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Would you rather?


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  • 12 years later...
Guest deleted156886133

Well, that's an easy one. I'd rather lose one arm. Using my toes and soles to masturbate would be nearly impossible. And those toenails! How would I clip them? I can't afford a pedicure.

Now, would you rather see all golf courses converted into national parks or developed to house your country's homeless population?

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House the homeless but it wouldn't fix the concentration of powers that allows the humanoid leeches to concentrate all the wealth


Would you rather rarely win with large brilliant victories or oftenly win with small successes?

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Guest deleted156886133

I'm an instant gratification kind of guy and also a realist. If you're waiting around for that grand victory, you could be disappointed because tomorrow may never come. The small successes seem more obtainable to me and would contribute to my happiness on a more frequent basis.

Would you rather achieve immortality, in the realistic sense, where your name lives on after you die for something achieved in life, or have a lifetime supply of your favorite vice?

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Ummm... well death is a bit final so I don't much care what people think of me when I'm dead. I'm not sure I care what they think while I'm alive! Not any more.  The ancient Egyptians thought that you kind of continued to 'live on' all the while your name lived on hence they obliterated some people's names. They can obliterate mine as much as they like once I'm dead. Actually, with the web as it is a bit of obliteration right now might not be a bad thing.

I don't have a favourite vice either. I'd rather see people happy here and now. Yes, that impossible dream thing.

So, would you rather be a hammer than a nail? I mean metaphorically of course...  

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Antarctica!  Because it has been melting so much lately they have discovered it has several spots thinned out enough to see it has buildings which will really give archaeologists a lot of fun trying to explain that to conspiracy theorists.


Would you rather read the stories from the "Tibetan Book of the Dead" or the stories from the "Egyptian Book of the Dead" to your descendants?

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I don't have any descendants so I'd read one sentence from each book in turn to anyone daft enough to sit near me. 

Is it better to have hot feet or cold feet?

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I read that women often have cold feet and men have warm feet.

So it deepens on whether it is yours you've pressed on your husband while he was sleeping soundly or his when he cried out at you, and the both of you got into a tickle round.

Would you rather swim in a pool with lots of lime jello cubes floating around or a swimming pool with a bunch of children and a fresh new Babyruth candy bar floating in it? 

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