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The Snow Arena


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Tyjet was then reborn from the snow surronding his remains... It took time but he took his shape again.


He then quickly setup some ground soldiers armed with snowball launchers and created birds that dropped snowballs on the enemy...


Suddenly, 100 total troops charged at Sorrion. And Tyjet knew frosty the snowmans weakness... Warm water!! HAHAHA!!



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Postaldudeleo took a break from smoking pot and he went over to the snow world and began to piss patterns on frosty the snowman and dissolved him into frosty the yello puddle man..........................................


Also, several young children hobbits where scared that day from seeing a snowman being pissed to death.....................

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The ghost of Acrid returns............


"Behold the time has come!!!! I shall destroy all my old enemys!!!!!

Hey wait.... Who are you guys?"


.........Acrid looks around confused.....


"Well, um ok... sooo, uh whats up?"


..........Acrid feels out of place and slowly diapears whimpering...


"nobody remembers me"

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BCG Stormwind, Hyperspace: Return +0 Hours


The now-familiar anticipation of battle ran through Airen Tabanne's mind as the final moments of the hyperspace transit scrolled down on the main display's clock. On the map, the sixty ships of Peregrine's fleet closed on the dot marking their exit point... and their first opponent's stronghold.


"Crash translation in 15 seconds! Brace for impact!"


The nav officer's announcement echoed through the ship, and the crew made their final preparations for the painful stress of a hard translation. Tabanne looked back to the bird perched in the anti-grav field behind his command chair. Satisfied with his Admiral's safety, he snapped his own chair's locks into place and tried to prepare his mind for the transit shock.


Reality shattered and twisted as Peregirne's fleet dove through the wall between hyperspace and reality. One by one the ships of the fleet emerged into real-space, brilliant energy trailing from their shields. The crash translation had carried over most of their hyperspace speed, and the fleet's spearhead moved into the system at nearly a third of lightspeed.


Meanwhile, on Stormwind's bridge, a suprised Airen Tabanne watched the sensor reports coming in. Not a single space defense had met him! He'd seen the intelligence reports, but the confirmation that his enemy really was that incompetent....


Fortunately, his next actions were clear. "Attack pattern Beta, all ships fire!" he ordered, and the deck under him shook with the power of a full missile salvo. With no defenses to intercept the missiles, a kinetic bombardment of the target was possible. And will be a quick victory he thought. On the screen, a solid mass of missile icons closed on the planet. Their drives built on the initial transit velocity, accelerating to nearly .8c in their approach. A fatal velocity.... his thoughts ended in silence as the missile icons finally reached their target. On the screen, the planet icon changed from a hostile red to the gray of a dead rock.


On the planet's surface, the events were far less peaceful. The wave of missiles slammed into the planet with the full kinetic fury of the hammer of an angry god. The last thing postaldudeleo and his army saw was a blinding flash as he was erased from the universe. The entire continent shattered under the assault, and the shockwave destroyed all traces of civilization on half a planet, as well as removing the planet's atmosphere and about a third of its mass. Fatally damaged, the planet began to break up, but no survivors remained to care.

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Acrids Ghost appears on one of Peregrines ships


"hey I need to job, is anyone hiring?" Acrid Asked to a officer, the officer seemed to have more important task and send Acrid to work with the missle systems on board.


"Great! I know all about missles" Shouts Acrid, he then runs to the missle bay.

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Tyjet looked up as the missles came down and had one thing to say "s***...."


But fortunatly as long as water exsist ANYWHERE, Tyjet can be reborn in to a physical state...


Tyjet started to search for a watery planet... After finding one he created himself again and started to walk along this planet. He then wandered, where is my friend Eiade?

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As the missiles neared their targets, postaldudeleo finally found a tiny bit of enlightenment. With his last thought in the mortal world, he thanked Peregrine for ending his pathetic life. And then the missiles hit, and he disappeared from the universe.


(For those of you that don't speak Peregrinish, post removed for language and offensive content. Postaldudeleo, I suggest you grow up and stop posting such childish "humor".)

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Eiade was growing tired of these postaldude creatures. They were a menace. And they were insane. She went back in time where the two were about to enter the ship. Using her control of space-time fabric, she created thousnads of mini-black holes within their bodies, and their very beings were torn apart molecule by molecule. She took all of the particles of their bodies, and cast many of them into the sun, where they decomposed and were eventually destroyed, never again to be part of the original body. She took the rest of them, and traveled back in time once more, and threw them into that damn volcano. While she was at it, she traveled back further and killed his mother while she was pregnant with him, then went back to the present day.


She located her friend Tyjet, who was billions of lightyears away in another

galaxy. He was on a planet almost completely covered in water. A planet called Ohanla. She entered warp travel and arrived at the planet in a couple of minutes.


"I see you found your way out of that mess," she said to Tyjet. "I like your planet. It's really... blue. What shall we do now?"

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Sorrion popped out of a random hole in the universe onto his very own volcanic planet. As he was a giant yellow snowman, why not freeze lava. Its brilliant. He started to move around the planet freezing lava pits into strange rock formatinos as he went. He made faces and creatures and many other things. What else could he make of rock. He made figures out of everyone in the universe. Small of course. The size of the point of the needle. very fine craftsmanship. And then he stuffed them into his yellow self and he flew off to find othere friends.
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