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Heads up: New Nexus site design soon


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Rob, I might be blind here, but where is the Drop-down menu for editing a mod when on the submission page? I hope it's not removed, as that is a very handy tool for uploaders!


Oh, and when viewing your mods, is there any way to view them in a grid instead of a list?


Oh, and when editing the attributes of a mod, when I click enter to go to a new line in the description, the mod is updated, making it almost impossible to add new lines!

Edited by Zaldiir
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Rob, I might be blind here, but where is the Drop-down menu for editing a mod when on the submission page? I hope it's not removed, as that is a very handy tool for uploaders!


I haven't added that you, but it will be in before the switch-a-roo.


Oh, and when viewing your mods, is there any way to view them in a grid instead of a list?


The grid view is no longer going to be supported as per my blog post.

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Aww, crap. :(


The new site looks awful. Too bright colors, and everything's... weird.


Also wth happened to my grid view? D:

I don't like this new layout at all.


I know that at the end of the day, I'll just have to deal with it, but I really hate it right now. :[


EDIT: Also, what's wrong with the old one? It's not broken, why fix it?

EDIT2: All right, I understand that not me or anyone else can make you keep the old design, but I just read your comment couple of posts below, and you said you're not going to support the grid view anymore?! What? Why? I can't make demands but could you please, please, please still support the grid view? :(


Edited by Xirifus
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Not like it, too bad I did not speak English, let alone write it very well.

So I can't bring my opinion out very well.

But I can try and hope for understanding.

As someone has said, the colors and arrangement,need a lot of work to be on the same level as the old-one was.

Ai just say:Why reinvent the wheel.

At least let the opportunity to keep the old-one.

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No, seriously, stop this glossy button s#*! and gradients all over everything. Keep the current design and tweak its functionality instead. E.g. make searching for Morrowind files on TESNexus easier. Nobody likes to go through a list with a bajillion categories.

Edited by Roquentin
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Where have you been living?



1) IE - 53.68%

2) Firefox - 21.67%

3) Google Chrome - 13.11%

4) Safari - 7.48%

5) Opera - 1.73%


not sure if I would worry too much about firefox problems it is not widely used but explore and safari are the main stream browsers.

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Maybe make the "endorse me" button more pronounced? Like making it red or adding a little thumbs icon to the button or something? I just think it blends in too well so people won't notice it.
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