I think you just forgot how things should be, how end product should, what quality it should be, etc. Would you pay money for car, that look great but... you know, steering wheels always pulls a little bit aside, some doors not locking properly, interior padding slightly clipping, oh, and one another little problem, it don't have braks. But don't worry, car dealers said you, we will fix it very soon! You can just ride now, then, if you'd like of course, we will install beta version of brakes! And after you test it we'll make full version of brekes! And it all be free!!!1111 And all other small things will repair you pals in garage, also for free!



Alright. Lets work with your "paying for a car" analogy here.


You buy a fancy new car, pay a nice price for it, and decide to buy some after market parts for it.


A few months later, this really cool new technology comes out for your car, and the car dealership decides they want to install it on your car for FREE!


Now, they tell you, this technology is new, and they really need the car to be back to stock form before they install and test it. They state they haven't had enough tests of it yet, and don't want to install a faulty tech and potentially harm you or your vehicle. They state you can either wait a few weeks or so till they have sufficiently tested the technology, or revert your car to stock and be a tester as well. Or, option C, you can risk it all and install it even with your modifications, but they highly recommend you don't do that, and advise you just wait.


Now, are you going to install the technology, with your modifications, and risk it anyway, only to complain to the company when it doesnt work properly!? THat is EXACTLY what you are doing.


Your post really, really frustrates me. You're getting a free update, that isnt currently ready, and they simply want people to TEST IT. And you're acting like its supposed to be live right now, LOL.



UGGHHHhhhh people.

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I really do apologize to anyone that I may have offended by any of this, I am trying my damndest to remain civil, but this has to be a whole new level of absurdity, entitlement, and completely irrational thought process. If you don't want it to break / disable your mods, wait until its actually a LIVE update, and the mods are updated to work with it. Its not hard! >_< >_<

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You can keep your working Fallout 4 v1.4 and have a FO4 v1.5 to play test.


How to do this,


  1. opt out of the beta and make sure your modded game plays just fine.
  2. Rename your fallout 4 folder to something like "Fallout 4 v1.4"
  3. have steam verify game cache (it will not find Fallout 4 because you have changed the folder name)
  4. Let steam install a new clean version of Fallout 4 and then opt back into the Beta and let that install.
  5. Play the game in survival mode.

when you don't want to play the beta game and want your mods back

  1. Rename the Fallout 4 folder to something like Fallout 4 "Survival"
  2. Opt out of the Beta,
  3. Rename your old version of Fallout 4 (which you renamed) back to just "Fallout 4"
  4. Play the game modded in v1.4 again.

For best results create a new save folder in Users/My games/Fallout 4 and rename the old one so you don't accidentally try to load an incompatible save.


it's a little work on your end but you don't loose your progress in your current game and can jump into a survival game to play test any time you want.


Edit: if you just set steam to offline mode after patching for the beta you don't even have to think about opting out again when switching game versions, Just launch the game with F4SE or NMM.


I didn't even consider this, this is an excellent idea. Going to set this up after work in the morning before they completely destroy their idea due to whining, I may have to permanently hold on to a beta version for future use lol.


Thanks for this idea, cant believe I didn't think of it. Truly excellent if it works (I assume you tried it?)

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I have tried it and it does work. I have been doing this with Beth games for years. I am jumping back an forth between games now. I have issues because I'm left handed and the keybinding still doesn't work 100% without F4SE. I want to play test the beta but I get frustrated with the default keybinding.


Also Games were made better in the past! I remember when games were finished products not a hot mess like they are now. Although those game were also 8bit and used 8k ram so I guess things were a little different back then. (That was not for you I'm feeling snarky about some of the posts in this thread.) :woot:


Edit: When we stated developing "A Tale of Two Wastelands" I think at one point I had about seven version of FNV installed on my rig and could switch between them to crosscheck bugs and bugfixes. so it does work and with multiple versions so long as you have the disk space and can keep track of what the heck is what.

Edited by chucksteel
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This is a modding website, you're not going to see many people who don't enjoy mods hanging out here. I imagine the responses are more enthusiastic in other locations.


I was not referring to this forum alone. I'm not stupid, I expected people to react more strongly here.


Strangely enough, people's reactions here are on par with everywhere else. Even on the official boards people are either split 50/50 on opting out or playing through the beta phase or majorly opting out. Depending on which thread you're reading it varies but so far I haven't seen anywhere with majorly positive reactions.



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You can keep your working Fallout 4 v1.4 and have a FO4 v1.5 to play test.


How to do this,


  1. opt out of the beta and make sure your modded game plays just fine.
  2. Rename your fallout 4 folder to something like "Fallout 4 v1.4"
  3. have steam verify game cache (it will not find Fallout 4 because you have changed the folder name)
  4. Let steam install a new clean version of Fallout 4 and then opt back into the Beta and let that install.
  5. Play the game in survival mode.

when you don't want to play the beta game and want your mods back

  1. Rename the Fallout 4 folder to something like Fallout 4 "Survival"
  2. Opt out of the Beta,
  3. Rename your old version of Fallout 4 (which you renamed) back to just "Fallout 4"
  4. Play the game modded in v1.4 again.

For best results create a new save folder in Users/My games/Fallout 4 and rename the old one so you don't accidentally try to load an incompatible save.


it's a little work on your end but you don't loose your progress in your current game and can jump into a survival game to play test any time you want.


Edit: if you just set steam to offline mode after patching for the beta you don't even have to think about opting out again when switching game versions, Just launch the game with F4SE or NMM.

you are BAE

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