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A job I don't like with an excellent pension.  The robots do all the landscaping work and I hate having to get up and check it's station to find out if it's ready for the maintenance robot to check the cutting parts, the battery, the wheels, the ground clearance adjusters for raising and lower it's height to cut the grass the same hieght when it finds a hill near one of the golf greens.

I would have to quit playing golf that day make sure it's ready for another job next week.  While if the robot lawn mower needs adjustments I have to stay while the maintenance robot does the work refreshing it.  I sit and I play my favorite video game and wait until the mobile gets a ping to alert me and I have to scroll through all the finalized points to make sure all is done.

Swim in the River Nile, or swim in the River Thames in the wee hours of the Morning upon the first signs of Spring?

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2 hours ago, Oblivionaddicted said:

Swim in the Nile, at least I won't get cold

You certainly won't trying to out swim those Nile crocodiles. I've read that they can grow as large as 20 feet and weigh in around 1500 lbs. May you swim like the wind, grasshopper.

I'd rather rarely eat something I love. That way it remains special.

If you had a sizeable amount of disposable income, would you rather donate it all to a noble charity or invest it into checking off some of those bucket list items? You know, stuff like streaking down Hollywood Boulevard wearing nothing but a pair of $500 basketball shoes or skydiving into a pool filled with all of your stinking money.


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Donate to a noble charity.


Would you rather celebrate the new year in at least 2 places (say Hawaii then Los Angeles for example given the time difference) without the warranty to have the time to do everything you want or celebrate in one place with a shorter celebration?

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I don't celebrate the new year anymore. It's become cliche and meaningless for me as I've gotten older. And I don't really care for the fireworks either, finding them to be loud, obnoxious and a waste of good gunpowder. But to answer the question, I would choose the shorter celebration time in a single location.

It's an election year in the States, so I'm going to borrow a concept from South Park in order to pose the next question.

Would you rather vote for a giant douche or a turd sandwich?

Those are your choices, folks. Enjoy your 'freedom' to choose.


Edited by UsernameWithA9
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I would rather not vote for either.  Of course I might lean toward the the Giant douche if promises of free warm showers in the evening in every home were assured.  Concerning the Turd one, I would wait to see if anything sprouted from that one that might become a fungi.

Would you rather have a nutritious meal that leaves you hungry for more or a breaded buttery candied coated meal that makes you feel full and is hard to digest?


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Well, if you are registered voter and plan to visit the polls this November, you'll again be faced with this decision. So you got some time. Enough politics.

The breaded buttery candied coated meal, of course. I've literally lived on nothing but pastries and bagels, (chocolate chip bagel being a favorite), for days and can never recall an instance of indigestion. The blessing of having a high metabolism, eat what I want and worry not.

Would you rather carpool to work with a trio of rude and crude comedians or a trio of incessant debaters? 





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If food is hard to digest it just sits like rock keeping you from getting anything moving without drinking human drain clearer ( which is generally made up of fruits that will give you acid indigestion when eaten raw or made into a juice without adding something hard to digest ) and using a sink plunger.

Rude and Crude Comedians.  Rude and Crude was the norm when I was growing up.  example: Rodney Dangerfield.  Most of todays polititians need a prompter to read their speech from so they would be quiet as a rock making faces at each other while riding in a car pool.

Would you rather have a pet Elephant, or a pet Ass. ( for anyone that does not know what an Ass looks like: an Ass is a four legged animal that looks somewhat like a horse.  Is smaller than a horse and is bigger then a Donkey.

  Example of a Donkey is what Pinocchio was being turned into, and had the ears and a tail of a Donkey, in the Dis movie Pinocchio.)


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