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Your two worsts


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Worst sensation? coming off a bike at high speed.


I've always been a ludicrously lucky rider-never broken a bone, hit my head or gotten any major bruising, but coming off itself shatters your confidence.


I do a fair bit of trackday riding and driving, and your pace on a race track, in any sport, it largely based around confidence-even if you aren't hurt, a fall can send you off pace for weeks. My worst was a highside where I NEARLY came off, I got the bike out of shape coming out of a slow corner(hit a patch of coolant) and it leaned far left, then far right, and nearly bucked me off, feeling the motorbike go sideways under you is a truly terrifying feeling, especialy when you've had relatives badly injured in motorbike crashes(my father only days beforehand, lucky to come away from a not-at-fault with an unlicenced driver that smashed into the back of him) and having seen riders die from the stands in Moto GP.


Worst pain? Dunno, I think when a Longbow malfunctioned while I was firing it, and snapped the cord into me, that hurt like a *******************************************************************************************

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Reaching into your back pocket and finding out your wallet is missing and walking out of your old job right after you loose it, are the two most shocking feelings I can think of. I drive a truck over the road and If my wallet is missing, It could very well be a thousand miles from me, when I find out it's missing.
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I stepped on a Lego block once :facepalm:


Anyone who has stepped on a lego piece knows the horrors involved.

I know that... I think that's one of the most physically painful things that happened to me. Another one is when I hit my side on the edge of a door handle and felt like I got shot.


Oh and falling actually feels quite nice. I would love to do stuff involving parachutes, and my fear of heights has disappeared, or well, most of it is gone.

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Worst pain: When I broke both my arms when I was 8 years old.


Worst sensation: Falling from high places (try as you might, you can't fight gravity :rolleyes: ).


Oh, you CAN fight it, all you want, you just can't WIN. :D


Worst Pain: The end result of hitting a bridge abutment at 120 mph. Even breathing felt like I was being stepped on by a giant, and ground into the dirt.....


Worst Sensation: Being told I have Multiple Sclerosis, and my work life is over and done with.

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Being stung by a Hornet, the most painfull thing ever, second falling and bruising your left rib hurts like no other, not to mention lasts for a good month.


For 2 weeks a had trouble breathing, man that wins them all.

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It's important to remember that everyone has a slightly diferent level of tolerence to pain.


Some people would be debilitated by the torturous agony of stepping on a lego, a while back I saw an American proffessional motorcycle racer called Colin Edwards place third in a race only 8 days after breaking his collarbone in a high speed accident that also seperated 70% of the muscles on one side of his chest from his ribs. When he was on the podium he couldn't even lift the trophy beyond waist height, and looked to be having trouble staying conscious, but he still managed to grin for the cameras and complain about the english weather that day rather than the missing bodyparts.

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Being stung by a Hornet, the most painfull thing ever, second falling and bruising your left rib hurts like no other, not to mention lasts for a good month.


For 2 weeks a had trouble breathing, man that wins them all.


If it flies, and stings, it is NOT my friend.


I hate bees of all descriptions. To the point that I hired a company every year to come out and spray my house to get rid of the wide variety that seemed to want to take up residence....... It was worth it not to have to dodge the bumblebees to get the lawnmower out....... It wasn't always as effective as I would have liked though.... Needed to pull a screen out of a second story window one day..... fortunately, it could be removed from inside. Unfortunately, the way the mounted hid the edges of the window frame..... where the wasps nest was, that I stuck my hand into trying to maneuver the screen in the window..... I felt a tickle first, and then PAIN as a half dozen wasps made short work of my hand. I dropped the screen...... Closed the window, and called my exterminator to come back out......


I was unable to use the hand for several days after that. Took it two weeks before all the swelling was finally gone.

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my dad got stung in the armpit... while riding his harley... at highway speeds... not a fun time for him to get stung

luckily he was ok


Friend of mine had one fly into his helmet.... at 60mph..... Keep in mind, this is the same friend that was riding to work, and a duck flew up in front of him, and pegged him square in the chest.

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