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Heat Wave a comin'


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Hmph. I live in a desert. Thats not hot :P It gets to an average of 110F to 115F in the summer.

:P But that's dry heat, totally different from this humid thick crap. I'd rather deal with that...it's the humidity that just ruins everything.


You guys are lucky...this is just crazy. We went outside yesterday for about 20 minutes and my shirt was soaked :yucky: I just feel bad for my poor bf...it's going to be at least 130-140F inside where he works. Glad he has a nice cold house to come home to :)


Even crazier is this hot weather is spawning some wicked thunderstorms. They were pretty bad last night. But, it's funny...Oshkosh has some magic barrier around it :P All the severe storms just shifted north of us last night and again this morning :dance: But our garden is up by where the storms are hitting...I hope it's alright :(

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At temps above 104*, the human brain actually starts to cook...... if the temp inside where your BF works hits 104, he can walk out, and legally, can NOT be fired for it. (legally......)


It is in the 90's here, with fairly high humidity, heat index north of 110....... stepping outside is akin to wrapping yourself in a HOT, wet, wool blanket. You instantly break into a sweat.....

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Yeah, I guess. He told me that they are pretty good when it's this hot out, they let them take extra breaks and they give them Gatorade and water at no cost to the worker. Thankfully, he's on 8 hour days now...he was on 10 or 12 hour days a few weeks ago.


When he was a roofer, they didn't let him take extra breaks or provide any type of liquid to drink :rolleyes: That was a crappy roofing company for sure....


Just glad I got a decent A/C lol there's no way in heck I'd sweat this week out. We didn't have A/C when a heat wave hit Chicago 10 years back, I'll never go through that again.

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The temp today is supposed to be north of 100 degrees..... I am not even going to venture outside if I can possibly avoid it..... Heat index is going to be OVER 110......


I wish it would rain. :D

your wish is granted


now its 110 and raining

Edited by Fonger
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I suddenly feel bad for people who live in Florida. Nice that our town has a community pool here and A/C makes my home an oasis. So I'll live.
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Eeek! It was 115 with the index yesterday here :( Boyfriend came home from work completely soaked. You could see through his shirt and his jeans were wet...ugh.


Still hot today...high of 89 but it's a lot less humid out from days past. It's going to rain this weekend too :D Finally cool it all down. Still looking pretty hot for next week...EAA people are gonna be scorching. Always gets pretty toasty here end of July beginning of August, but this was pretty bad. Come September it's gonna start getting cold then we'll be back to our -30 winters lol

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I suddenly feel bad for people who live in Florida. Nice that our town has a community pool here and A/C makes my home an oasis. So I'll live.

<< Lives in Florida. :ohdear: At least the winters here are pretty nice, gets about 50 or 60 degrees, pretty manageable.In fact, I don't think it's snowed in over 30 years, I've never even seen what snow looks like in real-life.

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I just hope that everybody is looking out for one another. I just saw a trucker in upstate Pennsylvania pass out due to heat exhaustion. I know the symptoms, since I was in the Army and was stationed in South East Georgia for 3 years. August was real fun.
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