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The Snow Arena


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Earth exploding behind him, Peregrine makes a blind hyperspace jump out of the fireball. Luck is with him as he drops back into normal space just out of orbit. From there he has an excellent view of the death of his home. As he enters hyperspace again and the planet disappears from view, he swears vengeance for the loss. Nothing less than the death of Acrid will satisfy him. Fortunately, at his destination waits just what he needs for that goal....



<ooc: wasn't there supposed to be snow in here somewhere?>

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*Acrid see's a vision of Peregrine still alive! Eager to find him to escape the hell purgotory turned out to be he trys to find a way out.


*Acrid yells with a space emmiting voice "Hey Peregrine!!!!!!!, I'm dead!!!!! again!!!! Little help here!!!!!! HEY!!! Look sorry about the earth, technically I didn;t destroy it, though I would have anyway, but still, itwas a mistake come on have a heart!!!!


*Damn I'm tired, I hope I don't get kille din my sleep, I mean I could of killed you iin your sleep, look Pergrine come get this time travel amulet (made of ice) I'm going to sleep ok? well tommorow mourning you should be able to have fixed the problem. and restore earth right? So I'll just wake up tommorow mourning in my bed in my kingdom and you'll still have the tower deal thing going, and I'll dismantle all nukes, I promise. :D

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Emry^2 gazes into her transdimentional mirror and views the demise Earth. "It's so sad when one of the dimensions disappear.... oh well, there's plenty more where that one came from." Changing the viewpoint, she now sees Acrid and Acalagon languishing in purgatory. "This won't do", she muses.


Feeling a brief moment of pity (very brief) she goes over her ACME Super- Dimentional Multidirectional Handy Dandy elevator and pushes a small blue button. The doors swoosh shut and the elevator is filled with a bad rendition of "Candle in the Wind". While on the ride so pours a potion of "Everlasting Snowball" into her hand. Soon a perfectly formed snowball is ready for launching. The elevator stops and the doors open. She sees the two gentlemen munching on toaster strudels and hot pockets.


"Step lively, gents. The game is not over yet. We can't allow Peregrine to fly (flew?) the coop! Are you with me?"

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*White Wolf gets up, shakes snow from his fur, then lopes off to the other side of the small section of crust floating through space.*


"Hmm, this could prove bothersome."


*Morphing into his human form, he pulls a small battered holdall from underneath his jacket.*


"Let's see...toothbrush, paperback, spare babel fish...yes, the towel's here...aah, yes."


*Pulling a small black box with just one switch on it, he presses it. Moments later, a green light appears, and he dematerialises, only to reappear on the bridge of a gigantic spaceship.*


"Number one, how goes the operation?"


"Not bad, sir, considering we had to bring forward the timetable by a couple of aeons, but we're actually ready now."


"Good. Proceed."


*An intense humming emanates from the ship and a curious swirling appears in space below it. With a gigantic 'SHLOOOP', a planet suddenly appears*


"Operation completed, sir. Earth II in place."


"Number One."


"Yes, sir?"


"Do you not notice something?"


"What, sir?"




"Well, with us having to accelerate production, we only had time to put snow on it, sir."


*Shaking his head in disbelief, White Wolf stalks off to bed, leaving the mess to sort out tomorrow.*

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*Ancalagon spies Emry^2, and she starts spouting something about 'stepping lively' and 'flying the coup' to which he replies


'Eh, He's the least of our problems, if I remember correctly wasn't it Marxist male without a father who had an army ready to conquer the known Universe?'


*Munches on a pocket thoughtfully


'Though, I have had the urge to join sides, but I don't know who...


*Suddenly, Ancalagon winks out of Purgatory taking with him the Universal Button, and a cubic particle storage space which can hold three Million Pizza Pockets, and for whatever reason, but horrifyingly enough, a regenerating supply of world shattering Cricket balls, and his trusty Cricket Bat made from the Black Ice of a Dead Star (don't ask).

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*Yawing and rubbing his full stomach, Mojlnir saunters out of small chinese resturaunt around the corner that he often frequents and nearly steps off the edge of a drifting chunk of what was earth*


"I go for dinner and look what they do to the place" mutters Mojlnir "If White Wolf was in on this there should be a new...ahhhh...there it is!"


*Mojlnir pulls out his handy knapsack, slugs back the rest of his Pan-Galactic GarggleBlaster (ohhhh that was good!), grabs his little black travellers guide with nice bright pink lettering that reads "DON'T PANIC" and flips to "warping back to a destroyed planet that was rebuilt" and starts reading*


"Thought so" says Mojlnir to himself with satisfaction. He clicks his heels together and......


"One to the Probablity of 450,000,000,931 against and falling!"


"Stupid cell phone" grumbles Mojlnir "I hope Ancalagon still has his with him...I could use a break...and I'd like to know if he knows where my plane is."


*Dials Alcalagon and hopes for an answer...*

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"Well, I'll keep it on in case anyone calls, but I need to be getting back to Earth and get about setting up another stronghold" says Mojlnir.


*Warps himself back to Earth, takes note of the wonder scenery...and promptly decides he would rather be back in that chinese restraunt*


"God I hate snow" muttres Mojlnir, kicking uselessly at the white stuff on the ground "There's only one solution for all this...a casino!"


*Mojlnir sets to constructing a Las Vegas like casino, with thousands of slot machines, all the craps, poker and black jack tables you could ever want and the biggest buffet yet seen in any plane of the universe. Hotel rooms that automatically conform to the occupants desires and toliets that flush by themselves are included. As well as hot towels and complimentary mints*


Standing in the glow of neon lights, Mojlnir nods approvingly to himself "This is way better than a silly snow fortress, that was so....last planet!"


*He sips a mint julip and heads inside to pull some nickle slots*

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