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Google Chrome and the Nexus


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Hey guys.


At first I dismissed it as Nexus downtime, until it started happening on other sites too. But it's more frequent here.

It just comes up with an error message telling me no data was received from the servers. But it loads other sites fine...

Now I know this is no fault to the nexus, at all.

Internet Explorer and Safari run the nexus flawlessly.


This has become quite frustrating, I've now found myself copying an entire message/comment before clicking post incase it fails due to whatever problem the browser is having.

So then I have to wait for it to come back on then paste it and hope for the best a second... sometimes third time (if it really hates me that day hehe)


Have other Google Chrome users had this issue? If so, how did you fix it?

I have a feeling it may have something to do with googles DNS but I really cannot be sure and can only speculate.

There's nothing in the options to suggest anything may have a problem.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Chrome is my default browser. While I wouldn't say I get those messages frequently, I do get them often enough to know exactly what you're talking about. But it doesn't always happen with the Nexus sites; it's other sites too, so I'm thinking it's a Google thing rather than a problem with the Nexus. How to fix it? IDK. If I hear of anything I'l bring it here.
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I use google chrome myself, and Nexus comes up just find.


One little trick that my help; go to your options, go to 'Under the hood' and clear browsing data. There's an option called 'Empty the cache', and click only that and empty it. It's basically Chrome's version of what would be Internet Explorers 'temporary files.'

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yea i havent had that problem honestly, but i dont use any of the other browsers either so i have nothing to compare performance too.
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Chrome is my default browser. While I wouldn't say I get those messages frequently, I do get them often enough to know exactly what you're talking about. But it doesn't always happen with the Nexus sites; it's other sites too, so I'm thinking it's a Google thing rather than a problem with the Nexus. How to fix it? IDK. If I hear of anything I'l bring it here.



I'm glad I'm not the only person to be experiencing issues and yeah it does happen on other sites, I guess because I'm on the nexus the most it seems like its happening more here :)




I use google chrome myself, and Nexus comes up just find.

What version do you have? just out of curiosity. 12.0.742.112 here.



One little trick that my help; go to your options, go to 'Under the hood' and clear browsing data. There's an option called 'Empty the cache', and click only that and empty it. It's basically Chrome's version of what would be Internet Explorers 'temporary files.'


Tried that, no change it seems.

But I appreciate the help. :)



yea i havent had that problem honestly, but i dont use any of the other browsers either so i have nothing to compare performance too.


Hmmm but do you ever get the no data received error?

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I receive this issue as well. I figured that I wouldn't say anything about it, as it happens to me on other websites as well - it's almost as if the website just times out.


It seems like it happens more often when there are several tabs open at a time; can anyone else confirm this?

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the only site i have issue on is newegg. a lot of times when i go to view my cart it just says newegg may be temporaly down or moved. i just keep clicking back and going again, usually this works, or reopening my browser..
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I can't confirm it happens with a lot of tabs open.

It seems to happen indiscriminately regardless of how many tabs I have open whilst everything works fine on other browsers.

Very odd indeed.

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Happens to me on my test platform, which, as you can imagine, is very annoying. Bemusingly the site works in incognito mode, but not in normal mode. Try incognito mode and see if it works for you.
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