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Where will the next Fallout be?


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Somewhere in Europe, Set in England where some form of government has been re-established like the NCR. Mutants have been pacified... mainly. Mutant invasion from France or Scandinavia...Viking super mutants, or some form of menace. Perhaps the Europeans had acquired some FEV samples, set up secret weapon labs as well and a form of super mutant was created there.


Bosses would include a Super Mutant Mime , A Ghoul named Henry Le' Pieu (Pepe Le Pew). Random encounters can include Viking Super mutants talking about SPAM, some form of the 3 musketeers.


Main boss would be Dwarf form of a Super mutant named Nap-o-lion Ripaparte.

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Somewhere in Europe, Set in England where some form of government has been re-established like the NCR. Mutants have been pacified... mainly. Mutant invasion from France or Scandinavia...Viking super mutants, or some form of menace. Perhaps the Europeans had acquired some FEV samples, set up secret weapon labs as well and a form of super mutant was created there.


Bosses would include a Super Mutant Mime , A Ghoul named Henry Le' Pieu (Pepe Le Pew). Random encounters can include Viking Super mutants talking about SPAM, some form of the 3 musketeers.


Main boss would be Dwarf form of a Super mutant named Nap-o-lion Ripaparte.

Except that FEV was being developed secretly.

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it returns to the mojave(hinted)



Was fun, meaning that you'll be going somewhere else.


fallout 4 is a while away, because bethesda only has the rights to make 3 fallout games, they've made 2 already, so until they win the lawsuit with interplay for the full rights(or atleast the rights for a few more games), they will keep making New Vegas DLCs to continue making money.

No, Lonesome Road is going to be the final DLC.



But, Fallout NV isnt a main story(canon) game, every game so far that isnt named "fallout #" (# meaning 1 2 3.. etc) is considered to be mostly non-canon. the wiki states that fallout NV is a SEPERATE PROJECT by obsidian. FNV is no more canon that Tactics or FBOS.

New Vegas is Canon, dude. You need to read the wiki better. It continues the Fallout 1 and 2 stories. Hell, I'd consider this the true Fallout 3 because it uses elements from the Van Buren story. Meanwhile Fallout 3 didn't have much of a connection to the main games. Again, read the wiki better.



no, i dont, i have spent days on this. i will guarentee i know this far better than you do, whenever i dont know what even a shack i see is for, i look it up. whenever i'm not skating or actually playing im reading the wiki.


how does "was fun" even bring up the thought of going somewhere else? that doesnt even make sense


Lonesome road is NOT the final DLC

a DLC with the pre-order armors/weapons is coming out aswell as a DLC with brand new weapons


and as for you saying as what i interpret as fallout 3 being inferior to FNV, "In Fallout new vegas you have to choose between 3 factions that no one cares about in a conflict that isnt nearly compelling enough to pull you in like in fallout 3" - i cant remember who said that but i belive it was 'latex'


no, hes right. FO:NV is canon. It continues the storylines of FO1/2 and harvests some from Van buren. FO3 Is still capable of being canon in the universe, hence it's location on the east coast. The choice was deliberate (to both not have to answer to and also leave alone the original stories.

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I was thinking about this just the other day, I would love to see it set in Manhattan NYC. I really miss the urban feel of FO3 particularly with the famous landmarks. It would be fun to have arena fights in Madison Square Garden and to explore massive skyscrapers such as the Empire State building above not to mention the New York subway system below. You could explore Grand Central Station, Times Square, Ellis Island, Chinatown, Harlem, Central Park, so many possibilities. The map borders would be easily defined, just have the bridges out and tunnels closed. I feel that the short line of sight of the urban environment works better with the graphics capabilities that we have so far although I have my fingers crossed as far as the new engine. The vast wide open spaces of New Vegas look terrible and dont really work well with the current engine IMHO although the Jungle idea mentioned earlier or any less open environment would probably be an improvement. I definitely prefer a post apocalyptic story setting to be in the rubble and ruins of civilization.

All of what you just sed would work in Toronto as well. Im for Canada.

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Indeed, Russia would be cool. (Not that they need any more residual radiation in their water, mind you.)


Alaska would be pretty sweet as well, as would returning to D.C (Especially if we DID get to explore all that stuff behind rivet city.)


My personal suggestion here, somewhere in Niagara Falls. Canada got annexed by the U.S, if what little i know of fallout lore is true, and the war seemed to be mainly against the U.S and China, so either China nuked the place to hell because it was annexed, or they didn't receive word of it and didn't even touch it. (By it i mean "us." coming from a Canadian here.)

