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Rain/Snow in Skyrim


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there's videos of todd saying that the snow is dynamic meaning the snow isnt painted on stuff it falls and lands on them.


its an a episode of gametrailers dont remember the number so you'll have to look.

Edited by hector530
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If the rain was dynamic too, it would create little watercourses or torrents. Since they didn't talk about that until know, I have to assume it won't be the case.


I think that wet surface effects would be sufficient.

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If the snow is dynamic then I reckon the rain will be too


I mean why make one dynamic and the other painted?

Snow would be more a staple "Skyrim" weather effect and, thus, would probably be given higher priority. If they had to cut dynamics to fit disk space, rain would probably go first.

Having said that, I don't know whether or not rain is painted or not.

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The snow is fully dynamic. It falls where it should, it doesn't fall where it shouldn't. Builds up over time, like in real life.


The rain however, this is what I predict. Rain would fall where it should, so you wouldn't see rain going through overhangs/ceilings, etc. Water droplets might be visible when they hit the ground/objects. However, the rain itself wouldn't leave marks such as puddles/wet surfaces.

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