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Most people think of drugs and alcohol when they think of addictions, but I think there are more than these. The only reason we haven't noticed them is because they aren't so apparently troublesome.


I've known people who had to force themselves off the Internet, stop drinking coffee, smoking cigarettes, going through routines, and following certain people around.

I think that there are personalities that are more prone to addiction than others, and if these people stop one form of addiction, it isn't long before they pick something else up.


Have any of you had one or more of these people in your lives?

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many a few in my life, sadly most of my immediate family...if it wasn't cigarettes or food, they'd switch to something else.


I have a few addictions myself...coffee being one of them :P I went a few days without it and I felt like crap lol. Also smoke ciggies...

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i think WoW addicts are the funniest.


wouldnt obese ppl be considered food addicts?


i think there are also ppl who are addicted to being addicted to something.


what about sex addicts? i know a couple.


then there are the ppl who are addicted to the mirror.


is addiction and obsession the same thing?


i rly dont think im addicted to anything right now, but there have been games before that i would play non stop for weeks if not months, so during that time i was addicted to something, but not atm.

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Addicts? Not really, a few former drug addicts in the family, some alcaholics, just the usual self destructive stuff people did in the 1960s and 70s.


As for obessions, Im seeing a rather disturbing trend towards social media obsession, particularly among young women, many of you women I know, and we're talking many as in 14 out of 17 here, seem to be unable to go an hour without posting something about themselves on the internet. Furthermore, smartphones seem to be the other half of it, with the same fools simply blogging away all day, even at work. I've already had to let one employee go after she literaly ignored fifteen customer calls because she was too busy recording a youtube vid.


I mean, really, do it at home you mugs, if it keeps up, Im definitely going to institute a workplace wide ban on all internet capable handhelds, it's becoming a major problem-we're a garage, not a youtube studio for Grond's sake.

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Addicts? Not really, a few former drug addicts in the family, some alcaholics, just the usual self destructive stuff people did in the 1960s and 70s.


As for obessions, Im seeing a rather disturbing trend towards social media obsession, particularly among young women, many of you women I know, and we're talking many as in 14 out of 17 here, seem to be unable to go an hour without posting something about themselves on the internet. Furthermore, smartphones seem to be the other half of it, with the same fools simply blogging away all day, even at work. I've already had to let one employee go after she literaly ignored fifteen customer calls because she was too busy recording a youtube vid.


I mean, really, do it at home you mugs, if it keeps up, Im definitely going to institute a workplace wide ban on all internet capable handhelds, it's becoming a major problem-we're a garage, not a youtube studio for Grond's sake.


It's just ludicrous how people do that these days...I see teenagers riding their bike and texting at the same time. Many a few almost got hit by a car because they weren't paying attention :facepalm: It's even more sad when people call me lame or stupid for not using Facebook, Twitter...all that garbage. I'd rather not announce my entire life to the Internet for all to see, and a lot of people don't seem to get that reason at all.

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A few things....


Nexus, my computer (Or the internet in general), staying inside, and school, lol (joking). :P


I use Facebook a lot too, but not every waking moment. I put up a great deal about myself on there, but not anything deeply personal or really even personal at all. The stuff that is there are for the friend's in real life I know and trust, but even then, I'm not going to put up like half my life up there.

Edited by Keanumoreira
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Addicts? Not really, a few former drug addicts in the family, some alcaholics, just the usual self destructive stuff people did in the 1960s and 70s.


As for obessions, Im seeing a rather disturbing trend towards social media obsession, particularly among young women, many of you women I know, and we're talking many as in 14 out of 17 here, seem to be unable to go an hour without posting something about themselves on the internet. Furthermore, smartphones seem to be the other half of it, with the same fools simply blogging away all day, even at work. I've already had to let one employee go after she literaly ignored fifteen customer calls because she was too busy recording a youtube vid.


I mean, really, do it at home you mugs, if it keeps up, Im definitely going to institute a workplace wide ban on all internet capable handhelds, it's becoming a major problem-we're a garage, not a youtube studio for Grond's sake.


It's just ludicrous how people do that these days...I see teenagers riding their bike and texting at the same time. Many a few almost got hit by a car because they weren't paying attention :facepalm: It's even more sad when people call me lame or stupid for not using Facebook, Twitter...all that garbage. I'd rather not announce my entire life to the Internet for all to see, and a lot of people don't seem to get that reason at all.


Right there with ya Illiad. No facebook, no myspace, no twitter, none of that style of social networking for me. I have friends on the internet, but, I contact them via email, or forums, or MSN chat client. I don't need to spend my time updating my facebook page with every last detail of my life...... or ANY details of my life for that matter.


But, more on topic..... My Addictions:




My SO would argue "internet"......

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i suppose eating is an addiction too... and life

OH, and the internet!

and this :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck:

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