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Heads up: New Nexus site design soon


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Looks like the issue with the "About me" section in the member profile area is fixed. Firefox 6 beta here btw. Firefox wasn't the only browser that broke in. Opera and Chrome weren't showing it right before either. Must have been a standards issue if IE was the only one it worked right in before.


Also, yep, confirmed for old age blindness on my part, didn't see the comment tracking link. Thanks :P


I originally thought the orange was ok when I saw this earlier, but I'm starting to think that a more subdued color would be better.


Is the current TES Nexus logo coming back? The one with the legion guy and the house? You'd be surprised how much identity a more distinctive logo provides. The new one looks a bit generic.

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Okay, here is the zip. :)


My personal opinion is the OldNexus version. ;)


Little problem with the colour gradients on the orange there, Z.


@Dark0ne: As you are considering alternatives, I also did one in the old Nexus colours . It has smoother colour gradients on the orange bars.

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Well, here is my personal feedback:

Like many others here, I feel the biggest problem is the color scheme. The white on orange simply doesn't look very nice and actually makes titles hard to read. I think a white on darkish brown would be vastly better.


I dislike the generic looking logo. Something more "obliviony" would be vastly better.


I notice images are no longer featured on the main page. I think they should be fit in somewhere.

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Okay, here is the zip. :)


My personal opinion is the OldNexus version. ;)


Little problem with the colour gradients on the orange there, Z.


@Dark0ne: As you are considering alternatives, I also did one in the old Nexus colours . It has smoother colour gradients on the orange bars.

Yeah, mine aren't perfect, and are mostly for seeing how it could be. ;)

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Great, looks like every other f***ing blog website out there. Imo the old/current site is perfect.

One more profanity ridden comment like that and you won't have to worry about it, You will no longer be a member.




OH well, guess I show you the door now, multiple accounts are forbidden.


The moral is, if you are going to break one rule, we do check what you have been up to.

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Hm... The design, it's okay. I mean, not great, but surely okay.


I've seen a lot of design like these elsewhere... Is this a move towards conformity, or just a break from the norm? I'm just wondering. It's primarily the colour scheme that confuses me here. Quite bright in parts. However, I've seen far worse in that regard. The good news is: Looks nice and tidy.

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