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Change of Ad Provider


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In response to post #37618790.

JimmyRJump wrote: Read, acknowledged, appreciated and approved. AB and ABP will be deactivated for the Nexus come Saturday...


Ha! Forgot for a second I'm a supporter and don't see ads :P

No need, you're a Supporter so don't see ads anyway!
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In response to post #37618790. #37619005 is also a reply to the same post.

JimmyRJump wrote: Read, acknowledged, appreciated and approved. AB and ABP will be deactivated for the Nexus come Saturday...


Ha! Forgot for a second I'm a supporter and don't see ads :P
Dark0ne wrote: No need, you're a Supporter so don't see ads anyway!

Yeah, the penny dropped a few seconds ago ;)
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In response to post #37618455. #37618615 is also a reply to the same post.

renthal311 wrote: a few days, this ad, automatically jumps to the Nexus (I click to see a mod and automatically jumps into this here advertisement) : http://www.lot.com/pl/pl/?utm_source=zanox&utm_medium=display&utm_campaign=nonstop&zanpid=2165427485444281344
underskyzx wrote: they must love adblock they keep giving us reason to use it

I understand it is really annoying, but you can live with that :) :D
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See? I think this thread is sexy. I'm just saying.


At any rate, I would encourage everyone who uses this site for mods, or for help, or just for their personal amusement to take a couple of bucks and at least show your support if you can't buy premium. Someone mentioned not downloading enough mods to make it worthwhile. I don't really think of it as paying for a service so much as tossing a little support behind a site I've come to really enjoy. It's not like it's some massive fee, after all. I've spent more than the supporter membership on games this week alone. Also on coffee, which sounds amazing right now.



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Thing is, I've given this website money, and lots and lots of content. Try running a mod community without modders. I've done my bit and then some.


As for me using adblock, that's my own personal business if I choose to or not, and corporations need to understand that we don't really owe them anything. We live in a democracy. We can choose what to provide and when to do it.


And I admire how Dark0ne understands that. Because otherwise I'd basically have to flip a coin between ModDB and this place. What gives the Nexus an edge is how I feel more like a person, and less like a number over here.

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In response to post #37618455. #37618615, #37619165 are all replies on the same post.

renthal311 wrote: a few days, this ad, automatically jumps to the Nexus (I click to see a mod and automatically jumps into this here advertisement) : http://www.lot.com/pl/pl/?utm_source=zanox&utm_medium=display&utm_campaign=nonstop&zanpid=2165427485444281344
underskyzx wrote: they must love adblock they keep giving us reason to use it
renthal311 wrote: I understand it is really annoying, but you can live with that :) :D

Same here
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I'm very sorry, but your mobile advertisement just got way worse!

Handy vibrating, redirects en masse, "Congratulations you just won" alerts, "Wheel of fortune" "games", "WARNING VIRUS FOUND"....


That is no advertising, that is absolutely unacceptable SCAM, there is no other way to put it, really.


Your site is not usable with mobile right now, super super annoying. I'd block it all for being so intrusive, but unfortunately, we're talking about mobile here. PLEASE for the sake of god, do something about it.


Thank you very much.


Edit: adsrocket seems to be one of the culprits. Finally going to root my mobile so I can block them via hosts file...


Edit2: There is no way to report such "ads" on mobile at all. You're being redirected before you can act and I clicked _nothing_ at all, so it triggered itself upon page load. I really appreciate your services and will very likely upgrade, but something like that is really not acceptable.


Edit3: I forgot to say that I strongly appreciate that you are looking into this. I guess nobody blocks adds because they want to hurt the content creators, it's just that ads got completely out of control.

You could just don't care, but you don't, my respect for that.

Edited by smirgol
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In response to post #37618695. #37618955 is also a reply to the same post.

RustyXXL wrote: First let me say, I really appreciate your open words, I hope this will turn out to be an example for some other site to also rethink their advertising models. It is really needed. That said, I'm afraid my Addblock will be kept on for any site. I've seen it to often even presumably "good" ad provider having weaknesses or suddenly chane their policies, and I simply won't take any risks anymore, for nobody. I am all for supporting any site I regularly use directly or indirectly. I've bought premium in the past, and whenever my financial situation allows it I will do so again. Over the years I brought a bunch of new users to the nexus, but my recommendation will stay (not only for the nexus, but for the whole internet) "use an addblocker, and support the sites you like in anyway you can directly.".
But I will continue to monitor the ad situation, and maybe someday the day comes where I can say it's safe enough for me to turn my addblock off. And when that day comes, you can say to yourself, that this decision you made here, was one of many, many neccessary steps to get there.
And as such I really do mean it, when I say I appreciate your efforts you showed here, even if it doesn't change things for me immediatly.
So thanks for that. :)
demonofsarila wrote: Ummm.... under your avatar it says you're a supporter, which mean you won't see ads regardless.

Supporting/premium is for me totally independant from ads. If there was currently a way to 100% guarantee me unobstrusive, 100%safe advertisement, I would activate it even iwht premium/supporter status. But as this guarantee can't be made currently, I will use adblock and will recommend everyone else to use adblock.
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In response to post #37619540.

Thumblesteen wrote: Thing is, I've given this website money, and lots and lots of content. Try running a mod community without modders. I've done my bit and then some.

As for me using adblock, that's my own personal business if I choose to or not, and corporations need to understand that we don't really owe them anything. We live in a democracy. We can choose what to provide and when to do it.

And I admire how Dark0ne understands that. Because otherwise I'd basically have to flip a coin between ModDB and this place. What gives the Nexus an edge is how I feel more like a person, and less like a number over here.

YES IS OBVIOUS Nexus did not exist would no Modder, here we are a big family, and we should get together to support and help each other
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