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One thing I really really really don't get. Why would anyone use a "grief your own Fallout 4 game" mod like the 'damage numbers' mod above? Griefers are traditionally bored stoners who mess up multi-player games on purpose. But a SINGLE-player game? WTF. If one is so bored with FO4 (I mean conceptually), why on Earth wouldn't one give up and move on to another game (or book, or anything else usefully creative/entertaining they could be doing with their life)?


Don't get me wrong- your game of FO4 is yours to do with as you wish- and it is great that Nexus assists in this way. It's just that I do not understand self-vandalism mods, when every gamer knows that even the best games eventually wear out their welcome- which is nature's way of telling the gamer it is time to move onto something else.

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... you see that as a grief your game mod????? So borderlands griefed the game initially lol, plus it's fully customizable with size etc and can remove it, I had a metric shitton of fun playing with it and even making it despite the intensive time input, thanks for a pete hines moment though bro.

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One thing I really really really don't get. Why would anyone use a "grief your own Fallout 4 game" mod like the 'damage numbers' mod above? Griefers are traditionally bored stoners who mess up multi-player games on purpose. But a SINGLE-player game? WTF. If one is so bored with FO4 (I mean conceptually), why on Earth wouldn't one give up and move on to another game (or book, or anything else usefully creative/entertaining they could be doing with their life)?


Don't get me wrong- your game of FO4 is yours to do with as you wish- and it is great that Nexus assists in this way. It's just that I do not understand self-vandalism mods, when every gamer knows that even the best games eventually wear out their welcome- which is nature's way of telling the gamer it is time to move onto something else.

how is that mod in any way griefing? All is does is add a borderlands style damage indicator to the game. If you are going to make the argument that using that mods means the author is bored with the game you could say the same thing about pretty much any mod.

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One thing I really really really don't get. Why would anyone use a "grief your own Fallout 4 game" mod like the 'damage numbers' mod above? Griefers are traditionally bored stoners who mess up multi-player games on purpose. But a SINGLE-player game? WTF. If one is so bored with FO4 (I mean conceptually), why on Earth wouldn't one give up and move on to another game (or book, or anything else usefully creative/entertaining they could be doing with their life)?


Don't get me wrong- your game of FO4 is yours to do with as you wish- and it is great that Nexus assists in this way. It's just that I do not understand self-vandalism mods, when every gamer knows that even the best games eventually wear out their welcome- which is nature's way of telling the gamer it is time to move onto something else.

How many times did you tip your fedora while writing that?


I don't understand how you can say you respect people modding their game as they wish, but then go on to say that certain mods are 'self-vandalism'. Unless the mod is completely broken (which I highly doubt) you can't vandalize your own game. What makes this mod 'vandalism' anyway? Or do you think every (gameplay) mod is 'vandalism'? This mod doesn't mess anything up in the game, it just adds an extra element. Users aren't going to download this mod because they want to mess their game up, why would you want to ruin your (save)game?


Also, people don't necessarily make or use mods because they're bored of the game. They use or make it to make the game more fun for themselves. I for one am not bored of the game yet, but I will still download the damage numbers mod when it releases because it seems like a mod that would make the game even more fun for me, and I'm sure a lot of people agree.

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