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Heads up: New Nexus site design soon


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Since a lot of people have been complaining about the stripes, I tried re-colouring one without the stripes. :)



There's one darker version, and one lighter, more similar to OldNexus version. ;)

Edited by Zaldiir
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Each time I take a look at that new design it cracks me up. It looks like some kid glued collage paper. I sincerely hope that some future design will make me take my words back :D. All I can do is to be, at least, constructive and offer some suggestions.


To continue with the list:


11. Member's icons, names and stats in posts should be clearly visible. It should be visible who posted the thing. Icon should be bigger. Font of names and stats should be bigger and more readable.


12. "Add new file" looks very funny. Analogy with collage paper really applies here. White boxes should be grey. Combination of ash blue, grey and thin orange line would be appropriate here.


13. There are some errors with images in uploaded files, but I guess that can be fixed.


14. I like the fact that when you look at lists of top or uploaded files, you have descriptions. As I mentioned before, I don't like those wide orange lines. The name of the file with picture and description would be perfect. I can also suggest that description and picture can be displayed when you hover your mouse above the name (if this is not too difficult to make). That will display additional info only if you are interested in the file. This way, too much info is displayed at once and make browsing files difficult.


15. Description of uploaded files looks out of order because there is no box around the text.


16. I never liked feature that makes endorsement comments separated from other comments. I think that all comments should be in one thread.


17. Search is almost positioned well. It's position is better than in the old nexus, but it's still misplaced. It should be located in the line with buttons or on ugly orange line below.


18. Only white or orange letters on grey background should be used. Any drop-down list or box that uses white background with black letters looks odd.


19. Green buttons don't look very good. I would use ash blue or grey buttons.


20. FOTM don't look good. Colors and icons (for uploader and votes) in the old nexus make difference here.


21. File section doesn't look good at all. That part should look the best for obvious reasons. I like the fact that you can see more than one pic at once. Endorsements should be close to pic, because that's one of the most important info about the file. Green color should be used for number of endorsements (because of association green=good). Thumb up or up arrow symbol is also welcome. I like the fact that there are no negative endorsements.The names of author and uploader should be more visible. All states, name of the author and uploader should be close in space and near the pictures.


22. When you browse a file, you have "More from uploader" box where you can see some other files that s/he made. I like that.


23. Everything should be visible and accessible without too much clicking. Group info into logical groups and use links instead of drop-down lists. This "gestalt" helps you to get all info at once and to zoom into what interests you. Important info should be close in space so that you can see them all at once (like file stats, author etc). That's one of the coolest things I saw in the old nexus.


I miss old nexus already...

Edited by goranga
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@Dark0ne; Where did the icons for each Nexus site on the upper right go? Those are far more useful (provided one knows what the icon means) than a drop down list; so I can see the point on that change. Still, I'd rather have the icons. And yes, I realize that part of the updated design is about reducing clutter and eliminating redundancy, but the page just seems...empty. Once again I'm going to bang on about left justification, this time for the icons on file pages. Which also seem to over lap the big orage bar.



Here is the catch Natter, there are a lot of things that many of us "old-hands" don't like about the new design, simply because the design is new. At this point it is clear that Dark0ne is going to make the change he wants to make which isn't unexpected because he owns and runs the site. (Which is totally fine, btw.) But many of the complaints are about the way the new site is laid out and location of features that many of us have gotten used to having in specific locations. My main proble with the example page is that there are not example pages for say, Fallout 3 or New Vegas nexus. Also, all the Nexus sites have had different logos from the word go, which helped to differentiate between sites. Same with colors, one could easily tell which site you were viewing simply by the color scheme (or by checking the title, or tab, or url, or on and on...). Personally, I'd really like to see what FO3 Nexus looks like with the new design simply because, with the exception of layout issues, I think that for Fallout the new design would have a more "Sci-fi"/"Futurist" feel and would work with those sites just fine. We don't need one logo to rule them all, having multiple sites all with the same logo and same colors isn't interesting, its dull. One of the big attractions to the Nexi is that they are all visually different and are very different from other modding sites.

Edited by Smith099
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I got a problem with the new site: I can not view images of a mod. They are just invisible. O.o

Well at least it wasn't me. I updated a mod and thought the image was corrupted so I replaced it - which fixed it. Sure hope that won't need to be done for all of them!

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@Dark0ne; Where did the icons for each Nexus site on the upper right go? Those are far more useful (provided one knows what the icon means) than a drop down list; so I can see the point on that change. Still, I'd rather have the icons. And yes, I realize that part of the updated design is about reducing clutter and eliminating redundancy, but the page just seems...empty. Once again I'm going to bang on about left justification, this time for the icons on file pages. Which also seem to over lap the big orage bar.



