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The Snow Arena


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Wipes away the tears of pain. Finds a huge slab of ice, breaks off a chunk and hurls it at Silvuru. It bashes him in the back of the head. He falls into a motionless heap in the snow. As Anomaly approaches him she notices that the pool of blood darkening the snow. Slowly backs away then runs. Muahaha.
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Silvuru I`s getting his ass out of his snow and sees that Shinjo is running strait towards him. Silvuru picks up his "ice sword of arm will return". and cutting Shinjos arm of shouting once again muahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahaha :ph34r: :ph34r:
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Six Hours Earlier:


"Very well, I will give you my view on Europe's situation." Parke paused a moment to collect his thoughts, then continued. "It's a disaster waiting to happen. Miller's 'government' cared only about their own power. I'm stuck with an intelligence network 20 years out of date. It's been enough trouble getting my internal intelligence up to standard. My only men in Europe are my own elite units, and they're far too few to do much. Couldn't have happened at a worse time... If you want my opinion, you're running out of time. Whatever you're going to save, you'd better save it now."


As if to highlight his last words, one of his intelligence officers flung the door open. "Sir! Mojlnir just hit us hard! Several cities with heavy damage and we're just barely getting the full story." A feeling of hopelessness stabbed through his heart... if things went badly now.... those cities would be a minor side note in the great disaster that would follow...


He turned to Aleksei. "I'm sorry, you'll have to leave. I will return to this discussion soon, but I need to deal with this for now." As his security men escorted Aleksei from the room, he began to read the reports.



Present Time:


President Jonathan Parke stared out the window at the snowball fight in the nearby park. If only things could be that simple agian, he thought. The weight of the universe's fate was a heavy one to carry... could he really do it? Again, he wished he could be young again, and down there playing in the snow.... but his duty was elsewhere. He returned his attention to the reports on his desk, and began planning how to salvage the mess he had gotten himself into.

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While experimenting with inter-planar travel Blackmage256 strangly entered a strange plane covered in snow...

*makes a teleportthingy and teleports on to Alpha Centari I*

*Starts raising a base by melting snow with fire and using his great tele-kenetic powers to shape it. He then uses blizzaga to freeze it again...*

soon he realizes that using Asterixes are tireing and desided to make an army of ice blackmages... to continue his civilization...

...6 hours later with his best minds working on the problem of mass interplanatery teleportation... he makes an ice Mothership... and desides to visit earth knowing that his slaves will figure out how to teleport his massive army in the few minutes it takes to get to earth...

when he gets to earth he lands on what used to be Marxist male without a father's fortress...

knowing that there will be need of defenses he raises ice walls with his magic... and sets up magical ice crystals that can freeze any intruder within 2km of them...

*then He waits... three minutes later a huge swirlly vortex apears over his base and it rains blackmages... He gets his umbrella and starts to yell at the blackmages that casted the spell for taking so long and continues to wait....

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errm well what i thought was marxist bastards fortress...

and suddenly my ship disapears...

i invite Anomaly into my fortress...

Waits for a responce...

(no i did not read it all its freaken 50 pages and im not even suposed to be on my comp right now so i have not the tiem to read it all)

(and to counter what they said in the other thread i add snow to the word to make it funner)


Waits for any one to enter his small land...

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meanwhile sludgewort has an army of snowmen who have snow-machinguns and huge cannons in his fortress on a large island


the fort has 7 walls




the shell:(farthest out)has massive cannons through the walls.


the bomb wall: (has tons of explosives) and the bombs can only be blown up by me


Outer fortress wall: Very, very thick walls also has lots of soldiers on top


middle fortress wall: exactly the same type of wall but has large catapaultsd on them


inner fortress wall: the most deadliest wall of them all (has large spikes that move back and forth so that annybody who gets in range is a shish-cabob


the outer facility walls: has guns sticking out of them


inner facility walls: (core) where sludgeworts lair is and is packed with soldiers


this is where the soldiers are made (in the core)

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