Downtown Toronto, exploring the ruins of the C.N tower, which may well have fallen on its side, (corridors filled with mutants, anyone?) or being able to walk on the roof if it's still standing. Enemies in Canada in general could include ghoulified Chinese agents, maybe even a society of pure chinese, similar to the Enclave, or there could be the Enclave itself, because if Canada wasn't touched by China, then that means that there will still be American bases up there for the Enclave to inhabit.

In addition, real time weather effects could work, such as a nuclear winter, (to fulfull our stereotypical "Inuit" image) or regular weather, summer to winter, including ice freezing and thawing. And since we were annexed by America, there could still be American weapons lying around. It would be America, winterized perhaps, and with a change of scenery.

Niagara falls could be controlled by a faction like the NCR, similar to Hoover Dam, and you could travel across the river between the original, mainland United States and the annexed Canada.


Of course, there are ideas that are better then this, but it is still a possibility. Personal I'd prefer it to take place in Alaska, to be honest.

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Im thinking more of the North West maybe in Washington the state. FO wont leave the U.S. because like so many said, its based off the American 50's so people should get over that idea to avoid disappointment. This would also leave room for a possible Canada DLC or Alaska? There is also many conflicts in the North West that we haven't touched yet. This could also leave room for the NCR to come into play from California. But im pretty certain that FO series will not leave the U.S.
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Canada would be fun if for no other reason than hearing the characters say "eh". Imagine the excitiment of having to fend off a pack or Ghouls or Raiders just coming out of winter hibernation. No stimpacks in this one but plenty of maple syrup.
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Damn I need to check this post more often.


Alright so what we got so far...


Chicago is still popular, and, as an earlier post pointed out, as it is right on the edge of Legion territory we can assume that they would be a player here. The Midwestern Brotherhood of Steel would certainly be around, and possibly the Enclave as well. The East Coast Brotherhood could be a cameo, though I wouldn't make them a big player myself (although the thought of Liberty Prime coming in again gives me a warm fuzzy feeling).


New Orleans seems to also be a favorite. All the different types of swampy monsters you could include, all the fun of Mardi Gras, and, of course, just the crazy atmosphere of the town makes New Orleans a great place to go. The thought that the main antagonists being sort of neo-Confederates is an awesome idea. However, since they have just shown the Legion and I see no real way as to why or how they would be in New Orleans, I must think that this city may be on the waiting list. If they make a crappy DLC out of this, though, I shall personally invent the plasma rifle and melt a hole in the design team's office wall.


New York is still getting discussed a great deal. I am starting to believe this option is less likely, however. New York, while an amazing place to go, would be exceedingly difficult to pull off, and it currently has very little relevance in the game. We don't know how or if it survived, so it may or may not be a good place to head to. For now, I doubt it is going to be Fallout 4.


Europe and Canada are probably not going to happen. Sorry guys, but it falls out of America's reach and while Canada was annexed, it still doesn't hold enough relevance to post-apocalyptia to be considered important. And other than funny accents and a few new monsters, I don't really see a great main story from the region. DLC I believe is still possible.


Finally, California. A little while back I thought that this was not going to be a good place to head back to, as there wasn't really any major conflictors. But now I realize it may be a great idea. A civil war, the corrupted government versus the oppressed people. There are so many shades of gray in there that I can just see myself tearing my hair out over complicated moral choices. I think this would be a great story. The possible DLCs would be awesome too, revisiting the ruins of Navarro, exploring Vault 13... hell, there are a ton of ideas here.


Great job all, keep the think tank chugging!

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I dont like the New Orleans idea.... sorry. It would be like point lookout the whole game. I hated point lookout so much, Its always dark and dreary. I think fallout should be in a more dry climate, makes it feel more Fallout to me. I don't think they will go to New Orleans because of Point Lookout, it was like going to New Orleans on the steam boat. Well a piece of New Orleans, so they would most likely do another DLC.


New York would be fun to some point, but we would never get to see open ground like fields. We would be running around in ruins the whole time which would get a little bothersome and irritating. If a little part of New York was left, sort of like DC, then I could see it working out. Otherwise I dont want to be running around a maze the whole time.


Europe and Canada.... never going to happen.


I like the idea of a civil war California but I dont think we will see that happen. People dont want to revisit places we have already been. I personally dont want to see that much NCR, I would definatley go insane. There is not much else if California besides the NCR, and that would not fly with me. I want to see some of the factions in FO4, but I want a whole new war to engage in so I dont Cali is happening.


Chicago is the best bet. We will have lots of conflict to engage in. Lots of the old factions could be there like BoS, Enclave, and Legion maybe. I would also like a story line more like FO3's. More personal instead of fighting a giant war and choosing sides. Maybe they could have a big war that you can engage in but thats not your main goal. So I would vote Chicago.

Edited by TheeChosenOne
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