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MW2 multiplayer


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I gave up on playing TF2 since it became free.

Lots of trolls, kids and what not have ruined everything.


I bought BF:BC2 a while ago, and it's one of the most unbalanced games ever.

Pistols are more precise then snipers, engineers use Carl Gustav, machine guns are more precise then everything etc.

It's just frustrating, even though I mostly end up being first, it's not worth the frustration I deleted it.


I'm not a FPS guy, RPG's all the way!

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TF2 is a pretty decent hat collector simulator. The fighting mini-game is kinda cool too. :P

And BF3 isn't going to be slow. BF games always had and always will have a small amount of small maps where its a pure frag-fest and where you take breaks before spawning because once you do you are in the meat grinder. If not for the company making modern warfare 3 it might have actually been a fair competition however the only reason MW3 right now claims to be superior is faster frame rate on consoles. If you want a fast paced game, stick with older Call of Duty's. Its not like Modern Warfare 3 is going to be any different from them.

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Yeah, I'm actually considering picking up CoD4 again, just for multiplayer. Got quite a decent amount of IPSs hosting servers for us here. I tried MW2 again a little earlier, and it was going well for about 5 minutes, then some douchebags got into a fight because one of them couldn't stand that the other was a better player than him and kept beating him. Done and dusted. I'll play a bit of spec ops with friends sometime, but for now I'm done with the multiplayer.
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I hope so. Oh well, it was only $7.50, so at least it's not a big loss. If I don't like the multiplayer I got a reasonably decent singleplayer game with it. The last BF game I played was BF2, and I didn't much like it, because I was constantly running for minutes before finding something to shoot.


Right now, though, it seems Steam has run out of CD keys for the game, because me and a bunch of others over on the steam forums can't get our cd keys from the server to actually play it. :wallbash:

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Condolences on your multiplayer experience. What you've described is pretty much what keeps me from leaving my HL2:DM safety net. The select few servers I play on are cozy and friendly, but that might be because they're mainly FR or DE servers and I don't know what's being said hahaha.
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