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Survival Mode...ridiculous or just not fun?


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I find it funny some of the people constantly crying about the survival mode are the same ones that turn around and try to chastise ppl in other threads for calling the storyline and setting in FO4 poorly done, often saying something along the lines of how "unfair" it is for people to be disappointed in bethesda choices as if bethesda choices are some how superior to anyone elses.



No, but if that same Bethesda sells me a video-game.. i expect it to be at least a good one. They have a name to uphold. a name that makes me pre-purchase.. A name that makes me buy the season pass..


And if i do that, i expect it to be something... not a piece of empty crap like New Vegas was.


Granted, its a rather stable game.. Bethesda and a stable game.. never thought i'd see that.. that's something of a contradiction. so an achievement there. But a couple of outright blunders on the other hand. Like hard-coding the controls of the the very workbench you use for building and playing their dumb mini-game in an even dumber Far Harbor... to the arrow keys... the same keys many gamers, and also me,.. use for moving. So... there is no way i can play that mini-game, or build anything beyond the basics for that matter.. . i have to use cheats to do that. and that takes even more away from an already sinking Video-game.


When i write them about the problem, they ask me for a DXDiag....






Somewhere along the line... They have stopped listening, and i suspect they also stopped caring for their customers... I should have seen that coming after Skyrim, which was close to brilliant... close.. but not quite.

But i didn't.


I have no regrets buying this weak game though, not as much as i did with that piece of Crap NV... but it has to be saved by Modders... or quite a brilliant piece of DLC... but.. seeing Beth stumble on like this.. i fear before the fall.. i rather doubt the latter.

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Yeah it's annoying garbage because it isn't balanced. The hardcore mode in New Vegas was amazingly balanced. In fallout 4 it's just menial frustrating tasks, like having to eat, drink, take antibiotics, every two steps you take.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Personally, aside form the saving issue, the only problem I have with survival is scale. Namely the 'I have to drink 6 liters of water and eat half my body wight in food every day' issue. The saving thing, for a game that officially supports mods(many of witch can destabilize the game), is utterly ludicrous and arbitrary.

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Its also completely a non-issue now, since this is a game that can be modded.


There are slews of modifications available for players to completely recostumize the survival aspects of this game and in point of fact many more available that make the experience that much harder than what BGS did.



This thread was from May, its now December we have had mods available for Survival Mode since Beta version of Survival mode.

Pointless thread in these times now.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A "real" survival mode is not fit to work well with Bethesda Fallout, this game is all about hoarding, stockpiling a metric ton of items/food/weapons/armors/teddy bears... Water for example, in a true survival setup the real challenge should be to FIND clean water not to drink every 10' overabundant/easy to obtain water, same goes for weapons/ammo/healing items, can we talk about survival when you can have more equipment than the US army? In my opinion an enjoyable survival mode would have:

- No annoying drink/eat every 10 minutes, instead a extremely hard to find resources,

- Give us back weapons/armor conditions/ need to repair.

- Rethink the loot system, no armor looting may be? Need gear, buy it.

- Rething the inventory, reduce the carry capacity, may be add slots STALKER style, having 2 rifles and 3 missile launcher + hundreds of items is NOT survival.

- Radiations should be more dangerous if unprotected, as it is it's just a nuisance, radstorms for example could be revamped to a real threat that can kill you if you don't find shelter in time, even a game like MadMax has this mechanic.

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Indeed, the game isn't optimized for survival, but with a few mods you can come damm near close to it. At this moment I'm still in far harbor, and actualy its quite hard.

Regarding your comments :

1) when you lower your timescale, you won't have to eat/drink every 10 minutes.

2) Loot overhaul and not building any water pumps, makes purified water more rare.

3) carry weight can be modded. With the bonus of my backpack I'm now maxed at 160lbs. Together with a combination of mods which increase the weight of weapons and ammunition, their isn't much room to fiddle with a missile launcher let alone a fat man.

4) With true storms you can ad the spawning of feral ghouls during rad storms, even at level 45 i'm still looking for shelter.

5) Besides mods, there are things you can roleplay. For me: I don't do drugs, no power armor, no map (only in settlements or distinctive landmarks), no crossair and I don't take perks which grant some magical power.

But I hear you, I do miss the atmosphere of Stalker. Hopefully the next Beth game will be a lot darker/harder.

(Sorry for my language, no native speaker)

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  • 1 year later...

Its just badly implemented. Other games have survival mods done far better than what you get in fallout 4. Your needs are twice as many as in reality but in in-game hours and strict framing.

Take a look to stalker SOC oblivion lost mod:

instead of breaking legs when over encumbered you can just sprint for less time (and its based on how much in percents you exceed. not 1 gram = death)

and no chain bullcrap like mentioned below


instead of limiting the sleeping spots and not allowing to rest, having beds owned by someone to prevent you from using it and disabling your sprint for not sleeping enough and what not - have a sleeping bag which you unpack where you feel safe (just not to get killed in your sleep)


instead of needing to eat 2+ steaks and drink 2+ bottles of liquid the first second you woke up, you feed once, and if you dont - you dont just go die. in fallout it seems your metabolism doesnt change during sleep. well played


toxic air isnt prevented by walls so youre stuck eating radiation, using radaway, drinking water, eating a rat, dinking a nuka cola, curing a new disease or recovering from other effect, likely countering something that now you made carry less, which broke your leg which now requires a stimpack and a procedure repeats without a minute break. (thats no joke, i can share a save file). instead - if youre against the wall and there is no wind flow that would affect you - youre fine. + you get alerted about incoming storms like that


in short. since they made it so hyper-realistic, they could also implement ability so sleep on a freaking chair and drink you own piss


sincerely, not a bear grylls

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The moment I saw all the silly restrictions I said "thanks, but no, thanks"... I mean, I've been on treks where I slept on the ground, no sleeping bag or nothing. Just like in the army. I was a radar operator with the 62A HAWK Anti Aircraft, Delta Battery in Essentho with our site set-up near the East German border (this was 1979) and when on manoeuvres with the French, Brits and Americans (four times a year), we slept where we sat when we had time, we ate and drank when there was an opportunity and peed and took a crap in the woods when we had a need. It's amazing, by the way, how well you can wipe yer arse with some leaves.


Never played one minute in Survival mode and never will.

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