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Pre-order for the burlap map or wait for Collector's Edition?


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Anyone else pre-order this yet? The cool cloth map sounds awesome but I'm worried if I pre-order now I might miss out on some amazing Collector's Edition! Does anyone know if there's going to be a Collectors Edition pre-order available?


I can't wait for this game. I think I'm going to freeze myself for 4 months instead of wait.

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I'm sure they will have a collectors edition. A game with this big of a following, it would be stupid for Bethesda not to release one.


And I'm also sure that you will be able to pre order the collectors edition for the map, just as you can the normal edition.

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I was talking to a guy at Gamestop the other day and he said he hasn't seen such a thing in their system yet and that he doubts there will be. He also said that if you pre-order now and a CE does come out, they can transfer your money to it. I'd be fine if they didn't release one, though.
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It's also that guy's job to get as many pre-orders as he can, so take that with a large grain of salt. If he can sell you on pre-ordering now, that's his quota he's filling. If they make a CE later, and you pre-order then, it might be some other clerk who gets that gold star on his report card, catch what I'm saying? So it's in his best interest to get you to not hold out for a collector's edition. Which is not to say that he's lying either though. He might not have received word yet, but I wouldn't consider that definitive by any means.
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Yeah, I just got back from my Gamestop. Guy said they'er all waiting for the Collector's Edition too xD

But pretty much, went ahead and reserved my copy, and when the get the CE, they're sending out e-mails to everyone who already pre-ordered so they can go upgrade their pre-order to the CE.

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