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The Snow Arena


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The Goddess upon seeing the salamanders said, "aww...they are so cute. Just like the ones I used to play with when I was a little Goddess in my mountain home."


At that thought she decided they would be most happy there in the warm and clean mountain creeks and thusly immediately and permenately banished them to those fine places.


She heard a chainsaw in the distance and thought about the nice wolfe fur coat she may need...but would handle that later.


The Goddess looked about and saw Nosisab sitting with a very anxious squirrel on his shoulder. She floated over to him and the Old One.




"Anybody want to try this party again?"


Before them appeared yummy selections taken from their wildest gastronomic fantasies. As the Goddess sipped her Cherry Coke from her favorite R2D2 cup she peered curiously at the Old One...well...at the Old One's nose, then at the Old One.


"Essential Oils, huh?" and then, "You know, John Denver never visited West Virginia before he wrote that song...and the Blue Ridge Mountains aren't in West Virginia...but I like the song...it was on EARL last night."


She offered Nosisab a smile and the Squirrel a handful of nuts as she swung her feet contentedly over the side of the still intact paper moon....

With real relief Nosisab thinks fantasy is not gone at all, as he remember the new old ones that constructed the arena so many eons...ehrr, pages ago. No wonder they left. When and where creative interaction was replaced by nonsensical destructive impulses? have the predators gone mad? was nature totally forgotten? How can't they see there is no glory reigning over nothing? just a sample of the irrationality only almost rational beings can nourish, he concludes.


Slapping away these thoughts Nosisab wisely knows is wiser accepting the gently and generous offer from the goddess, if not for it being just irresistible (and the squirrel seems to think the same way).


Cursing the curse of not being able to stop thinking little thoughts, he so thinks in weeks or so M wolfe's fur will grow flurry again enough to be a goddess worth coat. This would be a pleasure second only to seeing the scalped shivering wolf rethinking its ways.


The show must go on, Nosisab says fully original as he conjures 3 enhanced primeval trolls, a myriad of bug like critters, a dozen robotized and wardriven creatures he saw once in the mechanized 9th planet of Betelgeuse system. Caring to place then opposing the party field and near M Wolfe's bloodlush and caring to send a subliminal message "don't waste then all at once, you don't want trying to destroy the universe again for a mere annoyance". So his thought goes to NewtC and Bob, hmmm, will be fun to behold how they will behave once the common threat is gone, and teleport then just at the midway MW and the summoned ones (hoping the goddess is happy enough to forgive him mingling with her affairs). Well, maybe we all can really have a party we like at least.


Now Nosisab look at the Shaman and is pleased he and the goddess earned the kudos token of appraise for interpretation.


And again Nosisab look yet more pleased at the deliciously inviting dishes and says: -What are we waiting? Goddess, please take your place of right and let the party begin (and this time there is no doubts the squirrel have no doubts at this too).



Edit in off: Now Nosisab look at the Shaman and is pleased he/him and the goddess earned the kudos token of appraise for interpretation...

I'm really on doubt here about the use of the 3rd person meaning the second referred from the view point of a narrator (without resorting to the English grammar for beginners and morons).

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Killing the last of the zombies by ripping it in half (horizontally), Marcus sat down, exhausted by his zombie slaughter.


"Man, I'm thirsty."


He pulled out two bottles. One contained a refreshing Canadian beer, while the other contained a magical potion with unknown effects. Thing was, Marcus couldn't remember which was which. He sat there for a long while, trying to determine which was the beer.

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evilkoal decided to poke his head into the snow arena dimension, to see if everything was destroyed or not. upon seeing the great banquet, he walked out of his snow-koolaid portal, and (in his new, technologically superior to anything, armor [think warhammer 40k chaos terminators but cooler]) decided to offer up some lemon-lime koolaid to anyone who was at the feast. evilkoal began innocently munching on the flesh of lesser beasts, while sending his servitors (that he acquired in the other dimension) to please, and thank the goddess for this bountiful banquet of feasting fiestas.
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"Ah, what the hell, I'll just mix em both and drink that."


Big mistake.


Marcus Wolfe immediately turned into a monster as tall as the CN Tower and began terrorizing the attendees of the picnic, godzilla style!

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"Ah, what the hell, I'll just mix em both and drink that."


Big mistake.


Marcus Wolfe immediately turned into a monster as tall as the CN Tower and began terrorizing the attendees of the picnic, godzilla style!


Big mistake, indeed.


Oh my gosh, says MWolfe as the strange mix begin to liberate amazing amount of gases into the poor sod's belly.


The big inflated balloon godzilla like monster almost succeed this time at killing everyone from laugh, as Nosisab conjures a minor whirlpool and send it (wolfe together) at the midst of the myriad of buglike critters that immediately got to work covering almost instantly the immense body.


Once the first succeeded at piercing the over extended skin, the rocket like effect sent the wolfie spinning up to the high heights beyond the clouds, until the again just tall as a he was before and somewhat more beaten incorrigible figure splats the ground, this time with a disappointing lacking of firework effects. But not before falling first over the pointed headlike upper extremity of one of the Betelgeuse robots, that seemed not pleased.


Even one the primeval trolls failed to maintain balance and slides the snow hill, curling and gaggling out of control, unable to stop the laugh.


Enjoy yourself the gift I gave you M Wolfe, Stop trying to worn the goddess coat. the not so subliminal this time, telepathic message sounds in the Marcus mind.

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But at the last minute, nosisab was struck by the stick of comprehensibility, forcing him to speak in a manner which actually made sense!

Suddenly nosisab was struck by realizing he forgot to warn the presents he had replicated the party field again on the snow arena, as the papier moon seemed not secure enough against the insane self destroying fury of M Wolfe. No wonder the young old one was yet confused. Looking up to the remnants of the moon Nosisab felt a bit of guilt and thought at offering to lend some strength to rebuild it. No, was sure the mage, the Old one will care this when all this mess is over. At least this moon have proved to be useful at allowing uncommon and funny wolves rain.


The old old one, that played D&D before it being D&D again, though about this new and fascinating language that was one of the most if not just the most prominent of the nowadays world, and was sure he would do good being used with it. Well, since this doesn't meant the dreaded "English Grammar for Beginners and Morons" he would give it a try.


But yet he couldn't understand why the world seemed, more and more, to have difficulties at understanding more complex than direct and short statements, when the communication was even and ever more easier. Maybe this is actually the reason, he thought and drove away his attention.

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Since Wolfe couldn't come up with an actual response to the not unreadable diatribe of Nosisab, the Goddess decided now was a good time for that wolfe fur coat she had been wanting.


And since she was a Goddess and Queen there was nothing for Wolfe to do except stand cold and in his boxer shorts bemoaning his lame use of emotioncons in the Snow Arena.


As the snow continued to fall the Goddess snapped up all who wished to go and took them to the comfort of a new and much enlarged and stable paper moon.

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