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Friendship and romance confirmed!!!


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7) Will we be able to have relationships with the NPCs' date=' romantic or otherwise?

Bruce: Absolutely! You make friends with people by doing things for them. Friends in the game will treat you differently. Some of them will even agree to go with you into dungeons and on adventures. You can even get married. If you own a house, your spouse will move in with you.




It was the 7th answer of the fan interview.

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As covered in another topic, which gave a direct link to the Q&A. Did it really deserve it's own thread? I mean, sure, that's a nice expansion in adding realism, but it could have just been "OMG YAY!" in the original thread.
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Well thats nice I admit but this brings even more questions for example they said if you own a house your wife or husband will move in but what if your spouse owns a house or you both have one but his/her is better - can you move in then instead? Another thing is can it be anyone or only specific NPCs coz if anyone then I of course would prefer to aim really high and get married with the daughter of a rich nobleman. Next is the question can you only marry with someone from your own race or any you want? And a few other things like divorce, cheating and possible death of the spouse. Last comes getting married with someone of the same gender though that I doubt will happen - personally I wont even try.
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Well, is romance something they just threw in for good measures or is it something more? Will the game pick your spouse through radiant story or is there a specific candidate that you have to court through doing favours and quests, or will any friend you make like you enough, eventually be open for romance? is there a same sex+race+species option? There are children in the game, can you get children also, like marrying someone who already has kids, or can you get pregnant? How much roleplaying is there to this really?


Also, if you're roleplaying an evil character, can you marry a bad person\bandit\etc?


I wonder if anyone will make marrying giants available through mods? From the E3 demo it looked as if they had conversation icon. Are there both female and male giants even? just a thought :armscrossed:


I'm looking forwards to getting married in Skyrim, the blacksmith assistent that I plan on roleplaying will hopefully make enough money in his profession to afford a nice house, then it's time to get married. Ofcourse the potential spouse has to accept that my character goes off on long fishing trips every now and then.

Edited by Opal-Eyed Fan
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