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Fallout 4 Survival Mode Beta


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On the way back to Sanctuary two Bloatfly or Bloodbugs killed me, in a Power Armor!

My answer to this.... Nope, play and test it alone Bethesda!

Your changes are mostly more terrible.

I will downgrade back to 1.4 and wait on the REAL Survival Mod(e)

They haven't learned anything from Fallout New Vegas!

Thank you for destroying the last balance and removing the old damage values.

Hate You and spit on your upcoming content!

Edited by hivKORN
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never post.. just thought like saying as someone whos played roughly 500 hours of fallout im actually really excited for the new features. Yeah i think taking out the console commands is pretty edgy for Bethesda but this its only for one mode thats supposed to be about realism and nothing breaks immersion like the tilde key. Also personally ive had to use way less commands to get out of sticky situations and way more of oh no i need 5000 caps... player.additem f 5000...


and also as someone who has no sway at all but their dl.. i just want to say keep up the good work modders you guys changed my life!

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In response to post #36118270.

frostycotton wrote: never post.. just thought like saying as someone whos played roughly 500 hours of fallout im actually really excited for the new features. Yeah i think taking out the console commands is pretty edgy for Bethesda but this its only for one mode thats supposed to be about realism and nothing breaks immersion like the tilde key. Also personally ive had to use way less commands to get out of sticky situations and way more of oh no i need 5000 caps... player.additem f 5000...

and also as someone who has no sway at all but their dl.. i just want to say keep up the good work modders you guys changed my life!

i should also add that im playing the beta and enjoying the sh*t out of it
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In response to post #36114915. #36115105, #36117005 are all replies on the same post.

Sepherose wrote: You know, I know that the update is a beta, and as such I expect Bethesda to do something to ensure people testing it have a pure experience without mods or cheats, but hear me out on this other side:

Last time a beta introduced an automatic disabling of mods, that persisted into the main branch. That begs the question, will the disabled console and mods aspect carry into the main branch this time around?

I'm genuinely concerned with this, as it seems more and more like Bethesda is locking down modding in general, and with purpose.
shoot123 wrote: i saw dayofdoom in twitter...they are playing first person shooter with controllers..im guessing its a hint..
TYGERShrk09 wrote: I think you are correct about them locking down modding.

Sure they only made it hard to mod a couple times, but there is still one thing many people forget. Because mods will soon be on consoles, Bethesda wants us to use Bethesda.net to download and play with our mods. This means modders on websites like the Nexus will have a hard time making mods without putting them on B's website. Also, this will most likely affect mod managers (NMM & Mod Organizer), and I can see to some extent that F4SE might not work one day.

It would also cut a HUGE number of possible mods down, even if there are a lot of them I wouldn't use, that's just stifling to creativity as a whole.

I am worried though, and I brought this up with friends quite a while back and they practically laughed at me about it. :/ Edited by Sepherose
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In response to post #36103150. #36103355, #36104240, #36108360, #36109005, #36109055 are all replies on the same post.

printerkop wrote: No mods, no dice..disabled steam from the network for now.
Mods are way more important to me then silly gameplay mechanics.
woolanator wrote: its only activates if youre opted in on steam if not it wont download and apply it, youll know if you have it if it says "[beta]" next to your fallout 4 in steam

and they removed the mods for testing purposes
printerkop wrote: i understand all that, still no mods no testing for me.
HadToRegister wrote:

i understand all that, still no mods no testing for me.

Just brilliant, and you'll be one of the people complaining that they didn't fix any bugs, because ytou refuse to play with the new patch sans mods to see if the patch fixes the UNMODDED game FIRST.

xsugerdaddyx wrote: But what if you mod to add gameplay mechanics!?
hivKORN wrote:
to see if the patch fixes the UNMODDED game FIRST.

And which of Bethesdas Games was Bug free?
I remember Oblivion, without Mods = not proper
I remember Skyrim, without Mods = not proper
Fallout 3 and New Vegas, again, not proper without Mods
Especially they are all not fixed without the unofficial patches.
Hope some people will have slept off somtime.


When i first bought Fallout 3, i couldn't get it to start at all, it took me 10 hours fiddling with ini files and installing VCredist fixes cause Bethesda in all their wisdom decided to release it with a BETA of a VCredist,,can't be more stupid.
And when i got it to work, it was stuttering like crazy, every other game played perfectly fine, i had a very fast PC.

Same with New Vegas, i havent even been able to get the steam version to work at all, not even after 7 updates, i actually had to search for a cracked exe to get my PAYED steam version to work, i mean WTF ?
And even then it was crashing every 5 minutes, i had to wait till NV stutter remover came out, just like with Fallout 3, and only 2 years later when NVAC came out, i was finally able to enjoy a crash free game.

