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Possible US President Trump, what possible consequences?


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The idea of Trump becoming the US President is of concern to both Americans and non Americans. His rhetoric about the USA's relationships with other countries are over simplistic and even if there is some truth, to some of them, they could also be damaging to US influence with other nations including its allies.


Trump spoke of making its allies paying more of the military costs and in some cases, such as some NATO countries in Western Europe he has some credit, but other countries have spent much as part of alliances and in real terms as part of exercises and even conflicts.


Trump spoke of forcing Mexico to pay for a wall along the border between Mexico and the USA mainland. I do not see how such a poor country, as Mexico, could even begin to pay for such a project. Also, other problems, such as corruption, would make the efficiency of the project most doubtful.


The concerns, with who is the US President, are rightfully international because the USA is a superpower and has much influence on the world.


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All i know is If Mr. Trump becomes US president:


-He will probably ban Muslims and other illegal "dangerous" foreigners from US.


- He will probably will be more aggressive on defeating ISIS by putting more US/NATO troops in fighting ISIS

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Not trying to offend anyone but seriously, does it matter who becomes US president? He or she will sign a contract with a few banks/corps and play complaisant pawn while pretending to be a leader. I wish Trump would win though, at least that would be really amusing to watch news with press cons and speeches.

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Not trying to offend anyone but seriously, does it matter who becomes US president? He or she will sign a contract with a few banks/corps and play complaisant pawn while pretending to be a leader. I wish Trump would win though, at least that would be really amusing to watch news with press cons and speeches.

See, that's just it. Trump already has more money than god, so, he doesn't care about any of that. He financed his own campaign, so, if elected, he isn't going to be beholden to anyone. I really don't think he cares about a second term either, so it really doesn't matter what powers-that-be he pisses off. He can do pretty much as he pleases, insofar as the office allows. Should be interesting to watch. :D

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See, that's just it. Trump already has more money than god, so, he doesn't care about any of that. He financed his own campaign, so, if elected, he isn't going to be beholden to anyone. I really don't think he cares about a second term either, so it really doesn't matter what powers-that-be he pisses off. He can do pretty much as he pleases, insofar as the office allows. Should be interesting to watch. :D




As President he would have much more of a potential to piss off the powers that be and he's certainly pissed em off quite alot already without being President. And the Office of Presidency comes with an awful lot of means to do something about it , including a kill list every morning. Being how thin skinned he has been throughout his life , wouldn't want to catch him on a bad day.



At the very least the comedy channel is gonna get better.

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Trump as President doesn't worry me in the least, but 8 more years of American Democrat Liberal BS scares the hell of of me.

Right there wit' ya Waldo. :D


Same :thumbsup:


DISCLAIMER: This post is the opinion of a ranting/ raving anonymous forum user and thus all views are solely the poster's and do not reflect the views or opinions of the Nexus Forums as a whole


As for the concern that he will ruin our standing among the world and incite WW III ...imo are unfounded.


The US as it stands ...has tremendous military capability***** and once we untangle ourselves and fix our domestic economic issues, we will have that "largest factory on earth" mode that Rommel and the Third Reich feared.


However our current "leader" despite having one of...if not the best...stick (US Military) to act as the leader of the US and the West...he hasn't used it effectively:


- he seems afraid to commit, one way or the other (people pleaser, all over the map)

- in process of drawing down out forces due to " Peace" (yet the conflict is heating up again)

- acts like a puppet, rather then a president (bowing to the Saudi King)


I highly doubt Trump will have these problems. As for the thought that he will incite war....we've been in conflict mode for years...an actual, full on war might just be what needs to happen to win over in the Middle East.


Not playing at war... not an executive order of war... total war that unites the American people until its won...not some news story that shows up for 60 minutes and when its over the people settle back into the matrix.


***** Despite the current social justice experiment that is messing up systems that work, because those systems are not sensitive to the LGTBQAAIP, Feminists, and the feelings of the Muslims


Anyway, did you guys see that Trump video?


300 Trump Video

Edited by modder3434
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I highly doubt Trump will have these problems. As for the thought that he will incite war....we've been in conflict mode for years...an actual, full on war might just be what needs to happen to win over in the Middle East.


Not playing at war... not an executive order of war... total war that unites the American people until its won...not some news story that shows up for 60 minutes and when its over the people settle back into the matrix.


***** Despite the current social justice experiment that is messing up systems that work, because those systems are not sensitive to the LGTBQAAIP, Feminists, and the feelings of the Muslims


Anyway, did you guys see that Trump video?


300 Trump Video


Discaimer: I honestly believe Trump is a buffoon and is lying to you all , with that said.


I actually did enjoy the video , didn't agree with it much , but certainly thought it was a hoot. See the comedy does get better when it comes to Trump , think I'll watch it again.


PS: You do realize the Spartans lost . lol thats just too rich. Maybe for the next one they will use Custer's last stand at the little bighorn.

Edited by Harbringe
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