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What level were you when you finished the main quest? Did you keep playing?


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I was around lvl 80. I made a save, then went and completed 3 of the 4 endings in one sitting. Then reloaded that earlier save and kept playing as usual, because the outcome of each ending is, well.. garbage. The only ending I didn't complete was the Minutemen, which I hear is the non-kill-everything-else ending. Oh well.

for rpg game that takes years to make, all of it potential this is just not right, the closing is totally dull and leave with empty hole in the chest. I miss old rpg with tons of main quest to do, lots of event to experience and awesome plot. now this is starting to like fps based game rather than rpg based with lots of shooting and fighting but lack of storytelling.


I mean for hundreds hours spent in the game all we got is basically 4-6 hours long main quest with just 10 second ending with war never change bullcrap, I know it's catchy and trademark of fallout since the beginning but at least add some weight in it. main quest surely could go longer and have more unexpected twist. I mean how in hell nick could even deduce the culprit in just 5 minutes of dialogue and this is large world supposedly there is more than just use dogmeat to track kellog.


sigh... just venting out here...... sorry for my rambling

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I finished the main quest line somewhere around level 55.


I currently have 1750+ hours in and I am at level 228. My only challenge now is the to max out all the perks.


I also enjoy collecting (stealing) power armor frames from Raiders, Gunners and BoS.


Edited 'cause I can't spell for sith.

Edited by budrick007
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I've deliberately avoided finishing the Main Quest. I have been wrapping up side quests and generally wandering the world. I am currently level 98.

Me too. I didn't finish the main quest until I about level 150 or so. I now reget that choice, though. There is no more to do before the end of he main quest than after. Its just more of the same.

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My first game I was about level 35. Ditched that one soon after. This was before the DLC's and before the first patch.

Current game I'm level 79. Was 85 or so but had to go back to an old save (long story involving a mod issue...one of my own at that).

I'm catching up to where I was before the reload. By the time I get to 85 again I'll have finished the MQ and will continue playing as I've stuff to do :)

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I feel like the game really runs out of gas after the main quest is finished. Both times I finished it (60-ish and 95-ish), I had very little motivation to go back to it. I'm gutting out a few more hours now (played "A Cannibal in Concord," started the mechanist DLC), but I'm not really sure if I'll keep at it or just give up til Nuka world gets here.

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My first character reached level 84 after doing everything. .. That is to say.. I didn't do repeating quests unless there was an ending (like the weathervane quests) or if there was a good reward to be had (like ballistic fiber.) . But things like "escort this guy" nope.. not doing that over and over. I didn't do any farming or grinding for xp and I didn't do a lot of settlement building. I mostly just ignored settlements and laughed at their pitiful distress calls. Also didn't have idiot savant. (which makes a massive difference.) I explored every major, minor, mini area on the game guide map, I did every quest and side quest up until there was nothing to do but choose a faction. I chose Bos/RR/MM.

Automatron took me to level 89.. and Far Harbor took me to level 96.

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My first playthrough, I busted through the game and ended up siding with the Institute. All my other playthroughs, I am taking my time. I actually got a character to level 1000. My god......The difficulty just spikes. Legendaries pop out from no where and they hold nothing back. I am working on getting every settlement perfectly defended and All their happiness maxed out. Just getting tired of a settlement attack notification constantly popping up, and Preston STILL telling me a settlement needs help. Radient quests suck. But try defending my castle of a defense rating of 999. Not even the Institute lasted more than 2 minutes. Still have yet to play Far harbor.


So I plan on lots of playthroughs and plenty of post games stuffs.

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I actually got a character to level 1000. My god......The difficulty just spikes. Legendaries pop out from no where and they hold nothing back.



Just get yourself a IF88 and shoot they heads off... that'll make am think twice... eh.. actually.. it wont.. one cant think without a head.... ;)

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