And with Fallout 4 i only have aesthetical mods and mods that add some meshes for settlement building, no gameplay changing mods, so don't b&@*$ to me about my mods being able to interfere with the survival mode HadToRegister..go whine somewhere else.
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In response to post #36102025. #36104780 is also a reply to the same post.

SirSalami wrote: Bethesda Announces Fallout 4 Survival Mode Beta

This is to ensure that the new features can properly be tested. If you have previously opted-in, you must opt-out of the beta via Steam to continue using mods.

Phew, with that out of the way… the Survival Mode beta has launched! There is a lot of exciting stuff to take in here: the wellness system (which simulates hunger, thirst, and exhaustion), all new illnesses and antibiotics, crippled and broken limbs, and a long list of other masochistic immersive features to enhance gameplay! 

Image: “Not So Tasty” by Xazomm

As a big fan of the New Vegas Survival Mode and an even bigger fan of Skyrim's survival mods such as Frostfall and iNeed, I'm really excited about these additions. I think they'll add the desperate yet rewarding post-apocalyptic feeling that I felt was slightly missing after New Vegas. Bethesda even mentions four tenets of design regarding the new features: Strategy, Exploration, Resource Management, and Role Playing. Nice.

Sure, it'll likely be more difficult but as they say, nothing good ever comes easy. As one of the developers noted:

“My routine is completely different this time around. Sanctuary is my sanctuary. Each day I venture out in search of supplies, and I return home with stuff. I take it one day at time. I need to live.”
– Rick Vicens; BGS Animator, Survivor

Image: “Show Off Your Settlements” by “Corfus

Sounds awesome! So if you're ready (remember, this update will disable modding while opted-in), give it a try and be sure to provide feedback to Bethesda. After all, it is a beta test and I'm sure your input will be invaluable. For the full story, head-over to the the official Bethesda Blog.

Good luck, out there!
SunnyDove wrote: Everyone and their mother is claiming that mods are disabled but are they really? A moderator person on beth forums is saying otherwise.

Mods are not disabled. Due to how dramatic the changes are to the game from Survival mode, there is a higher likelihood that mods will not work properly.

Yeah they are disabled, esp's do not work, i have them enabled in my plugins.txt files and they do not load up, so Jurassica is wrong, he is a moderator, not a developer, so he doesn't know.

Texture mods do work, but plugins don't. Edited by Guest
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In response to post #36118090.

hivKORN wrote: On the way back to Sanctuary two Bloatfly or Bloodbugs killed me, in a Power Armor!
My answer to this.... Nope, play and test it alone Bethesda!
Your changes are mostly more terrible.
I will downgrade back to 1.4 and wait on the REAL Survival Mod(e)
They haven't learned anything from Fallout New Vegas!
Thank you for destroying the last balance and removing the old damage values.
Hate You and spit on your upcoming content!

LOL, yeah i can't understand how that flimsy bloodbug needle can penetrate a Power Armor suit too..that should not be possible imo.
That's why i dropped the Power Armor, so i can run away faster if needed. Edited by Guest
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In response to post #36116560.

zombieman89 wrote: Is it not possible to have the BETA and NORMAL version of the game? How difficult would it be to switch back? I'm eager to roll a character on the BETA, but don't want it to affect my other saves, or my mods/load order I've set up so far. It's obviously completely understandable why the console is disabled in the BETA executable, and I'm cool with it-- I'd just like to keep my BETA separate from my active release version.

Anyone have some advice or instruction? Thx :D



It shouldn't affect your other saves so long as you don't load any of them while the beta is active. Depending on the mods you use, all you really have to do is opt-in/opt-out via Steam to switch back and forth, downloading about 500 MB each time. If you use a mod like Full Dialog Interface, then you have to manually reinstall those strings to get the mod working again, as Steam's update procedure will overwrite those files during the update. You might also have to reenable mods via NMM or something trivial like that, too.

In short, it's like flipping a really, really slow switch.
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In response to post #36118090. #36118800 is also a reply to the same post.

hivKORN wrote: On the way back to Sanctuary two Bloatfly or Bloodbugs killed me, in a Power Armor!
My answer to this.... Nope, play and test it alone Bethesda!
Your changes are mostly more terrible.
I will downgrade back to 1.4 and wait on the REAL Survival Mod(e)
They haven't learned anything from Fallout New Vegas!
Thank you for destroying the last balance and removing the old damage values.
Hate You and spit on your upcoming content!
printerkop wrote: LOL, yeah i can't understand how that flimsy bloodbug needle can penetrate a Power Armor suit too..that should not be possible imo.
That's why i dropped the Power Armor, so i can run away faster if needed.

Yeah, that's pretty ridiculous, but not a serious issue. Report it on Bethesda's forums, though, or it'll never get fixed. Ranting here is pointless.
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