Here is the catch Natter, there are a lot of things that many of us "old-hands" don't like about the new design, simply because the design is new. At this point it is clear that Dark0ne is going to make the change he wants to make which isn't unexpected because he owns and runs the site. (Which is totally fine, btw.) But many of the complaints are about the way the new site is laid out and location of features that many of us have gotten used to having in specific locations. My main proble with the example page is that there are not example pages for say, Fallout 3 or New Vegas nexus. Also, all the Nexus sites have had different logos from the word go, which helped to differentiate between sites. Same with colors, one could easily tell which site you were viewing simply by the color scheme (or by checking the title, or tab, or url, or on and on...). Personally, I'd really like to see what FO3 Nexus looks like with the new design simply because, with the exception of layout issues, I think that for Fallout the new design would have a more "Sci-fi"/"Futurist" feel and would work with those sites just fine. We don't need one logo to rule them all, having multiple sites all with the same logo and same colors isn't interesting, its dull. One of the big attractions to the Nexi is that they are all visually different and are very different from other modding sites.


In response: I totally understand where you are coming from^^. Maybe I just got lucky because I have only been on this site for about a year so I dont mind the changes so much :rolleyes: . There ARE some problems to be fixed, which many of you have generously pointed out, and they will be fixed in time. I also agree that its ok for each of the nexus sites to have their own unique appearance, but there definately should be a common symbol that unifies them all under a single (figurative) banner. Perhaps the arrows arent it. Maybe Dark0ne just likes it as a personal preference. It would have to be more mod related in general and not just game specific(although that can happen too) in order for it to make sense. Its also possible that Dark0ne will eventually make the Nexus a central hub that branches out to the different "core games, such as The Elder Scrolls, Fallout, and Dragon Age. This hub might have those examples that you mentioned, possibly with a slider system featured in the TESNexus. It might also have samples of featured pics from each game, as well as related topics and articles that integrate more closely with the forums as well. This new site is a step closer in that direction, and although it is unfortunate that a certain asthetic might be lost in the process, there is much more to gain by updating the site to be more user friendly in preparation for Skyrim and other moddable games. We cant predict how many mods will be added and how many members will join when Skyrim mods start getting pumped out, but if Fallout New Vegas is any indication, it will be daunting to say the least. I have no doubt some mod authors will make any changes in Skyrim, just to be one of first mods available, which will, undoubtly, get more downloads. The Nexus as it stands still stalls on me sometimes at peak times. With the anticipation of Skyrim mods and new members, the servers will be taxed heavily as more and more people download the new mods and post new images of the game. Robin as already moved the data to new, better servers, increased the speed of the site, increased the upload file size limit, and now he is getting the site redesigned. All of this on his free time too probably. Give him some time to sort through the bug reports and Im sure the new site will be very cool :thumbsup: .

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I personally don't like it and think that the site is fine as it is... It makes me feel quite a bit less comfortable browsing because I just think that the layout is bad.


In this case my opinion is:


''If it aint broke, don't fix it''

well, as has been explained by Dark0ne before, just because it isn't broken doesn't mean he can't improve it, right?

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I personally don't like it and think that the site is fine as it is... It makes me feel quite a bit less comfortable browsing because I just think that the layout is bad.


In this case my opinion is:


''If it aint broke, don't fix it''

well, as has been explained by Dark0ne before, just because it isn't broken doesn't mean he can't improve it, right?

Hehe well in this case there is no improvement, layout wise, it may improve features, but that's about it and imo they don't outweigh the functionality of the old layout :mellow:

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Dark0ne Hello, first congratulations for the great contribution you gave to community modding, now on the new site, I am trained in graphic design and web design then I will give my opinion.


In my view you have tried to make the site more "clean" however say that less is more, but you have to be careful not to fall into utter simplicity.


the second is not very suitable to wear white on top of orange, because of low contrast and loses readability.


third new files should gain greater attention, since they are the most "in my view" give the site every day to see what's new, it should also have a larger area to view such files on the last page 12 main, it is the times of highest viewing for those launches, and the day it launches several mods often overlooked many leave the list, the ideal was to have the last 12 or 15 released on the main page, since it is an area of great interest .


some important areas such as menus give a contrast is important to be identified more quickly with User.


and a touch of creativity and creation time is also important, is too formal this model.


about new features I would like the files that are up load in to mirror could be an endorser, as downloaded from the mirror are not recognized as a download time to endorse.


well think this is please take a constructive way, I admire your work but as requested I am giving my opinion as a professional.


sorry my bad english I am not American.


and continue with your great work.


big hug

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