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Possible US President Trump, what possible consequences?


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Are you attributing all of that to Donald? Or, just the republican party? A lot of it is pure nonsense...


It is all nonsense. But every bit of it has been done or said by elected Republicans at the Federal, State and Local levels of government.


What is worse, it that the Republican candidate for United States President repeats is in word and deed.


I couldn't make this level of asininity up.

Include the dems in that as well.


Face it. Politicians lie. They makes stuff up as they go, cherry pick their facts/statistics, blatantly falsify claims, and a host of other ills, that we wouldn't accept from our friends. Why do we accept it for our supposed 'leaders'?

Nope, every thing in that list was said or done by one or more republicans. And most of then were well before this election cycle got into full swing, so you cannot minimize them by blaming "election politics".


One quick example. The line "The constitution is meaningless, the Bible rules supreme" was delivered while standing behind Kim Davis. You remember her, the elected county clerk who defined a Supreme Court Order to issue marriage licences to same gender couples, stating "America is a Christian country and should be ruled by the Bible. This < issuing of marriage licenses to same gender couples > is a sin and I will not go against my religious beliefs. Supreme Court be damned." Kim Davis became a Republican celebrity for her "strong religious stance".


Okay, two. The Republican dominated Texas legislature passed some draconian laws governing the operation of places that offered "Free Woman's Health Services". These laws were so restrictive that all but twelve centers have closed statewide. Now, poorer women have to travel to Louisiana, Oklahoma or New Mexico for family planning assistance, for a pregnancy test, or for their annual PAP smear or a Mammogram.


Okay, one more. The Republican Presidential Candidate mimed the spasmodic body motions of a man who is physically challenged, all the while ridiculing the man, his profession and his life.


I could detail every item in that list. And you will either believe it or not.


The funny thing is, I do not care. I could document this same kind of mind numbing excrement for the Democrats. The truth is that I hate the stupid ignorant arrogant hypocrisy of both parties. My honest belief is that both parties are extremist organizations who hold the America People hostage to satisfy their narrow minded ideologies. Trump is an idiot. Hillary is no better. I may just vote for Pat Paulsen again. Or maybe I will vote for "None of the above".

I think "none of the above" should be a vote that counts. If NotA wins, then ALL the candidates go home, and we start over again...... :D

NOTA is an interesting idea but I would not like to trade it for the right to NOT vote at all.

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<snip> Or maybe I will vote for "None of the above".
I think "none of the above" should be a vote that counts. If NotA wins, then ALL the candidates go home, and we start over again...... :D

NOTA is an interesting idea but I would not like to trade it for the right to NOT vote at all.


I will never recommend that someone who holds a franchise remain home. NEVER STAY HOME! Cast a ballot. Our politics may not provide you with candidates and issues that you want to vote for, but our politics will definitely provide a pile of issues you want to vote against. And when in doubt, vote NO. But for the sake of whatever deity you hold dear, REGISTER AND VOTE!!!


And HeyYou, several municipalities have implemented the rules you recommend for NOTA votes, and NOTA is the last candidate for every elected position on the ballot.

Edited by RattleAndGrind
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For me, it matters very little who gets into the White House. All I know is that whoever gets there, the leader of the House of Representatives, Paul Ryan, will try to kill and take away the only health insurance I've been able to afford as a disabled person. From Obamacare of $100/month, perhaps back to pre-Obamacare rates of $750-$850/month for being in what they see as a high risk group. Lucky me!
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For me, it matters very little who gets into the White House. All I know is that whoever gets there, the leader of the House of Representatives, Paul Ryan, will try to kill and take away the only health insurance I've been able to afford as a disabled person. From Obamacare of $100/month, perhaps back to pre-Obamacare rates of $750-$850/month for being in what they see as a high risk group. Lucky me!

I am disabled, and am on Social Security Disability. Medicaid covers most of my health care costs, and VA deals with the rest. Most folks I talked to about Obamacare didn't much care for it. These were working people, with decent jobs, that USED to get their insurance thru work.... Obamacare changed all that, and now, 90% of them report that their insurance costs have increased DRAMATICALLY. Some have doubled, in a few cases, it tripled, and became unaffordable. The ORIGINAL idea was a good one. The program that we actually got, after everyone stuck their fingers into it, isn't even close.

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I generally say that trump's a mussolini style fascist but hillary has rabies and is essentially a cornered animal without anyone that likes her, her unsupportability in this regard means that even if she weren't a total mad dog wanting to be the ice queen she'd be limited to real politiking in the cynical henry kissinger fashion

which some people might not mind until they realize that she's insane AND cruel where he was just cruel and a risk taker (she doesn't even know what risks are she's so lacking in self awareness)

when the gay shooting in orlando thing happened the first thing I did was check out trump's rhetoric on the matter, it wasn't gas the jews or some rhetoric similar, it was fairly defensive and protective
he might be the next FDR, what people don't realize often is that FDR did quite a bit that mussolini did and even centralized power in the USA, and played dirty fairly often while being hated by the establishment while coming somewhat from it

or, someone else suggested theodore "teddy" roosevelt, since he's also blustery, either way we'd get a square deal or a new deal out of it probably

Edited by tartarsauce2
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I would say there is little chance of Trump being President barring a miracle or catastrophe that is unforseen. He had a chance after winning the nomination but he just seems incapable of not saying stupid stuff , even when his handlers script what he should say .. he goes off on his own tangent . He is plunging in the polls (was tied with Hillary , now Hillary has around double digit lead) , Republican donors have failed to step up to fund a campaign and the media are no longer following every word he says no matter how outrageous , so it appears the free media train he road to the nomination is over , there are numerous reports his campaign is running out of money and there are down ticket candidates who are complaining to delegates that he is ruining their chances to win (Governorship's , Attorney General , etc) and pressure is mounting to launch a challenge at the convention. But the money is the big thing , unless all the people who voted for him can come up with a billion dollars to give him a chance against Hillary ,there wont be a Trump Presidency.

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What a lot of people are missing with Trump is the age factor, it's why he will never be a Hitler. If he were a younger man he might be dangerous, but as we get older we are less ambitious and less likely to have dreams of conquest, and more willing to embrace compromise. Incidentally, it is his willingness to compromise on ideology that has so many conservatives against him. I've come to the conclusion that for Trump, becoming President of the United States is going to be his retirement hobby, and a chance to give something back. Of course the ego has a role to play in that as well.


Can he win? Well sometimes in life you find yourself in a situation that almost seems like it's been scripted by a really bad writer, and when that happens you can usually predict how it's going to turn out. If this were a movie you would already have figured out that Trump will win. And if his first term goes badly then we already know the headlines in the morning papers the day after his failed re-election bid.




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Whatever you voters in the US decide to do come election time, I hope its not what happened in our Australian Federal election on Saturday. So far, we have the strong possibility of a hung parliament or minority government similar to what happened here back in 2010.

Never before has the Australian electorate seen results (to date) such as what happened 2nd July 2016.... http://www.abc.net.au/news/federal-election-2016/


Neither the centre left (ALP) or centre right (LNP) can form majority government... also witness the rise of Independents and fringe groups.

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In their 1978 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Declaration on Race and Racial Prejudice (Article 1), the UN states, "All human beings belong to a single species and are descended from a common stock. They are born equal in dignity and rights and all form an integral part of humanity."


As far as i know US is part of the UN.


Racism is a crime.

You are unironically quoting UN on something?

The same UN that let the invaders massacre my country when we were fighting a defensive war by blocking us off and doing absolutely nothing?

The same UN that elected SAUDI ARABIA for the leadership of human rights council?


Are you out of your mind?

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