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The Snow Arena


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*Reeling from the unseen attack, Mojlnir scrambles for Roland...*


*Seeing him on his feet, Mojlnir shakes his head and looks at the mercenary army*


"All hands to the guns! I want that bird buried under a mountain of snow!!"


"Roland, if you would be so good, can you and some of your men scout the area for more hidden attackers?"


*Mad enough to spit nails Mojlnir stalks the lines, yelling at his men to lay down a stunning volley of cover fire*

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*Shaken, but regaining control, Mojlnir notices a note on the fortress door*


*Looking at it, Mojlnir noticed the paw of his old battle-mate White Wolf and breathes a sigh of relief*


"Always unlooked for, help comes in moments of need..." murmers Mojlnir as the vampire scouts return.


"Any sign of the enemy?" Mojlnir asks Roland.

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*Acrid appears before Mojlnir on the battle field and say's "do not worry, Peregrine is asleep at his keep, as we speak my forces are transporting him in a ice cage to my underground dungen beneath my castle, let us go there and deal with this pest, I'm sure the vampires will hold off the attakers here"*


*Ice shade unit's target the Ice Nuclear missle of mass destruction at peregrines keep.*

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*Mojlnir turns at the sound of a distantly familar voice*


"Ahh, friend Acrid, you are to be congratulated for the attack on Marxist, though I fear we have not heard the last of him by far."


*Moljnir tugs at his goatee and sizes up Acrid as he stands in the trodden snow before the walls of the fortress*


"You'll forgive me, but I prefer to remain here, behind my walls. You see I'm somewhat paranoid and I was about to sit for tea."


"Care to join?"

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*Acrid sighs, and then inviso-moves quickly in Mojlnirs path as he turned away to his inner keep, Acrid says "Fine, we'll stay here Peregrine seems out like a rock and I'm not worried about Marxist male without a father anytime soon, but I don't drink tea, the blood of man is well enuff, spare a servant?*
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*Giving Roland a knowing look, Mojlnir leads Acrid into a room lined with high windows. It is dark, and three large space heaters work overtime to keep it moderately comfortable.


"I have no servants, only honorable men who are contract bound. The blood is from the in-house blood bank, but its fresh enough."


*Mojlnir eye darts to the windows overhead, where faint shadows can been seen taking their positions*


*Mojlnir looks Acrid squarely in the eye...*


"And what of your proposed alliance with Peregrine? Are you trying to decieve me? Speak quick...and tell no lies. If you do, you will leave here a block of ice!"

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*Acrid almost smiles at such a gesture*


*You would be wise to side with me, regardless of my actions, you should be begging me on your knees for my alliance. For as we speak Peregrines fortress is about to crumble, I moved him from it first, incase I need him later. But come to that balcony we should be able to view it, jusy say the word, and his kingdom is gone!*


*Ice Shades await Acrids telepathic command, as they ready the Nuke for launch*

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*Appearing out of thin air, with a mighty yell Ancalagon dives to the ground to scoop a ferocious snow ball o'death and hurls it at....no one.




*looks around at the desolate waste of Ice and snow around him, consults map and then swears loudly


AWWW S***!


*consults digital gps map of globe again and whispers the one dreaded word.


Antartica.... :help:

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*Mojlnir smiles to himself, having anticipated the course Acrid would attempt*


"You still walk this world because I have decided not to freeze you...and yet you stand here, in my house and threated me?! Fool!"


*Frosty appears and drags Acrid from the room*


"Throw him out on his ear! And try to reach Roland, White Wolf and Ancalagon if you can...Things are about to get messy!"


*Mojlnir slams his tea and stalks out of the room, cursing*

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