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iDTech engine coming to future Fallout and Elder Scrolls games


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When the dying iD was bought by Zenimax for Bethesda, fools screamed their hopes in the forums that the unthinkably awful current iD engine (that had been a 100% third-party licence FAILURE) would be used for Fallout 4. Gradually these fools were educated by more informed people as to why all Carmack's recent work was so poor- and by the time FO4 was appraoching release, everyone was grateful that iD technology was not involved. Sadly, as we now know, that wasn't quite correct, as Carmack's hopelessly broken texture streaming tech (from the Megatexture library) was incorporated in FO4.


But Fallout 4 was developed for the PS3 (and this version was only cancelled very late in the dev cycle- around the time settlement building was added in). Bethesda knew the ancient engine used for Skyrim and Fallout 3/NV was NOT going to be suitable for any current gen project- and had begun work to replace it. We now know the form of the replacement.


VOID is the engine name- first to be seen in Dishonored 2 (tho the current Doom game will be using much of its tech). Beth has done what every sane person dreaded, and bet the farm on iD technology. I have zero doubt that Skyrim 2 is being developed on this engine as I type.


No iD engine has every handled realistic vegetation, decent dynamic lighting, decent physics, decent dynamic animation and clothing, or well defined set dressing with precise object placement at all well.


Yes, the current iteration of iD's engine, as used in Doom, is 'fast' but that's because of the blobby, baked-in form of the data-sets. A literal prehistoric way of doing things that can be largely disguised in a fast-paced no-brainer shooter with large doses of consolitis, but would never suit a true open world title like Skyrim 2.


BUT Void will bake in a trivial, robust, consolitis modding system that would disgust those of us with Nexus style modding ambitions, but will suit Beth.net to a tee. It really is time for another company to take over the mantle of moddable open-world game development, but no other company seems to be stepping up yet.

Edited by zanity
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What's 'Skyrim 2'? Is that coming before 'Fallout 3 2'?


OMG NOOOOOO!!!! Not Skyrim 2.....I shall correct this ..... The Elder Scrolls V-2!!!! Yay sarcasm!!! It's so fun being facetious with naming conventions isn't it?dot dot dot


As for the actual post, I got nothing because I don't really care about pc vs console as I use both I'm gaming platform ambidextrious. I at first thought it was something to be interested in until I saw the PC master race BS pop up "consolitis" ugh.




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What's 'Skyrim 2'? Is that coming before 'Fallout 3 2'?


OMG NOOOOOO!!!! Not Skyrim 2.....I shall correct this ..... The Elder Scrolls V-2!!!! Yay sarcasm!!! It's so fun being facetious with naming conventions isn't it?dot dot dot


As for the actual post, I got nothing because I don't really care about pc vs console as I use both I'm gaming platform ambidextrious. I at first thought it was something to be interested in until I saw the PC master race BS pop up "consolitis" ugh.





Say what you want about the attitude of the PC master Race people but they are right about the advantages of the PC vs consoles..... At least with the current crop of them.


If consoles were to become modular and easy to update like PC and gain access to the many tools the PC has however (Something that may not be that far off) that will go away.




As for the whole argument about the engine. Bethesda mainly uses it at this point despite all the flaws because that is what all their people are trained on.


There are other engines at this point that would be easy and cheap (Relatively) or free to use that are better in a great many ways, but switching to them would likely mean that they would need to train all of their programmers on them which could take a good sized chunk of time depending on the engine & also mean they would not be working on any other project which in turn means allot of reserve $ being used for training instead of creating new stuff.

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What's 'Skyrim 2'? Is that coming before 'Fallout 3 2'?


OMG NOOOOOO!!!! Not Skyrim 2.....I shall correct this ..... The Elder Scrolls V-2!!!! Yay sarcasm!!! It's so fun being facetious with naming conventions isn't it?dot dot dot


As for the actual post, I got nothing because I don't really care about pc vs console as I use both I'm gaming platform ambidextrious. I at first thought it was something to be interested in until I saw the PC master race BS pop up "consolitis" ugh.





Say what you want about the attitude of the PC master Race people but they are right about the advantages of the PC vs consoles..... At least with the current crop of them.


If consoles were to become modular and easy to update like PC and gain access to the many tools the PC has however (Something that may not be that far off) that will go away.




As for the whole argument about the engine. Bethesda mainly uses it at this point despite all the flaws because that is what all their people are trained on.


There are other engines at this point that would be easy and cheap (Relatively) or free to use that are better in a great many ways, but switching to them would likely mean that they would need to train all of their programmers on them which could take a good sized chunk of time depending on the engine & also mean they would not be working on any other project which in turn means allot of reserve $ being used for training instead of creating new stuff.



Oh I'm not disputing the arguments about which has better performance, etc I myself prefer my pc. My xbox one is currently just a glorified netflix and blu-ray player. I grew up playing both, nintendo and a commodore 64 man I loved pitfall tickled me in places I didn't know existed when I found Pipfall in FO4!.....Anyway I do hope to help modders interested in console modding to test out their mods either on PS4 or X1. I guess like how DigitalTrucker is annoyed at skyrim 2, I get annoyed at seemingly informative post throwing the whole pc/console redundancy into it.


But you are right in regards to why they used the engine they did. But I don't think they would waste the money on training, no most likely they would shitcan everyone and hire people already using the new engine. From a business stand point that makes sense. They can begin new projects without the delay of retraining. However this being something I wouldn't expect from Bethesda more like an EA thing which ruins everything they touch excluding sports games don't play 'em, don't care to play 'em so can't say if they ruin 'em.


Skyrim 2,


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I didn't post that because I was annoyed, I posted it because 'Skyrim 2' is hilarious to me. To me 'Skyrim 2' sort of automatically implies that the poster isn't terribly familiar with the Elder Scrolls franchise. Combine that with the sourceless rant and...well...


Aww damn....I'm the only one that got annoyed by something in this post? I've become......THAT guy ; ;


Hangs head,


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The new DooM's engine doesn't seem that bad to me. It does have its own unique art-style but that is likely more the art teams direction than the engine. Seems to me it looks pretty sharp. *shrug* I will worry about that bridge when we get to it in several years. Right now, there is plenty to be done with the current game.

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