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The Snow Arena


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There was another volcano that erupted in Iceland providing the changes during that time. Temperatures have returned to the highs that I was accustomed to that were in the 90s degrees F. and are now in more like the usual weather in the 80s as Augusts ends; and since the last Volcano gave us the strange weather.

There are so many forecasters declaring the worst weather are signs.   Giving future tellers a field day to say the least.   There is flooding in streets where there was heavy tourist traffic, and yesterday the streets were flooding up to their windows sills in a part of Thailand, yet they claim the tourists are still keeping them quite busy.

I scraped the frost off the inside of the mini-freezer box.



Just a little reminder to be ready for cooler weather and more snow.  Maybe I'll have to put the shop broom away and get out the snow shovel.  Or worse!  I might have to use the antique; twelve inch wide electric snowblower for my small sidewalk.

It's Autumn.  School starts tomorrow in some places around the U. S. A..

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It's definitely doing the 'seasons of mist and mellow fruitfulness' thing here though the fruitfulness part has been impeding by slugs of gargantuan proportions.

I might have more luck throwing a handful of leaves. However, lets see how the snow machine fares - it's still quite warm here - yes, that's buzzing into life nicely. A nice fat snowball coming your way.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Rain has been falling for two days now.  Even the freezer frost is getting thinned down when I opened the door.  It's cool enough outside the freezer the frost doesn't get a chance to form.

No splat today!


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  • 2 months later...

It's been snowing since morning.   It has changed from fluffy thick flakes to tiny specks constantly drifting down.

Not suitable for snowballs.  Yet!

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There was a tad of snow a few days ago. Right now it is 14 degrees and very wet outside... lots of puddles... If I put that in the freezer I could make a snowball so watch out.

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Too thin, too dry frozen snow.  So dry and thin not even a snowball if rolled in the snow could begin getting bigger so a snowman could have a beginning.  We'll just have to hope Mr. and Mrs. Frosty the Snowman and their snow children are safe and cold at the North Pole.

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  • 1 month later...

SNOW!  The forecast for one inch has come true.  One inch of snow has arrived.  Another inch is predicted for the afternoon, before darkness arrives.

(There is an old saying, Someone is giving you a Snow Job if they tell you a little white lie.  LOL  In the past couple of days I got the sense a person talking to me was giving me a pinch of little white lies.  Two inches worth.  Maybe?  I sure hope that this isn't the way Nature explains we have been lied to during the Winter months.  If so, I wonder how Nature would help us realize we were being told a little white lie in the other months of the year?  ;- } )

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  • 4 weeks later...

More snow!  Each time there is enough to leave an inch upon the paths.  Some on the vehicles parked along the curb in front of peoples houses.  I have used a small leaf blower to sweep it away.  Nothing to make any snowballs so we can play though.  It has been cold most of the time.  We haven't had more than a couple of days when it melted off the roof tops.

All those dark early afternoons and later sunrising mornings are becoming shorter.  It got light out earlier and didn't didn't get dark until after five pm. 


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Not a lot of snow here in the Twin Cities right now ... but still enough for a snowball or two. 🙂  ⚪⚪⚪

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